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Published byΘέμις Καλλιγάς Modified over 6 years ago
Mrs. Cleghorn Jenkins 9th Rules Expectations Consequences
Honors Biology 9th Mrs. Cleghorn Jenkins How to contact me CLASS MATERIALS Required: ☐ 1.5” to 2” 3-ring binder or composition notebook Recommended: ☐ One pair of earbuds or ☐ College-ruled filler paper headphones ☐ Multiple pencils or pens (educational use only) ☐ 12 pack of colored pencils ☐BYOD- Bring your own device ☐ Box of Kleenex or (205) / Leave message with secretary Remind code: cj93bio Room 220 Class Procedures Grades 1. Be on time, on task & prepared to learn EVERDAY #nofreedays 2. Respect the teacher, the classroom, other students and yourself #benice 3. Be responsible for your own learning #quitcheating #workhard 4. Clean up after yourself and your peers #notyourmom 5. Keep all personal electronics PUT AWAY #onlywithpermission #notexting #notweeting #nopictures **These rules, along with the policies and procedures of the handbook, will be expected to be followed in the classroom. Rules 1. Be in assigned seat when tardy bell rings and start the bell ringer activity. 2. Put your name and date on all papers that are turned in. Follow directions on how and when to turn in 3. Do not use electronic devices in class without teacher permission. 4. Use restroom before class. Do not ask to use the restroom during times of instruction. 5. Only leave the room with permission and a pass. 6. Maintain a clean and orderly work area at all times. 7. Bring all of your supplies to class daily. In a total points system each assessment‐ whether homework, lab, quiz, test, or project‐ is given a point value. Students earn points on the assessment up to its total value. Points Earned Points Possible 100 Grade Expectations 40% 20% Consequences If you CHOOSE to break a rule: 1. Warning 2. Teacher/ Student Conference 3. Parent or Guardian Contact 4. Office Referral *Some actions may result in an automatic referral. *Tardiness will be based on school policy.
Mrs. Cleghorn Jenkins 9th Absentee Policy Late / Incomplete Work
Biology 9th Mrs. Cleghorn Jenkins Late / Incomplete Work Absentee Policy * YES, WE DID SOMETHING IMPORTANT WHILE YOU WERE ABSENT. It is the student’s responsibility to check the class folder, class website Google Classroom, or talk/contact the teacher to find any assignments missed. A student has three extra days to turn in any work or test assigned on a day a student was absent. If previously assigned work was due on the day of the absence, the work is due on the first day the student returns. A student must schedule a time within three days. Test will NOT be made up during class! Test/quizzes must be scheduled to take before school or during 5th period. Students will have three days upon returning to make up a test or quiz. My expectation is that ALL assignments be completed to a high level of proficiency (100%) and turned in on time. If an assignment is turned in and proficiency is not demonstrated, the assignment or test will NOT be returned to the student and the work will NOT be given back for a re-do. Late work will not be taken after the due date. See the absentee policy for days or assignments missed. * Printer and Internet issues are not an excuse for late work. Take advantage of the resources available at the school. Chromebooks will be used daily in this classroom. The majority of class assignments, projects, and assessments will be completed digitally through the Google Classroom or other online resources. Students are expected to abide by all school and district digital safety rules and guidelines. Failure to do so will result the student will be banned from technology while in this classroom and given alternate assignments. If a student does not have internet access at home it is the responsibility of the student to inform the teacher so alternative assignments can be provided. Google Classroom Code: q68189h Technology Plagiarism Cheating * The teacher will notify the administration and contact parents if cheating / plagiarism is suspected. * The student will be given a zero for that particular test or assignment. * The student will receive a minimum of three demerits. Plagiarism is the taking ideas and writings of another and passing them off as one’s own. In this class, plagiarism includes... 1. turning in another’s work as one’s own 2. copying work from a friend before class (or while in another class) Students caught plagiarizing will be given a ZERO for the assignment. Biology Schedule What are we doing today? A daily schedule is written everyday on the front board with all activities for that day. It will have information about the course of study, topic of the day, and the agenda of activities. 3rd Nine Weeks Biochemistry Cells Cell Processes Cell Division Photosynthesis/ C.R 4th Nine Weeks DNA Heredity Classification Theory Evolution/ Diversity Ecology I, ________________________________________, have read and understand the rules and expectations for Honors Biology. I acknowledge that it is my responsibility to contact my teacher if I have any questions or concerns. I know that this syllabus, assignments, calendars, and resources are available to me on the class website at any time and biology schedule is subject to change. I know that assignments can be submitted digitally at any time and that printer/computer/flash drive issues are not an excuse for late work. I understand that there will be a quiz over the information on this syllabus to ensure I read and understand the rules and expectations. Student signature __________________________ Parent signature ____________________________ Date _______
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