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Pharmacotherapy for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

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1 Pharmacotherapy for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Presented by: Ann Wheeler, PharmD, BCPP Date: 01/26/2017 1 1

2 Learning Objectives: Disclosures and Learning Objectives
Know the two classes of medications most helpful for PTSD Be able to discuss the benefits of second-line treatment alternatives Disclosures: Dr. Ann Wheeler has nothing to disclose. 2 2

3 Discuss step-wise approach in treatment of PTSD Gold standard
PTSD in the Primary Care Setting Discuss step-wise approach in treatment of PTSD Gold standard Indicated medications Strength of evidence Second-line treatment recommendations Topic for next time 3 3

4 Pharmacologic Interventions
Psychotherapy (CBT) remains the gold standard treatment for PTSD All of the existing guidelines (6 out of 6) agree that trauma-focused psychological interventions are effective, empirically supported first-line treatments for PTSD Less agreement among guidelines in regards to pharmacologic interventions 50% agree that SSRIs are first-line (VA/DoD, APA, ISTSS) IOM guidelines found minimal evidence for all pharmacologic treatment options International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies

5 Pharmacologic Interventions
General Considerations for Pharmacotherapy: Main goal is to minimize symptoms rather than “cure” PTSD Hyperarousal symptoms (nightmares, etc) are the most likely to respond Medications should never replace therapy unless it is ineffective or declined Patient preferences need to be incorporated into shared decision-making because they can influence treatment adherence and therapeutic response

6 Pharmacotherapy: Strength of Evidence
Drug Class Drug PTSD Sx Remission Loss of PTSD Dx Alpha Blockers Prazosin -- Anticonvulsants Divalproex Lamotrigine Tiagibine Topiramate M Antipsychotics Olanzapine Risperidone L SNRIs Desvenlafaxine Duloxetine Venlafaxine Strength of Evidence: M=Moderate; L=Low; -- =Insufficient

7 Pharmacotherapy: Strength of Evidence
Drug Class Drug PTSD Sx Remission Loss of PTSD Dx SSRIs Citalopram -- Fluoxetine M Paroxetine Sertraline TCAs All Other ATDs Bupropion Mirtazapine Nefazodone Trazodone Benzodiazepines Strength of Evidence: M=Moderate; L=Low; -- =Insufficient

8 Pharmacotherapy: Strength of Evidence
Outcome Measure Paroxetine Venlafaxine Inducing remission X Improving depressive symptoms Improving functional impairment Improving quality of life Psychological and Pharmacological Treatments for Adults With Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Comparative Effectiveness Review No. 92. AHRQ Publication No. 13-EHC011-EF. Rockville, MD: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality; April 2013.

9 Pharmacology for PTSD: Antidepressants
Treatment Recommendations APA and VA recommend SSRIs as first choice when medications are indicated. Ideal for comorbid MDD. Sertraline and paroxetine are the only SSRIs with FDA approval for PTSD Dosing sertraline 50 – 200mg/d, paroxetine mg/d Response Most studies show a modest response (60% response, 40% remission) A deficiency in amygdala serotonin transport has been identified in some individuals with PTSD

10 Pharmacology for PTSD: Other ATDs
Studies with other antidepressants are mixed Evidence supports use of venlafaxine (75 – 300mg/d) NICE recommends mirtazapine, amitriptyline and phenelzine first-line; however less evidence supporting use No evidence for use of bupropion Sleep may be least likely to respond to SSRI Consider adding mirtazapine (low dose), trazodone, or a low dose sedating TCA like amitriptyline/doxepin

11 SSRI/SNRI Dosing Recommendations
Antidepressant Usual Starting Dose (mg) Low Starting Dose (mg) Therapeutic Daily Dose (mg) Paroxetine 20 5 to 10 20 to 60 Sertraline 50 12.5 to 25 50 to 200 Fluoxetine 5 Escitalopram 10 20 to 30 Venlafaxine 37.5 37.5 to 300

12 Pharmacology for PTSD: Antipsychotics
Should not be used first-line; exception is use for psychotic sx Sedating atypicals most likely to show benefit Quetiapine and risperidone are the most researched. VA revised guideline: CI for use an adjunctive agent—potential harm exceeds benefits. There is insufficient evidence to recommend any other AAP as an adjunctive agent for PTSD. Other medications are better choices as sedatives

13 Pharmacology for PTSD: Mood Stabilizers
Often shown to be ineffective, especially as monotherapy. Indicated for bipolar disorder w/ or w/o PTSD. Trials showing effectiveness are typically open-label Notably, valproate (Depakote) no better than placebo. Topiramate may be helpful for nightmares and flashbacks. Currently listed as having no demonstrated benefit in VA/DoD Practice Guideline. May be helpful in those dually diagnosed with an alcohol use disorder.

14 Pharmacology for PTSD: Anti-Adrenergics
More helpful in the short term Typically associated with less stigma May help with hypervigilance, sleep disturbance (nightmares) and activation Propranolol mg po 3-4x/day Clonidine mg po bedtime and PRN Prazosin 1 - 3mg po bedtime Guanfacine not supported in studies acutestressdisorderptsd-watch.pdf Central alpha-adrenergic agonists (e.g. clonidine) reduce sympathetic outflow from the alpha-2 receptor sites in the CNS, thus decreasing peripheral vascular resistance and slowing the surge of catecholamines. Prazosin is a central and peripheral alpha-adrenergic antagonist.

15 Adrenergic Agents Medication Dosing Adverse Effects Monitoring
Propranolol (non-selectively antagonizes beta-1 and beta-2 adrenergic receptors) mg po TID-QID Fatigue, dizziness constipation, bradycardia, hypotension, depression, insomnia, weakness, disorientation, nausea, diarrhea, hypersensitivity reaction, purpura, alopecia, impotence BP, HR CYP 2D6 substrate Clonidine (stimulates alpha-2 adrenergic receptors) po qhs Somnolence, headache Hypotension, abdominal pain Fatigue, nightmares, nausea URI, irritability, throat pain, insomnia, constipation, emotional disturbance, xerostomia, bradycardia, dizziness, temperature elevated, diarrhea, otalgia, sexual dysfxn, withdrawal sx Cr at baseline; vital signs frequently if cardiac conduction disturbance; HR, BP at baseline, after dose increases, then periodically Prazosin (antagonizes peripheral alpha-1 adrenergic receptors) 1 - 3mg po qhs (doses up to 15 mg have been studied) Hypotension, first-dose asthenia, dizziness, nausea, palpitations, headache, somnolence, hypotension (orthostatic), impotence, priapism, urinary frequency, dyspnea, arthralgia, myalgia BP; abrupt d/c is not recommended

16 Pharmacology for PTSD: Benzodiazepines
May be helpful for sleep in the short-term (≤5 days), BUT… Avoid in active or recent substance abuse SA in 40% of PTSD (75% if combat-related) Risks: Potential disinhibition, difficulty integrating the traumatic experience, interfering with the mental processes needed to benefit from psychotherapy, increased falls and mental clouding in the elderly, psychomotor and cognitive impairment, and dependence/addiction Data suggest benzodiazepine may impair therapeutic effects of treatments such as exposure therapy that rely on extinction learning Minimal evidence for actual benefit Little evidence for or against buspirone

17 Future Research Glucocorticoid receptors—modulate the effects of stress and development of PTSD Neuropeptides: corticotropin releasing factor (CRF), adrenocorticotropin hormone (ACTH), substance P, neuropeptide Y—improve resiliency of the brain to the effects of trauma. BBB is a challenge. Intranasal oxytocin has demonstrated some benefit in decreasing hyperarousal symptoms. D-cycloserine may facilitate extinction of conditioned fear Memantine (Namenda)—prevents neurodegeneration by protecting against glutamatergic destruction of neurons through its antagonism of the NMDA receptor. May be useful in preventing hypothesized neurodegeneration in the hypothalamus and memory loss in PTSD.

18 General Considerations
Define realistic treatment goals: Reduction in PTSD symptom severity Suicidal behavior Substance misuse Social isolation Comorbid psychopathology Global function/quality of life Assess response using validated scales

19 General Considerations
Common clinical barriers Fear of possible side effects (e.g. sexual side effects) Feeling medication is a “crutch” and that taking it is a weakness Fear of being addicted Taking only occasionally when symptoms get severe Using “self medication”

20 General Considerations
When to discontinue treatment: Effective treatments (treatment goals have been met) should be continued for a significant period of time At least 6 months and generally >1 year Those with early robust response may consider shorter duration

21 General Considerations
When to discontinue treatment: Intolerable side effects Lack of treatment effectiveness Partial effectiveness Switch vs. augmentation strategies Augmentation—difficult to determine if effectiveness is from 2nd agent or from a combination of the two. Only way to determine is to slowly taper first agent.

22 General Considerations
First-line SSRIs Second-line — examine symptoms Symptoms Drug Class Selection Excessively aroused, hyperreactive, dissociative episodes, nightmares Adrenergic agent Fearful hypervigilant, paranoid, psychotic Atypical antipsychotic Comorbid major depression Alternative antidepressant (venlafaxine) Labile, impulsive, aggressive Mood stabilizer Olanzapine helpful in some studies, esp as adjunct Quetiapine supported, though research lags Psychological and Pharmacological Treatments for Adults With Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Comparative Effectiveness Review No. 92. AHRQ Publication No. 13-EHC011-EF. Rockville, MD: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality; April

23 Pharmacologic Treatment of PTSD
Treatment Considerations First-line treatment recommendation Psychotherapy (CBT) First-line pharmacologic treatment options SSRIs (dosing is similar to depression) Best evidence with paroxetine Second-line pharmacologic treatment options Define realistic treatment goals and monitor for improvement Reduction in PTSD symptom severity Suicidal behavior Substance misuse Social isolation Comorbid psychopathology Global function/quality of life

24 Personality Disorders in the Primary Care Setting
The End Personality Disorders in the Primary Care Setting 2/2/17 24 24

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