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Geography of Ancient Greece

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1 Geography of Ancient Greece
6th Grade UBD - Unit 5 - Geography of Ancient Greece Geography of Ancient Greece

2 Essential Question How did geography influence the development of Greek civilization?

3 Preview Islands and Mountains- Ancient Greece had a very different geography than other river valley civilizations, such as Mesopotamia, India, China, and Egypt. The Persian Empire- The Persian Empire was one of the largest empires in the ancient world. It covered parts of three continents: Europe, Africa, and Asia. The Persian Wars- The Persian Wars were fought between the Persian Empire and the Greek city-states.

4 Key Ideas- Islands and Mountains
Ancient Greece was located in southeast Europe along the Mediterranean Sea. Ancient Greece was a series of mountainous islands and peninsulas. These geographic features affected the way of life in Greece. They affected what crops people grew and how people traveled. Greek city-states developed after the Mycenaean period with each city controlling the land around it. Greek geography made it difficult for city-states to expand their territory.


6 Islands and Mountains The Greek civilization was one of the great powers of the ancient world. The Greeks settled on a group of islands and peninsulas in southeastern Europe.

7 Islands and Mountains Greece’s steep mountains also affected the crops and animals in the region. Farmers raised goats and sheep because they could graze on the sides of the mountains. They used goats and sheep for milk, cheese, and wool.

8 Islands and Mountains The land of the Greeks was surrounded by the Mediterranean Sea.

9 Islands and Mountains The Greeks formed numerous city-states for the purpose of self-government. Some of the city-states—including Mycenae, Athens, Sparta, Corinth, and Thebes—developed distinct customs and policies.

10 The Economy of Ancient Greece
The people of ancient Greece used their geographic surroundings to their benefit. Sea travel and trade brought prosperity to many city-states.

11 The Economy of Ancient Greece
Some city-states also invaded and colonized surrounding lands in order to obtain more land and resources. Although much of their land was rocky, the Greeks found ways to introduce methods of irrigation to support agriculture.

12 The Economy of Ancient Greece
Many of the Greek islands and peninsulas grew many olives and grapes. Farmers were able to raise goats and sheep along the steep hillsides.

13 Unique City-States Greece’s geography made travel and communication difficult. As a result, it was hard to have one central government. Because of this, the city-states grew separately.

14 Unique City-States The Greek city-states grew in separation from one another. They did have some common culture and goals. When threatened, the Greek city-states worked together to protect themselves.

15 Unique City-States These threats often came from another great power—Persia. Persia wanted to have more power in the region. This struggle for control meant that Persia often fought with Greek city-states and colonies.

16 Summary Greece’s many mountains and seas contributed to how Greek civilization grew. Greeks used the seas to develop a rich trade with other areas. The islands and mountains led to the development of city-states rather than a united civilization. These city-states would change how future civilizations formed governments and studied the world around them.

17 Key Ideas- The Persian Empire
Cyrus of Persia united Iran under his rule. He conquered neighboring areas, establishing the Persian Empire. His successors conquered more lands until the Persian Empire stretched from Egypt to India. During their conquests, the Persians conquered several Greek colonies. King Darius organized the empire so that the Persians could control the vast and diverse land they had conquered. He created a single currency and built roads to link his empire together.

18 The Persian Empire - Persia was a place in what is now the country of Iran. This empire became an enemy of the Greek city-states. It wanted Greek land and power.

19 The Persian Empire Although the Greek city-states generally operated independently of one another, they sometimes joined together in the face of threats. 

20 The Persian Empire Some of the most severe threats came from the Persian Empire, a powerful empire that ultimately expanded through parts of Europe, Africa, and Asia. 

21 The Persian Empire The Persian Empire formed in approximately 548 BCE, when Cyrus the Great united much of what is today the nation of Iran. In the coming years, he conquered many surrounding lands and incorporated them into the Persian Empire.

22 The Persian Empire Darius I, continued the expansion and instituted a strong system of government control over the conquered lands. The Persian Empire’s increasing power led to conflicts with some of the Greek city-states.

23 Key Ideas- The Persian Wars
The Persian Wars united the Greek city-states together against a common Persian enemy. The mountains and islands of Greece made it difficult for the Persians to conquer all of the Greek city-states. The Greek victory against the Persians ensured that Greece would remain separate from the Persian Empire.

24 The Persian Wars When some Greek city-states began to rebel against Persian domination, a group of other Greek city-states united to assist in the uprisings. 

25 The Persian Wars The resulting conflicts between the Greek city-states and the Persian Empire are collectively known as the Persian Wars. After the rebellion ended, Darius plotted to conquer all of Greece, but his plan was halted at Marathon.

26 The Persian Wars In 480 BCE, Darius’s son, Xerxes, who was the new Persian king, launched an invasion by land and sea. 

27 Thermopylae Greek forces created a brilliant strategy, using their country’s rocky terrain to slow the advance of the huge Persian army at Thermopylae. After a fierce battle, however, the Greeks were defeated.

28 The End of the Wars It was not until a great sea battle at Salamis that the Greeks, using their famed sailing skills, gained the upper hand and eventually drove off the Persian invaders.

29 The End of the Wars The temple of Athena Nike was built as a memorial in recognition of Greek victories during the Persian Wars.

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