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Outer Planets Edwin,Camile,David.

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1 Outer Planets Edwin,Camile,David

2 Saturn Saturn If you weigh 70 pounds you will weigh 74.5 in Saturn. Saturn is the sixth planet from the sun. Saturn is 887 million miles from the sun. Saturn does not have a solid surface. Saturn is called a gas giant. Saturn is the second largest planet. Saturn’s rings are made of rocks and ice A year on Saturn is 29 Earth years. A day on Saturn is 10 Earth hours.

3 Uranus Uranus is the seventh planet from the sun. Uranus is the third largest planet. Uranus does not have a solid surface. Uranus is called a gas giant. A year on Uranus is 84 years. A day on Uranus is 17 hours. Uranus’s rings go around the top and bottom. Uranus is a sideways planet which means Uranus spins on it’s side.

4 Neptune Neptune is the eighth planet from the sun.
Neptune is bigger than Earth. Neptune wieghs more then earth. Neptune has no solid surface. A year on Neptune is 165 years . A day on Neptune is 16 hours. A year on Neptune is longer than a year on earth. Seientists don’t know what causes Neptune storms and high winds.

5 Jupiter Jupiter is the fifth planet from the sun.
Jupiter has a great red spot that is a huge storm that’s been going on for over 400 years. A year on Jupiter is nearly 12 years. Gravity on Jupiter is much more than Earth. Jupiter is bigger than eleven Earths. Jupiter is 483 million miles from the sun. You can fit eleven Earths across the planet Jupiter. A day on Jupiter is about ten hours. Jupiter has no solid surface.

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