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Congratulations…Welcome to UTHM PARIT RAJA….A Place To Be..

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Presentation on theme: "Congratulations…Welcome to UTHM PARIT RAJA….A Place To Be.."— Presentation transcript:

1 Congratulations…Welcome to UTHM PARIT RAJA….A Place To Be..
DR. ZAMRI BIN OMAR Department of Aeronautical Engineering Faculty of Mechanical & Manufacturing Eng. Phone : /7711 Room: C & A4, 2nd Floor

2 ~Conceptual Design basic configuration ? basic size & weight ?
basic performance ? involves various design alternatives & trade studies involves continuous/iterative changes/improvement Can any affordable aircraft be built that meets the requirements ? Design requirements to guide & evaluate the overall config. Interactions among all components are crucial ! Practically, it takes years to create a good conceptual design !

3 ~Extreme !

4 ~Conceptual Design 7 Pivot Points in Conceptual Design 1. Requirements
2. Sizing : Airplane weight (First estimation) 3. Critical performance parameters 4. Configuration layout 5. Sizing : Airplane weight (2nd estimation) 6. Performance analysis 7. Optimization


6 Conceptual Design ~1) Requirements
Requirements for a new airplane are unique. Generally, for any new airplane design; motivated by some established requirements RFPs by stakeholders, govts, military, etc.. Customer request. Most GAs ~new design set by manufacturers. GAs ~ manufactures really studied their customer needs. You, as the potential aircraft designer & manufacturer ~ is given with the Request For Proposal  RFP

7 Conceptual Design ~ A Case Study Design of A Propeller-Driven Airplane

8 ~(1) The Requirement To design a light, business transport aircraft, pressurized cabin. Max level speed at midcruise weight : 250 mi/hr No. of passengers : 5 (+pilot) Range : 1200 miles. Ceiling : 25,000 ft. Rate of Climb at sea level: 1,000 ft/min. Stalling speed : 70 mi/h. Landing distance (to clear 50 ft obstacle) : 2,200 ft. Takeoff distance (to clear 50 ft obstacle) : 2,500 ft.

9 ~(2) Weight ~1st Estimation
The takeoff gross weight, Wo; (1) Wc : crew weight (pilots, cabin crews) Wp : payload weight. Passengers, luggage, freight, etc.. Wf : fuel weight. We : empty weight. Airframe, engines, avionics, systems, equipments, etc..

10  (2.1) Estimation of We/Wo
Evolutionary of previous existing airplanes  A New Airplane Needed : historical, statistical data of previous airplanes (parametric study) airplanes from

11 For our 1st estimate, we choose;

12  (2.2) Estimation of Wf/Wo
Statistics; Airplane (L/D)max Cessna Beach Bonanza Cessna Cardinal Reasonable approx for our airplane  (L/D)max = 14 Use Brequet’s range eqn; Based on mission profile; (2)

13  (2.2) Calculation of Wo and Wf
One-crew airplane  Wc = 170 lb Payload; 5 passengers + 20lb baggage per person + pilot baggage;  Wp = 5(170)+20(6) = 970 lb. From Eqn. (1) See the amplification factor ! From eqn (2), Weight of avgas is 5.64 lb/gal. So the tank vol should be; Tank volume = 820 lb/5.64 = gal = 661 litres ?

14  TODAY’S ACTIVITY Group discussion Read the RFP, understand it..
Do the parametric study on airplane gross weight. AIRCRAFT TYES Business jet (passengers<10)~Hazman, azizan Wide-body aircraft (passengers <200, jetliner)~Hafiz, amal Light aircraft (passenger > 4, MTOW<5670 kg)~Arif,hendra Mircolight/Ultralight aircraft (2 passengers, MTOW<500kg)~Fikri, ruzaini Amphibian aircraft (MTOW<5670 kg)~Raudhah, wan syahmi Fighter Aircraft (2 passengers) ~ Jaswant, wan ahmad

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