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2 (Copy this in your notebook!)
Today’s Objective (Copy this in your notebook!) Today, I will be able to make relevant conclusions by identifying concepts and ideas from a reading selection about Athens and Sparta. (In other words, I will learn the major differences between these two city-states and be able to explain them!)

3 Greece 1200 BC – 300 BC (Years go backwards in BC counting down to 0) Rome 300 BC – 500 AD


5 Ancient Greece Greece consists of a mountainous peninsula and numerous islands. The mountains and the sea were the most important geographical influences on Greece. The many mountain ranges caused small, independent communities to develop different ways of life. Which is why they probably fought a lot!

6 Ancient Greece Greece has many ports, inlets, and islands.
They sailed into the Aegean, the Black, and the Mediterranean Seas, making contact with the outside world and setting up colonies and trade throughout the Mediterranean area.

7 NOTES Greece was divided into city states. Each major city ruled an area. Two Major City States of Greece were Athens and Sparta. The city of Sparta! The Parthenon in Athens!

8 TASK Half the class will read a paper on Sparta. Half the class will read a paper on Athens. We will then compare and contrast the two using our Venn Diagrams.


10 ATHENS? What did they value? What kind of government? Strengths?

11 SPARTA? What did they value? What kind of government? Strengths?


13 TASK Pair up with the person beside you. One person read about 1st phase of the Persian-Greek War One person read about 2nd phase of the Persian-Greek War Questions on next slide

14 QUESTIONS Answer these questions in your notes!
(You will be turning all readings back in.) Why did Persia invade Greece? What happened at Marathon? What happened at Thermopylae? Who won the war itself. (Not just battles)

15 Persians with light armor and wood shields could not withstand the Greeks who had metal armor.

16 Greek Organization was a key to their success.

17 1st stage of the Battle of Marathon.
Greeks in blue, Persians who landed by sea in red. 2nd stage of the Battle of Marathon, the Persians panic, and break up. Greeks chase them into the sea.

18 At Thermopylae the Spartan Greeks were outnumbered.
By placing themselves in a valley they took away the Persian advantage of size. The Spartans are wiped out at the battle, but kill so many Persians that the Persians decide to give up on invading Greece.

19 The Greek Spartans terrified the Persians.

20 NOTES Persian Empire invades Greece
Athens, Sparta and smaller Greek city states ally together. Battle of Marathon (Greeks win). Battle of Thermopylae (Persians win but lose too many men). Greeks Win the war!

21 Both Persian invasions of Greece failed!

22 RECAP What were the two main city states of Greece? What were Athens’ values? What were Sparta’s values? A Greek alliance beats Persia…so what?

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