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Asia and Literacy in the Classroom

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1 Asia and Literacy in the Classroom

2 The moral imperative…. There are Many reasons to study Asia
The world is a big place, and Asia is on our doorstep; geographically it makes sense. But… Think about the impacts of Global integration and International mobility Environmental, Social, Economic pressures beyond our national borders requiring countries to work together in new ways Think too about our students, the young people in our schools today, and their ability to have the global connections in their pockets (by means of smart phones) Think about how the world has changed since they started school To what extent does the education of our young people reflect the magnitude of that change? Think about : The fall of a world superpower; The emergence of China and India as major economic powers; A culture of ‘outsourcing’ and a common understanding of what that means;Burgeoning of the internet; Personalised communication: mobile phones, texting, pod casting, blogs….We can all make your own list. And remember, the launch of television, space travel and personal computers that happened in many of our lifetimes, were a dream a generation before. 2

3 The moral imperative…. I am future’s child. I am 16 years old. I will be alive and well in 2070. My children will see the 22nd century. Can you even imagine what the world will be like for them? Wherever I live and work I will certainly be mixing in a multi national, multi cultural and multi faith setting; white people may be the ethnic minority. Are you confident you can design a curriculum that will equip me to live in my world? I am sixteen years old and I am sitting in one of your classrooms today. There are Many reasons to study Asia The world is a big place, and Asia is on our doorstep; geographically it makes sense. But… Think about the impacts of Global integration and International mobility Environmental, Social, Economic pressures beyond our national borders requiring countries to work together in new ways Think too about our students, the young people in our schools today, and their ability to have the global connections in their pockets (by means of smart phones) Think about how the world has changed since they started school To what extent does the education of our young people reflect the magnitude of that change? Think about : The fall of a world superpower; The emergence of China and India as major economic powers; A culture of ‘outsourcing’ and a common understanding of what that means;Burgeoning of the internet; Personalised communication: mobile phones, texting, pod casting, blogs….We can all make your own list. And remember, the launch of television, space travel and personal computers that happened in many of our lifetimes, were a dream a generation before. 3

4 Why Asia? – what’s the relevance?!
Kinky Girlinki Master Chef – Adam Liaw Surfers

5 Melbourne Declaration on Educational Goals for Young Australians
Equity and Excellence: schooling contributes to a socially cohesive society Goal 2 Successful learners: able to make sense of their world Confident and creative individuals: have a sense of self worth and identity; relate well to others Active and informed citizens: appreciate Australia’s social, cultural and linguistic diversity; communicate across cultures especially Asia; act as responsible global and local citizens Our Asia engagement, and Asia’s increasing influence globally, led the Melbourne Declaration to state the need for all young Australians gain knowledge, skills and understandings about the people, countries and cultures of Asia – the region in which they live and work and the heritage of an increasing number of Australians. It states the need for Australians to become Asia–literate to strengthen and enrich our connections, interactions and relationships with Asia.

6 Melbourne Declaration on Educational Goals for Young Australians
‘India, China and other Asian nations are growing and their influence on the world is increasing. Australians need to become ‘Asia literate’, engaging and building stronger relationships with Asia…’ ‘India, China and other Asian nations are growing and their influence on the world is increasing. Australians need to become ‘Asia literate’, engaging and building stronger relationships with Asia…’

7 Australian Curriculum
General Capability – Intercultural Understanding: required by all students Cross Curriculum Priority – Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia: priority for all students I think you will agree that intercultural understanding and Asia literacy are core to achieving the goals of the Melbourne Declaration and the Australian Curriculum. So what is ‘Asia literate’?

8 What is Asia Literacy??? “Asia literacy” is a shorthand term made popular by EX Prime Minister Kevin Rudd. Ask students for their ideas

9 “Asia literacy” is a shorthand term made popular by EX Prime Minister Kevin Rudd.
Asia literacy’ is foundational and deep knowledge, skills and understandings about the histories, geographies, societies, cultures, literatures and languages of the diverse countries that make up our region.

10 Global and regionally-engaged Asia-literate young Australians
The National Statement articulates what knowledge, skills and understandings an Asia engaged young Australian should gain through their schooling. Global and regionally-engaged Asia-literate young Australians

11 How Asia literate you?? Give the handouts

12 Countries of Asia? Angkor Wat – Cambodia – world’s largest temple complex Snow – Mongolia, China, India, Nepal, Bhutan, Japan, Korea, Pakistan, 12

13 What is an Asia-literate student?
Understand ‘Asia’ Explain ‘Asia’ – geography, history, culture, economy Understand diversity – environments, cultures, beliefs, societies Understand importance of economic, strategic, cultural links with world and Australia. A quick intro via the first activity. Fast facts This is the first part – looking AT a culture. Important that we don’t stop just here accumulating facts!! 13


15 What is an Asia-literate student?
Understand ‘Asia’ Developed informed attitudes and values toward Asian people, events, lifestyles, ideas Of plurality, interdependence Critically analyse stereotyped views of Asia Refer back to the two activities just completed 15

16 The River…. Get them to read this…. This is a literacy activity first
How could they use it? With whom? What strategies can you use? What are you trying to do? Emphasise the contemporary and traditional notions contained in it. 16

17 What is an Asia-literate student?
Understand ‘Asia’ Developed informed attitudes and values Know about contemporary and traditional Asia Connect Asia to Australia Communicate Develop intercultural skills and understandings to engage in diverse cultures at home and abroad Communicate in one or more Asian languages 17

18 I don't believe we can afford to put intercultural understanding off any longer.

19 The Wishing Cupboard Read the story Responses to the story
What else would you need to know to help you interpret the content of this story? Refer people now to the website


21 Strategies…. Examine the strategies at the end of each chapter
As a group, select three favourites and explain how you might use them in reference to The Wishing Cupboard As a group pick one to share with everyone else

22 Writing processes, forms, conventions and strategies….

23 Literature from/about Asia
Take a fiction or picture story book and have a quick review. Consider which age level you think it would be appropriate and how you could use it



26 A sample of resources Resources

27 Hands-on resources Select a non-fiction text
What age group is it appropriate for? How would you use this in a literacy class? Where/how else could you use this?

Information about Studies of Asia can be found most readily on this website. The Leading 21st Century Schools Victoria (L21CSV) program has a direct link from this site. Access can also be found to complimentary programs including scholarships for study tours, Subsidies to upgrade qualifications to Masters of Education and Professional Learning opportunities for teachers and principals The Asia literate schools rubric can be located here Victoria Studies of Asia wiki

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