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Https:// Cells 1.2 Section 22-34

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Cells 1.2 Section 22-34

2 Spontaneous Generation

3 Spontaneous Generation

4 Cell Theory All living things are made of cells
Cells come only from other cells Cells are the building blocks of life

5 DIVERSE Cells are diverse in nature vary in size, shape,

6 ONE OR MORE One Cell More than One Cell

7 BALANCE Cells must constantly balance certain life processes:
Intake and storage of nutrients Growth Response to stimuli Exchange of gases Waste removal Reproduction

8 Cells Prokaryotes Bacteria Eukaryotes Plant cells Animal cells

9 Prokaryote Cell Simple cells No organelles

10 Eukaryotic Cells Complex Cells Have Membrane Bound Organelles

Basic Components Animal Cells Specific Features Plant cells



14 WS 2-1 Introduction to Cells
Using your Text Book page 27 – Complete the diagram on Page 1

15 WS 2-1 Introduction to Cells
Using your Text Book page 27 – Complete the Animal and Plant Cell Colouring WS on pages 2 & 3

16 Bill Nye the Science Guy
Video WS Cells Introduction

17 ORGANELLES Organelles are specific structures that carry out specific tasks

18 CYTOPLASM Jelly-like fluid that contains organelles

19 Cell Membrane A thin outer covering that regulates the movement of materials into and out of the cell

20 Cell Wall Plant Cells ONLY Structure that surrounds the cell membrane
Helps to protect and maintain shape of cell

21 Nucleus In most cells the largest organelle Central Command
Directs all cellular activities: Movement Growth Contains the cell’s genetic material or DNA

22 Vesicles & Lysosomes Vesicles act as temporary storage compartments (transport proteins) Lysosomes break down food particles, cell wastes, and worn-out organelles. Much smaller than Plant Vacuoles

23 Vacuole Plant Cells VERY VERY LARGE
Sometimes occupying up to 80% of the entire cell Act as storage compartments for waste products and Water

24 Ribosomes Protein synthesizers – makers of protein

25 Mitochondria Single = Mitochondrion Power Plant of the cell
Makes Energy required for Cellular processes

26 Mitochondria Cellular Respiration C6H12O6 + 6O2  6CO2 + 6H2O

27 Chloroplast Plant Cells ONLY
Carries out photosynthesis – makes energy for plants IS GREEN!!!

28 Chloroplast 6H2O + 6CO2  C6H12O6 + 6O2

29 Endoplasmic Reticulum
Two forms: Smooth and Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum Where of proteins and fats (lipids) are made Studded with Ribosomes

30 GOLGI BODY Process and sort proteins for transport outside of the cell

31 WS 2-1 Introduction to Cells
Using your Text Book & Notes in point form  Complete Table on Page 4 & 5

32 WS 2-1 Introduction to Cells
Complete the Cell Analogy WS on Page 6

33 Bacteria and Viruses

34 Bacteria One-celled living organisms Prokaryotes
Smaller than plant or animal cells

35 Prokaryote vs Eukaryote WS 2-1 Page
Small No membrane bound organelles Genetic Material (DNA), ribosomes, cell wall and cell membrane, cytoplasm Larger Complex with membrane bound organelles (like nucleus, ER, Golgi body) Genetic Material (DNA), ribosomes, cell wall (Plants Only) and cell membrane, cytoplasm

36 Bacteria Size

37 Bacteria Come in 3 basic shapes cocci (spheres) bacilli (rod shaped)
spirilla (corkscrew shape)

38 Bacteria SHAPE

39 Beneficial Bacteria Found in our digestive tracts and in the digestive tracts of all animals – help to break down our food

40 Beneficial Bacteria Bacteria are used to make many commercial products
Cosmetics Cheese Bread

41 Bad Bacteria Bacteria can invade both plant and animal cells
Bacteria produce toxins which kill or affect the normal functioning of cells

bacteria double in number every minutes under ideal conditions! 1 bacteria could fill the gym within 24 hrs under ideal conditions! 

43 Viruses Are not cells Are very tiny
Must be in a living cell in order to reproduce Not “ALIVE” until inside a host cell

44 Viruses – variety of shapes and sizes

45 Viruses – variety of shapes and sizes

46 Virus Bacteria Animal Cell

47 Viruses Are PARASITES Hijack the cell’s machinery to produce copies of itself Most of the time the host cell is killed in the end

48 Viruses that attack human cells
HIV Influenza Small Pox Measles Polio Ebola Vaccines are available for some but not all viruses

49 Zika Virus

50 WS 2-1 Introduction to Cells
Prokaryote Colouring page 8

51 Section Quiz


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