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Career Development Jayendra Rimal
Introduction If organizations assist employees in better preparing them for new responsibilities by enhancing the employability, organizations can be better prepared to meet its human resource needs through career planning and career management A new type of relationship is evolving from a more paternalistic to an exchange relationship for mutual benefit of both parties. But employees are expected to assume responsibility for own learning by exhibiting demonstrable value to the organization and understand the nature of business. Employers are expected to provide opportunities for skill development, training, education, employee’s involvement in decision making, assistance with career and performance based compensation etc. Jayendra Rimal
Defining Career Concepts
Career: The pattern of work related experiences that spans the course of one’s life. Career has objective events, like jobs and subjective views of work like attitudes, values, expectations. Careers develop over time, have multiple work related paths and experiences. Individuals, organizations and the environment are critical to the development of a career Focus is taken away from the stereotypical idea of the career as a stable, long-term, predictable, organization driven sequence of vertical movements. Jayendra Rimal
Career Development Research has shown that careers develop in a predictable and common sequence of events where people face issues and pressures which they attempt to resolve. Career Development is “an ongoing process by which individuals progress through a series of stages, each of which is characterized by a relatively unique set of issues, themes and tasks”. Both individuals and organizations have interests in an employee’s career and both may take actions to influence it. Two activities of career development: Career Planning Career Management Jayendra Rimal
Career development, contd…
Career Planning is a deliberate process of: Becoming aware of self, opportunities, constraints, choices and consequences Identifying career related goals Programming work, education and related developmental experiences to provided the direction, timing and sequence of steps to attain a specific career goal Career Management is defined as “an ongoing process of preparing, implementing, and monitoring career plans usually in concert with the organization’s career system Jayendra Rimal
Model of Career Development –Traditional View
1. Preparation for work (Age 0 to 25): Developing occupational self image; assess alternate occupations; develop initial occupational choice; pursue necessary education Organizational Entry (Age 18 to 25) Obtain job offer(s) from desired organisation(s); select appropriate job based on accurate information The Early Career (Age 25 to 40) Learn job; learn organizational rules and norms; fit into chosen occupation and organization; increase competence; pursue the dream Midcareer (Age 40 to 55) Reappraise early career and early adulthood; reaffirm or modify the dream, make choices appropriate to middle adult years; remain productive in work Late Career (Age 55 to retirement) Remain productive in work; maintain self-esteem; prepare for effective retirement Jayendra Rimal
Model of Career Development – Contemporary View
Some of the apparent challenges are changing demographics, competing in a global economy, eliminating the skills gap’ the need for lifelong learning and the advent of the learning organization. Individuals and organizations must be flexible and adaptable to succeed in this uncertain and changing environment. Hence new concepts of (and maybe more relevant) career development are being accepted: Protean Career: Individuals reinvent and drive their careers (proactive) over time as needed. Each person’s career is unique and they are on a search for meaning and self fulfillment. Exploration-trial-mastery-exit that are “succession of mini-stages” Multiple Career Concept Model: Notion of differing career patterns. Linear; Expert; Spiral and Transitory Jayendra Rimal
The Process of Career Management Development
Individually Oriented Career Development Model This states that effective career development begins as the individual responds to the need to make a career decision. Career development occurs in a series of steps though the order of progression through these steps may vary. It is a cyclic and ongoing process. Career exploration: gathering information about oneself and the environment. Awareness of self and environment: Deeper self awareness and understanding of opportunities and constraints in the environment leading to revision of career goals or strategy development. Goal setting: Goals may be specific or general. If goals are based on awareness of self and the environment, it is likely to be realistic. Jayendra Rimal
The Process of Career Development, contd…
Strategy development: An action plan with a timetable for performing strategies and achieving goals. Some strategies are competencies in present job, increased involvement in work, developing skills, developing opportunities, cultivating mentor relationships, image building and engaging in organizational politics. Strategy implementation: Carrying out the strategy the individual has developed can lead to progress towards the goal and feedback from work and non work sources. Progress towards goal: Extent to which an individual is nearing the career goal Feedback from work and non work sources: Valuable information about progress career goals Career appraisal: Feedback and information on progress towards the career goal allows individual to appraise own career. This can lead to career exploration leading to another cycle of activities Jayendra Rimal
The Process of Career Development, contd…
Organizationally Oriented Career Development Models It is also true that careers should also be more organization focused and should guide the career management system. Some models: Pluralistic approach: A career culture is defined by the organization’s structure, the performance that it values, and the reward that it offers. It aligns the organization and the individual. A system’s view: This states that there are 3 stages: The people system The job market system The management and information system Team based career development: Team members serve as models; teams reward behavior; teams determine training opportunities; people move laterally with the team; team evaluates individual and vice versa. Jayendra Rimal
Roles in Career Development
The Individuals Role: Knowing what: understanding industry’s O/T and requirements Knowing why: Understanding the meaning, motives and interests Knowing where: Understanding boundaries for entering, training and advancing within a career Knowing whom: Forming relationships that will gain access to opportunities and resources Knowing when: Understanding the timing and choices Knowing how: Understanding and acquiring the skills needed The Manager’s Responsibility: Coach: Listens, clarifies, probes and defines career concerns Appraiser: Gives feedback, clarifies performance standards and job responsibilities Advisor: Generates options, helps set goals, makes recommendations and gives advice Referral agent: Consults with the employees on action plans and links employees to other people and resources Jayendra Rimal
Issues in Career Development
Developing career motivation: Deals with how people choose their careers, how they view careers, how hard they work in them and how long they stay in them. A person with high career motivation will pursue career goals against setbacks (career resilience), formulate and pursue realistic career goals (career insight) and be highly involved in pursuing career goals ( career identity) Career plateau: The point in any career where the prospects of additional hierarchical promotion is very low. Traumatic experience accompanied by feeling of stress, frustration, failure and guilt. It can also be a time of change, transition, reevaluation and reflection Enrichment: career development without advancement: The need to develop career development programs without offer of upward movement or promise of job security. Jayendra Rimal
THANK YOU !!! Jayendra Rimal
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