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Ancient Greece.

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Presentation on theme: "Ancient Greece."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ancient Greece

2 Our study of Ancient Greece is
divided into 3 periods: Minoan and Mycenaean Classical Greece Macedonian Empire (Alexander the Great)

3 The Geography played an important
Role in its history

4 Greece is surrounded by water:
Ionian Sea to the west Aegean to the east Mediterranean to the south

5 Aegean Sea Ionian Sea Mediterranean Sea

6 Also surrounded by many important
civilizations: South Africa and Egypt East Turkey, Asia Minor & Middle Eastern countries West Europe and Italy

7 Europe & Italy Persian Empire Asia Minor Middle East Greece Africa Egypt

8 its location enabled Greece
to establish itself as a major power of the ancient world

9 Greece is made up of the mainland &
Peloponnesus Peninsula, and about 1400 islands scattered throughout the Aegean Sea

10 Peloponnesus Peninsula Crete

11 The islands & rough Mountainous terrain Caused the communities to be isolated Contact & Communication was difficult


13 Crete the 1st Greek civilization was established
on the biggest island: Crete

14 the Minoan civilization
By about 2700BCE, the people of Crete had established the Minoan civilization

15 Myth of the Minotaur Pasiphae King Minos Minotaur King Aegeus Theseus Ariadn (p. 104 Other Places, Other Times)

16 Arthur evans excavated at Knossos on crete

17 found: -palace with winding corridors might be minotaur’s labrynth

18 clay tablets with writing
Linear a, b and c Only linear b has been deciphered

19 The Minoans were PeaCeful people Artistic - danced bull leaping painters (Frescoes- pAINTING ON WET PLASTER) GREAT POTTERS POWERFUL NAVY UNFORTIFIED CITIES

20 Meanwhile… the rest of Greece is divided into many kingdoms

21 the most powerful was Mycenae

22 the people were the mycenaeans

23 warring people strong armies fortified cities known for bronze work

24 King Agamemnon

25 Heinrich Schliemann excavated in turkey (troy) realized Mycenae was the other city in the trojan war


27 fall of minoan civilization
3 theories 1st - volcano erupted on santorini huge tidal wave &poisonous ash cover crete 2nd - towns destroyed in wars with Mycenaeans 3rd - trade weakened & Minoans adopted the way of life of other peoples

28 1200 bce Mycenae fell 2 theories 1st - bad harvests & fighting caused them to move 2nd - dorians invaded from the north and all cities in Greece but athens fell

29 dorians were uncultured
had no written language did not trade Greek dark ages 1200bce – 800bce

30 Classical Greece bce

31 Around 800BCE the Greeks built cities
and ports to expand trade A new written language developed Based on the ionic dialect and the phoenician alphabet

32 independent city-states or polis
the Geography caused communities to be Isolated. Ancient Greece was made up of many independent city-states or polis each polis had own laws forms of government customs.

33 city-states were very competitive
with each other. They set up colonies all around Greece.

34 environment around the polis
provided protection from invaders Surrounded by walls agora – a large open space for markets and meetings in centre of polis

35 Every polis had a god or goddess
Who protected the city and people Temples were built Many ceremonies and offerings given

36 Evolution of democracy
Government Evolution of democracy

37 monarchy or ‘rule by one’
Before the Dark Ages city-states were ruled by a king usually the head of the richest family in the area. monarchy or ‘rule by one’


39 Sometimes a person would overthrow
the government and take control. This person was called a Tyrant ‘ruler who governs in a harsh way’. THE GOVERNMENT WAS A TYRANNY

40 TYRANTS often liked gave the people a say in how they were governed. Some were cruel, greedy and harsh. These tyrants often replaced by other tyrants.

41 big step toward democracy
TYRANNIES taught the GREEKS they could make changes in government by uniting behind a chosen leader.

42 **Democracy comes from
2 Greek words ‘demos’-people and ‘kratos’ – rule. Democracy means ‘rule by the people’.

43 From about 500BCE onward, Athens has been a democracy. Only men, 18 years or older, who were born in Athens could vote.

44 The Greek Colonies vs. the Persians The Persian Wars BCE

45 Some populations grew larger than the
land could support So they set up Greek colonies all around The Mediterranean, the Aegean and Asia Minor The colonies in Asia Minor came under The control of King Cyrus of Persia

46 One of the colonies - Miletus - rebelled
against Cyrus


48 Athens and Sparta came to help Miletus
defeat Persia but they lost

49 As a punishment, King Cyrus burned
down Miletus and tried to invade Athens.

50 Athens won At the battle of Marathon
Followed by about 50 years of peace

51 They realized they needed to unite
the Greek city-states For protection from Future Persian invasion.

52 Delian League A group of polis’ formed a league With
Athens in charge called The Delian League included the polis’ around Athens and Attica

53 Each polis had to pay taxes to Athens for
Protection trading rights.

54 Peloponnesian League Sparta did not join the Delian League,
but set up a league of their own…the Peloponnesian League Included polis’ from the Peloponnesus Peninsula

55 Athens & Sparta

56 Athens By 400 BCE, Athens was a leading city-state busy cosmopolitan city democratic government (freemen could vote) centre for new ideas and trade from all over the known world.

57 People met in the agora to have debates
& discuss politics, philosophy Business NEW IDEAS & INVENTIONS

58 Life in athens Athenians Respected education: Reading writing music history Philosophy math Science art & drama

59 Boys were educated from
6 to about 14 years old

60 Famous teachers were Socrates Plato aristotle

61 Girls worked around the house
potters, weavers, cooks, cleaners Went to market Usually married at 15

62 Slaves made up as much as 40%
of Athen’s population


64 “Golden Age of Athens” “Periclean Age” 461 - 429 BCE AKA
Pericles - leading Athenian statesman Fixed up and beautified the city Built a protective wall around entire polis reaching to the sea Spread governmental power more evenly among classes

65 Built walls from Athens to
the port of Piraeus 6km long 500m across

66 Sparta Southern part of Peloponnesus Peninsula Land locked
Military state

67 .

68 By about 600BCE there were 25,000 Spartans and 250,000 slaves.

69 Didn’t have enough good land to grow
enough food so conquered other lands and created slave labour. Relied on a huge # of slaves called helots to provide food

70 Helot Rebellion

71 lasted 20 years until the Spartans formed a strong army to control the slaves

72 After rebellion Sparta was Ruled by two kings: one in charge of the military one in charge of religion

73 Focus of Society was on the Army
lived a very Spartan life - no luxuries Women were encouraged to have more than one husband men lived with other men in the army, not with their wives

74 Every baby is checked over by the
government for health and strength sick or weak babies set out to die

75 Food was basic & in small portions
Stealing was encouraged Getting caught was a sign of weakness

76 Peloponnesian Wars bce

77 In 431BCE, civil war broke out
between Athens and Sparta other city states joined in armies were well matched but Athens’ navy was superior

78 Sparta made a deal with Persia
Sparta gave up its colonies in Asia Minor in return for gold

79 Then they strengthened their navy
& defeated Athens by cutting off their food supply Athens surrendered

80 the Peloponnesian Wars
lasted 27 years left all of the city-states poor & weak

81 continued to fight each other
after the war

82 Persian Wars Miletus rebels against persia
From p. 120, “Other Places Other Times” Persian Wars Miletus rebels against persia Athens defeats Persian forces trying To capture the city Greek city-states form an alliance To defeat the persians Combined forces of Greeks defeat Persia Delian League is formed Peloponnesian league is formed Peloponnesian Wars War between athens and sparta begins Sparta sells control of city-states in Asia Minor to Persia Sparta strengthens navy Sparta defeats athens

83 Macedonia Macedonia were too involved with each other to notice
what was happening to the north in were too involved with each other to notice what was happening to the north in Macedonia Macedonia

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