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Electronic Toll Collection Systems

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1 Electronic Toll Collection Systems
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2 01 Approach for Introducing Tolling 02 Objectives of Toll Collection
Agenda 01 Approach for Introducing Tolling 02 Objectives of Toll Collection 03 Tolling Schemes 04 ETC Technologies 05 Value Added Applications 06 Success Factors 07 Facts & Figures: A and CZ

3 Kapsch TrafficCom – Snapshot
Scope of business: Turn-key solutions, component sales and operations of road infrastructure related ITS solutions (focus: electronic toll collection systems) 16 years of experience in electronic tolling (218 references in 35 countries) Offering: Research & development of core technologies, systems & products (own manufacturing); system planning, implementation, integration & roll-out; technical & commercial operations of systems Selected references: Truck tolling system A Truck tolling system CZ All vehicle tolling (Melbourne, AUS) Number of employees: 1000+ worldwide Locations: Headquarters in Vienna (Austria) Development centers in Austria, Argentina, Sweden and USA Sales offices in 23 countries 20/09/2018

4 Approach when Introducing Tolling
1) Definition of the transport policy objectives and the legal basis Work out of a “toll master plan” defining the policy (“What are the objectives of the toll?”) Work out of a toll legislation (“toll act”) defining the necessary rules, principles and administrative procedures (“How is the toll defined – fee vs. tax? Who is entitled to collect toll? Who is in charge of compliance checking and enforcement (e.g. police, customs, etc.)?”) 2) Definition of the tolling scheme Depending on the objectives defined by the toll master plan an appropriate scheme has to be selected which best reflects the aims of the toll collection system (“Who has to pay toll? Which roads/zones/objects will be tolled? Distance-/Time-based? Tariffs? etc.”) 3) Selection of the technology The selection of the base technology has to be in line with the scheme to be implemented and should reflect the specific requirements of a given country for the entire life-time of the system

5 Objectives of Toll Collection
I. Financing of traffic Typically a mixture of financial tools is being applied (tolling is one of them) Fair pay per use principle Provides a maximum in flexibility in pursuing specific transport policy aims (traffic management, environmental protection) II. Traffic management Making users more aware of the costs of road use Regulating traffic demand Static, variable, and dynamic pricing III. Environmental protection More and more tolling plays an essential role in the greening of transport Allows to cut down emissions by reducing traffic Allows to promote low emission engines through low tariffs

6 Tolling Schemes - Overview
Tolling Schemes - Overview Highways / federal roads (/rural roads) Financing, traffic management, environmental protection Distance-based or time-based Truck-tolling /all vehicle tolling Short range communication, GNSS, or Hybrid Example: CZ, D, AUS, CH, I, F Network Tolling City centers Financing, traffic management, environmental protection Tolling, access restriction, low emission zones Static or variable pricing or driving bans/restricted access All vehicles Short range/ANPR Examples: London, Stockholm, Bergamo, Munich Urban Tolling & Access Restriction Object Tolling Tunnels, bridges, or highway concessions Financing Passage based pricing Conventional tolling (manual / ETC single lanes) All vehicles Examples: Öresund bridge (S-DK), Tauerntunnel (A) Hier können Notizen eingefügt werden. 20/09/2018 Menü "Kopf- und Fußzeile" gewünschten Text eingeben

7 ETC MLFF Technologies Short-range communication ETC systems:
EU: 5.8 GHz CEN DSRC (US: 915 MHz/5.9 GHz WAVE) Standardized (e.g. 5.8 CEN DSRC) > Interoperability Low cost onboard units Low operational costs (no over-the-air data transfer) Highest accuracy Roadside stations needed Infrastructure can be shared with other applications Satellite positioning ETC systems: GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite Systems) GPS, GLONASS, GALILEO Thin client vs. thick client More expensive onboard unit Higher operational costs (over-the-air data transfer) No roadside equipment (flexibility) Video ETC systems: ANPR (Automated Number Plate Recognition) Vehicles don’t have to be equipped with an onboard unit Ideal for city environments Manual verification needed (no 100% capturing rate) Hybrid DSRC/GNSS ETC systems Hybrid DSRC/ANPR ETC systems

8 Choosing the right ETC Technology (“ETC Technology Matrix”)
Hybrid sample:  DSRC  GNSS Tolled roads, zone, object Tolled vehicles Commercial vehicles > 12t + Commercial vehicles > 3.5t + Passenger cars Nation-wide tolling Highways Short range communication (GNSS) Short range communication + Federal roads GNSS (Short range communication) Short range communication / GNSS + Rural roads GNSS Economical efficiency? Urban tolling/ access City zone(s) Short range communication /ANPR Object tolling Bridge, tunnel, highway section Tolled roads, zone, object Tolled vehicles Commercial vehicles > 12t + Commercial vehicles > 3.5t + Passenger cars Nation-wide tolling Highways Short range communication (GNSS) Short range communication + Federal roads GNSS (Short range communication) Short range communication / GNSS + Rural roads GNSS Economical efficiency? Urban tolling/ access City zone(s) Short range communication /ANPR Object tolling Bridge, tunnel, highway section

9 Sample System: Kapsch Area (Hybrid DSRC/GNSS)
Overview: Kapsch Area is a hybrid system based on GNSS/GPRS and DSRC technologies; it allows a combination of DSRC tolling on highways and other main roads and GNSS tolling where roadside infrastructure possibilities are limited How it works: Vehicles are equipped with a hybrid DSRC/GNSS OBU OBU works in short-range mode on “DSRC routes” OBU automatically switches to GNSS/GSM on other roads Pure GNSS operation is possible too Characteristics: Hybrid system Thin client system (cost effective OBU, central tariff & map updates) High flexibility (easy adding of new toll objects) High accuracy (optimized map matching) High security (encryption of all data) 20/09/2018

10 Enforcement Overview: How it works: Available enforcement systems:
Enforcement has to be an integral part of each tolling concept ensuring that fraud is being reduced to a minimum, securing the income of the road operator and ensuring fairness to all road users How it works: Automated enforcement equipment detects potential violators Manual verification of incidents in the enforcement center Mobile enforcement is able to catch violators on street and do sporadic on-site checks Available enforcement systems: Fixed enforcement stations (for permanent compliance checking at strategically important locations) Portable enforcement equipment (> surprise effect) Mobile enforcement vehicles for on-site checks of flowing traffic Handheld devices for manual checks at rest areas etc. Enforcement center (as part of the back office system) 20/09/2018

11 Possible ETC-based Value-Adding ITS Applications
Possible ETC-based Value-Adding ITS Applications Electronic Toll Collection System Traffic monitoring Traffic statistics Traffic flow analysis Traffic Information, Management & Planning Speed monitoring HazMat tracking Traffic surveillance Safety & Security Access Payment End-user Mobility Services Fleet tracking Pay-as-you-drive insurance Industry Solutions

12 Success Factors System should ensure a maximum in profitability ( optimize business case) High accuracy for ensuring maximum income (1 billion income p.a.: 0,1% less accuracy  1 million less income!) Low initial system costs (e.g. low cost OBUs) Cost-effective system operation (high automation rate, minimal communication costs etc.) Future-oriented system concept ( ensure investment protection) Initial concept and technology decision should take future extensions into account (e.g. “from HGV to AV tolling” or “from highway to all road tolling”) Ensuring interoperability (e.g. with neighboring countries and local tolling schemes) Working technology ( minimize project risk) Matured and proven technology Guaranteeing maximal incomes through high tolling and enforcement quotas Providing scalability with respect to increasing user numbers (AV tolling 5-10 times more transactions than HGV!) Providing flexibility and openness with respect to future requirements (additional roads, traffic telematics) Professional project management ( ensure in-time system start) Experienced project partner knowing how to implement nationwide charging systems Single provider (fully integrated solution rather than a patchwork approach) Professional handling of sub-contractors

13 Facts & figures: Truck Tolling in Austria and the Czech Republic
Czech HGV tolling system Austrian HGV tolling system Owner Czech road authority ASFINAG AG Operator Kapsch Telematics Services CZ Start of operations Implementation phase 9 months 12 months Initial set up costs ~ 120 Mio EUR Figures not available Vehicles subject to toll HGV > 3,5 tons (since ) HGV > 3,5 tons Income per year 223 Mio EUR (in 2009) 1,062 Mio EUR (in 2008) Break even period After 8 month of operations Average toll per km 0,16 EUR (in 2007) 0,26 EUR (in 2008) Average toll transaction per day ~ (in 2007) ~ 1,8 Mio (in 2008) Toll parameters #axles, emission class #axles, emission class ( ) Network length (tolled roads) ~ km ~ km Road types Highways, selected level 1 roads Highways Toll sections ~ 480 ~ 880 Toll stations ~ 240 ~ 450 Enforcement stations (stationary) ~ 40 ~ 100 Mobile enforcement vehicles ~ 30 ~ 50 Point-of-sales (manned) ~ 250 ~ 260 OBU vending machines ~ 15 ~ 80 Type of contracts Pre-pay (45%) / Post-pay (55%) Pre-pay / Post-pay OBU obligatory yes OBU deposit ~ 50 EUR 5 EUR ETC-based ITS Traffic data capturing (toll data) Traffic sensors (toll stations)

14 Think of Traffic as an Opportunity.
Peter Ummenhofer Head of Competence Center Traffic Telematics Solutions Kapsch TrafficCom AG Lakeside B03 | 9020 Klagenfurt | Austria Phone +43 (0) | Mobile +43 (0) | Please Note: The content of this presentation is the intellectual property of Kapsch AG and all rights are reserved with respect to the copying, reproduction, alteration, utilization, disclosure or transfer of such content to third parties. The foregoing is strictly prohibited without the prior written authorization of Kapsch TrafficCom AG. Product and company names may be registered brand names or protected trademarks of third parties and are only used herein for the sake of clarification and to the advantage of the respective legal owner without the intention of infringing proprietary rights.

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