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Page Practice problems: pg 53, #1,3,5,8,10

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1 Page 44-53 Practice problems: pg 53, #1,3,5,8,10
The Prokaryotes Page 44-53 Practice problems: pg 53, #1,3,5,8,10

2 Activity – What do you think
Read the section on page 44 entitled “How Important Are Microscopic Organisms” Copy questions 1-4 into your notes. Answer to the best of your knowledge

3 Prokaryotes Single-celled organisms that lack membrane-bound organelles

4 Prokaryotes Smallest living organisms Found living everywhere on Earth
Some are: Heterotrophs: Autotrophs: Chemotrophs:

5 Roles of Prokaryotes Pathogens: Examples: Decomposers: Food spoilage

6 Roles of Prokaryotes

7 Roles of Prokaryotes Example: in the intestines of animals
Live together with other organisms Mutualistic relationship: Example: in the intestines of animals The bacteria get a __________________ The animals get __________________________________ __________________________________

8 Roles of Prokaryotes Live together with other organisms Example:
associated with plant roots What do each organism get?

9 Roles of prokaryotes Used in food production
Cheese, yogurt, soy sauce, etc Example: Brevibacterium linens is one of the bacteria involved in the production of blue cheese Most recently, bacteria have been utilized for their ability to produce chemicals like ___________ and ___________

10 Kingdoms of Prokaryotes
Split into: Eubacteria (true bacteria) Archaea (ancient organisms)

11 Eubacteria Capsule: Cell wall:

12 Eubacteria Chromosome: Plasmid: Flagellum and Pili:

13 Eubacterial Metabolism
Aerobes: organisms that _____________ oxygen Why? Anaerobes: organisms that _____________ oxygen

14 Eubacterial Metabolism
Obligate aerobes: Facultative aerobes: Obligate anaerobes:

15 Cell Division Cells divide by binary fission Definition?
How is each daughter cell related?

16 Cell Division - Mutations
Occasionally a bacteria will make an error (mutation) while copying it’s DNA and then the daughter cell have a different DNA What is the effect of mutations? Is this a good or bad thing?

17 Increasing Genetic Diversity
Conjugation: Transformation: What is the purpose of these processes?

18 Archaea Extremophiles

19 Types of Archaea Methanogens

20 Types of Archaea Halophiles

21 Types of Archaea Thermophiles

22 Types of Archaea Psychrophiles

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