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Vocabulary Lesson 11 E-I Standard.

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1 Vocabulary Lesson 11 E-I Standard

2 1. appease- to make calm, soothe; to relieve, satisfy; to yield to
A snack of fresh fruit should appease your hunger until mealtime. 2. belated- late, tardy The belated arrival of the party’s guest of honor put the hosts in an awkward position. 3. calamitous- causing great misfortune In 1906, a calamitous earthquake and fire leveled much of the city of San Francisco.

3 4. cite- to quote; to mention; to summon to appear in court to commend, recommend
Be sure to cite your sources when you write a research paper. 5. conventional- in line with accepted ideas or standards; trite Many people have rather conventional taste in clothing. 6. decoy- to lure into a trap; a person or thing used to lure into a trap The Pied Piper decoyed all the children away from the town of Hamelin by playing his flute.

4 7. delve- to dig; to search deeply and thoroughly into
Scholars continue to delve into all aspects of America’s Civil War. 8. ensue- to follow in order, come immediately after and as a result When an airplane crashes, both investigations and lawsuits can be expected to ensue. 9. impart- to make known, tell; to give, pass something on All over the world, elders imparted the traditions of their culture to the younger generation.

5 10. gallantry-heroic courage; respect and courtesy; an act or statement marked by a high level of courtesy The Medal of Honor is awarded by Congress to those who perform acts of “conspicuous gallantry” in combat. 11. judicious- using or showing good judgment, wise, sensible Cautious and judicious people consider all their options before making important decisions.

6 12. mediate- to bring about an agreement between persons or groups, act as a go-between; occupying a middle position; indirect, acting through an intermediary A neutral third party often mediates contract talks between labor and management. 13. milieu- the setting, surroundings, environment An authentic milieu is an essential agreement in a good historical novel.

7 14. outlandish- strange, freakish, weird, foreign-looking; out of the way, geographically remote exceeding reasonable limits Imaginative and outlandish outfits are popular attire at a costume party. 15. overbearing- domineering, haughty; bullying, overpowering, predominant An overbearing person has a strong need to be in charge all the time.

8 16. pert- high-spirited; lively, bold, saucy; jaunty
Most adults are willing to tolerate a certain amount of pert behavior in children. 17. quirk- a peculiar way of acting; a sudden twist or turn A writer may be famous for creating characters who are full of interesting quirks. 18. regale- to feast, entertain agreeably Most people are eager to regale their friends with accounts of their vacation adventures.

9 19. shiftless- lazy. Lacking in ambition and energy; inefficient
How can anyone lead a shiftless life when there are so many interesting things to learn and to see? 20. taint- a stain or spot; a mark of corruption or dishonor; to stain or contaminate The taint of bribery or other corrupt practices can put an end to the career of a public official.

10 Sentences 1. Two of the youngsters acted as_ while a third tried to swipe a few apples from the unguarded bin. Decoys 2. Without trying to_ deeply into the reasons for their conduct, just describe accurately what they did. Delve 3. Some people will never do the_ thing when it is possible to behave in an unusual or shocking way. Conventional

11 Assignment Choose 10 words from the vocabulary list. Write a sentence using each word. You are not allowed to use the following words: conventional decoy delve

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