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Laura Boicenco National Institute for Marine Research and Development

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1 Major shifts in the phytoplankton community of the Romanian Black Sea waters
Laura Boicenco National Institute for Marine Research and Development “GRIGORE ANTIPA”, Constanta, Romania

2 Phytoplankton sampled station in Romanian waters

3 Eutrophication process at the Black Sea coast in the ’70ies and ’80ies had important modification of the marine ecosystem: biodiversity loss reduction of living marine resources expansion of frequency, magnitude and spatial extension of algal blooms mass mortality of marine animals caused by hypoxia and anoxia

4 Abundance of the species involved in the main blooms in 1960 – 2003 period

5 Annual phytoplankton quantitative mean for and multi-annual mean for nineties and following decades in Constanta near-shore waters

6 Mean values of most important nutrients between 2000 and 2002 and some previous periods in Constanta near-shore waters

7 Proportions of the main algal groups in the numerical density means of the phytoplankton in Constanta near-shore waters

8 Number of phytoplankton species with massive development in the Romanian coastal waters during 1983 – 2003 period

9 Multi-annual mean of the phytoplankton quantities in the near-shore Constanta marine waters during period

10 Mass mortality of marine animals caused by hypoxia, in July 2001

11 Conclusions: nutrient concentration in the ’90ies still relatively high, compared with period the bloom frequency and magnitude in the ’90ies decreased after decline of nutrient supply diatoms became dominant in the phytoplantkon structure diatoms share and tendency of shifting of annual maximum algal development from summer to spring and autumn, seem to be signs for evolution towards normal status of plankton algal community

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