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Heat Transfer Ana Galvao, Julie Kessler, Luke O’Malley, Matteo Ricci & Jessica Young “L JJAM” aka “Dream Team” aka Team 3 CHBE446 02/02/18 Aka “Haha. A.

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Presentation on theme: "Heat Transfer Ana Galvao, Julie Kessler, Luke O’Malley, Matteo Ricci & Jessica Young “L JJAM” aka “Dream Team” aka Team 3 CHBE446 02/02/18 Aka “Haha. A."— Presentation transcript:

1 Heat Transfer Ana Galvao, Julie Kessler, Luke O’Malley, Matteo Ricci & Jessica Young “L JJAM” aka “Dream Team” aka Team 3 CHBE446 02/02/18 Aka “Haha. A great shot. Priceless. Yes, you do whatever you want”

2 HOT HOT HOT! Background Theory Conduction Convection Heat Exchangers
Photo Cred: Meghan

3 Heat Transfer The physical process in which thermal energy is transferred from one object to another as a result of a temperature difference Thermodynamics vs Heat Transfer Thermodynamics: How much heat is transferred How much work is done State of the system Heat Transfer: How heat is transferred Rate at which heat is transferred Temperature distribution within an object

4 How heat is transferred
Conduction Heat transfer due to molecular interactions. Convection Heat transfer due to the bulk movement of particles in a fluid. Radiation Energy emitted from matter through changes in electron configurations **Cover: main equations in Heat Transfer (i.e.: Fick's law, …)

5 Common Heat Transfer Parameters
Quantity Meaning Symbol Units Thermal Energy Internal energy present within a system due to its temperature U = Cv( T - Tref) J or J/kg Temperature Intensity of heat present in a object T C, F, R, K Heat Transfer Total thermal energy transport caused by a temperature gradient Q J Heat Rate Thermal energy transport per unit time q J/s or W Heat Flux Thermal energy transport per unit time and surface area q`` W/m2

6 Basic Equations Fourier's Law of Thermal Conduction
Q = -kA(ΔT) Q - Heat Rate (J/s or W) k - Thermal Conductivity (W/(m⋅K)) A - Area (m2) Newton’s Law of Cooling (Convection) Q = hA(T - Ts) h - Heat transfer coefficient (W/(m2 K)) T - Temperature of object Ts - Temperature of Surroundings Stefan-Boltzmann Law (Radiation) Q = eσA(T4 - Ts4) Q - Radiation rate (J/s or W) e - Thermal emissivity σ - Boltzmann constant ( (W/m2K4)) T - Temperature of object Ts - Temperature of Surroundings

7 Conduction: Shell Balances and BCs
General Procedure: Visualize system Draw shell Energy balance over shell Apply Fourier’s Law Solve for heat flux and temp gradient Types of BCs: Constant temperature Insulated Newton’s Law of Cooling **Cover: boundary conditions, composite wall

8 Conduction: Differential Eqns
General Equation Conduction Only Nonconstant k Thermal Diffusivity No Source Steady State and No Source **Cover: boundary conditions, composite wall

9 Conduction: Unsteady Negligible internal resistance (large k, Bi < .1) also called “lumped parameter” Negligible surface/ internal resistance (Bi > 100) Finite surface/ internal resistance ( .1 < Bi < 100 ) **Cover: boundary conditions, composite wall

10 Conduction: Quasi Steady
General Procedure Develop SS model for barrier Define Write sensible heat balance Barrier T(t) **Cover: boundary conditions, composite wall

11 Convection Heat transfer due to bulk flow of fluid
Much more difficult than conduction to calculate heat transfer analytically Correlation used depends on several factors Convective heat flow is where there is bulk flow of a fluid flowing over some surface typically a parallel plate or a pipe. The cases we generally look at have the surface temperature being constant. This space heater shows the hot air rising as it comes into contact with the surface, falling as it cools, and repeating. The temperature change in the fluid is much more difficult to calculate analytically than conduction, so several correlations have been found empirically for many different scenarios. The correlation depends on several factors such as whether the fluid is turbulent or laminar, if it’s flowing over a flat plate or through a pipe, if it’s gas or liquid, if there’s a phase change, and other factors.

12 Convective Correlations
Boundary Layer- Laminar Flow Reynold’s Analogy- Laminar Flow through Pipe Colburn Analogy- Turbulent Flow through Pipe Dittus Boelter Equation- Turbulent Flow through pipe n=0.4 for fluid being heated, 0.3 for fluid being cooled Here are some of the convective correlations. There are several more but these are some of the more common ones we used in Heat and Mass Transfer.

13 Convective Correlations
Overall goal to solve for the Stanton number Use the Stanton number to solve for the values of temperature in third equation The point of these correlations is to calculate the Stanton number. Which, as you can see here, can be related by several of the factors and variables shown in the previous slide. The Stanton number is more importantly related to the relationship between the inlet, outlet, and wall temperature. There are several ways to calculate the Stanton number, which means in some cases iterations must be used to solve for the outlet temperature. In these cases the outlet temperature is guessed based on inlet and wall temp. This temperature is used to solve for the dimensionless variables, which are used to solve for the stanton number. This temperature is again used to solve for the “Y” value in the equations above which is used to again find the stanton number. This process is iterated until the stanton values are the same.

14 Characteristics of HXs
# of passes Single Vs. Multiple Configuration of HX Double Pipe, Shell and Tube, Compact Direction of relative flow Parallel/Cocurrent Flow (same direction) Counter/Countercurrent Flow (opposite direction) Cross Flow (opposite direction, more complicated) **Cover: Types of HXs, types of flows (cocurrent vs countercurrent),

15 Characteristics of HXs
# of passes Single Vs. Multiple Configuration of HX Double Pipe, Shell and Tube, Compact Direction of relative flow Parallel/Cocurrent Flow (same direction) Counter/Countercurrent Flow (opposite direction)* Cross Flow (opposite direction, more complicated) **Cover: Types of HXs, types of flows (cocurrent vs countercurrent),

16 Characteristics of HXs
# of passes Single Vs. Multiple Configuration of HX Double Pipe, Shell and Tube, Compact Direction of relative flow Parallel/Cocurrent Flow (same direction) Counter/Countercurrent Flow (opposite direction) Cross Flow (opposite direction, more complicated) **Cover: Types of HXs, types of flows (cocurrent vs countercurrent),

17 You may solve for various HX parameters using analytical methods and correlations.
Calculations: Temp in & out Tcin, Tcout, Thin, Thout Efficiency Area of heat transfer A Overall heat transfer coefficient U Methods: Analytically Single, Double, Non-Cross Flow Correlations All Else Characteristics: # of passes Configuration Direction of relative flow **Cover: Types of HXs, types of flows (cocurrent vs countercurrent),

18 You may solve for various HX parameters using analytical methods and correlations.
Calculations: Temp in & out Tcin, Tcout, Thin, Thout Efficiency Area of heat transfer A Overall heat transfer coefficient U Methods: Analytically Single, Double, Non-Cross Flow Correlations All Else Characteristics: # of passes Configuration Direction of relative flow **Cover: Types of HXs, types of flows (cocurrent vs countercurrent),

19 You may solve for various HX parameters using analytical methods and correlations.
Calculations: Temp in & out Tcin, Tcout, Thin, Thout Efficiency Area of heat transfer A Overall heat transfer coefficient U Methods: Analytically Single, Double, Non-Cross Flow Correlations All Else Characteristics: # of passes Configuration Direction of relative flow **Cover: Types of HXs, types of flows (cocurrent vs countercurrent),

20 Heat Exchangers Log Mean Temperature Difference (LMTD) Number of Transfer Units (NTU) They are equivalent methods, since NTU is derived from LMTD without introducing any assumptions LMTD: more appropriate for sizing, easy when all temps are known, only directly used for single pass HXs, (otherwise figures are required) NTU: better if there are unknown temps, good for calculating rate of heat transferred, (no need for iterations), good for all types of hxs as long as effect. Is known,

21 Heat Exchangers Example: Calculating Heat-Transfer Area - Oil & Water in HX LMTD Method: Examples on pages: & 382 Applying LMTD and NTU on counterflow, single pass HX. LMTD: 1st: determine outlet temp of water using q(water)=q(oil)=mcT 2nd: find LMTD for specific configuration 3rd: Find area from given formula NTU: 1st: find both Cs and determine C(min) 2nd: Find effectiveness 3rd: Use charts to find NTU 4th: Calculate area

22 Heat Exchangers Example: Calculating Heat-Transfer Area - Oil & Water in HX NTU Method Examples on pages: & 382 Applying LMTD and NTU on counterflow, single pass HX. LMTD: 1st: determine outlet temp of water using q(water)=q(oil)=mcT 2nd: find LMTD for specific configuration 3rd: Find area from given formula NTU: 1st: find both Cs and determine C(min) 2nd: Find effectiveness (e) 3rd: Use charts to find NTU from e 4th: Calculate area

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