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Chain Reactions Chain Reaction - the series of repeated fission reactions caused by the release of neutrons in each reaction.

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1 Chain Reactions Chain Reaction - the series of repeated fission reactions caused by the release of neutrons in each reaction.

2 Nuclear Fusion Two nuclei with low masses are combined to form one nucleus of larger mass. FUSION - 2 nuclei come together to form a bigger nucleus FISSION - nuclei are broken apart to smaller particles.

3 FUSION For FUSION to occur, EXTREMELY high temperatures must be achieved Fusion occurs in the center of stars and the sun when hydrogen nuclei fuse to form helium! When this process occurs heat and light are given off

4 Nuclear Reactions in Medicine
“Tracer” radioisotopes are used in the human body to help doctors study body functions. Example: PET (Positron Emission Tomography) Scan Radioactive isotope fluorine-18 injected into patient’s bloodstream and travels to the brain. There it begins radioactive decay and doctors can obtain a picture of how the brain is working.

5 Treating Cancer with Radioactivity
Radioactive isotopes like gold-198 or iridium- 192 can be implanted in or near the tumor. Tumors can be treated from outside the body by focusing an intense beam of gamma rays on the tumor for a short time. Cancer cells grow faster than normal cells, so they take up more radiation, but normal cells can be affected too and patients can have severe side effects.

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