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Экологическая катастрофа в Арктике: аномальный нагрев Гольфстрима (до 21 ° C) и сдвиг (~ 200 км) к Гренландии из-за загрязнения океана нефтяной пленкой.

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Presentation on theme: "Экологическая катастрофа в Арктике: аномальный нагрев Гольфстрима (до 21 ° C) и сдвиг (~ 200 км) к Гренландии из-за загрязнения океана нефтяной пленкой."— Presentation transcript:

1 Экологическая катастрофа в Арктике: аномальный нагрев Гольфстрима (до 21 ° C) и сдвиг (~ 200 км) к Гренландии из-за загрязнения океана нефтяной пленкой Ecological catastrophe in Arctic: an anomalous Gulf Stream heating (to 21°C) and shift (~200 km) to Greenland due to ocean pollution by rainbow oil film Irina Bjørnø 1, Sergey Pershin 2, Mikhail Grishin 2,3 1 Russisk Kultur Mission I Danmark - RKMD 2 Prokhorov General Physics Institute of RAS, 38 Vavilova street, Moscow, 119991 Russia, 3 Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (State University), 9 Institutskiy pereulok, Dolgoprudny, 141701 Russia

2 Content of the lecture About Mexican Golf disaster and the global climate changes today. Problems and solutions: water temperature rising and the influence of presence of oil micro film in the surface of water. Our observations (by using Lidar systems) and suggested models for explanation of the Golf Stream course changing. Arctic and global cooperation. Water properties and temperature rising in Golf Stream - what we have learned up to now? Conclusion: Cooperation as a part of solution for global climate change - science needs the leadership and support!

3 Deepwater disaster 20.04.2010 4,9 mln barrel of oil was spilled by BP

4 Impact was terrible!

5 Golf Stream was

6 Arctic’s temperature was raised by 2 o

7 microfilm of oil now covers 20% of world ocean

8 Our contribution by using LIDAR technology - Light Detection and Ranging

9 Oil slick detection by Lidar in Russia:

10 Lidar return: oil film detection

11 USA: ocean monitoring (2011) Scientific Reports, 2 August 2012

12 Lidar Experiment: Oil film impact: 1.Produces green house effect - change in scattering coefficient 2.Change the surface tension of water 3.Effect of smoothing small-scale waves 4. Change in the fundamental water properties in boundary layer, attached to oil film

13 Lidar Experiment: Micro oil film impact: More field studies is needed in the near future

14 Oil tanks now:

15 Oil contamination spots in the ocean

16 When I was born, there were 3 bil. people on the earth - now it is about 7 bil…… in contrast: there was 7 mln km 3 but now 4 one !!!!

17 One of the keyword is Young generation education

18 Such meeting is our opportunity We have the technology for monitoring of oil films! BUT We need partners and support We are care about the future! We hope - you are care too!!

19 What about cooperation?

20 15 min are gone It was born 200x15= 3.000 new human Died - around 1500 Groth - 1500 new Homo Sapience During our morning session - 3 hours - NEW 18.000 people was born on the earth!!!!

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