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Remember Heat is the amount of thermal energy an object has based on the motion of the molecules in the object. Fast Molecules = Hot Slow Molecules =

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Presentation on theme: "Remember Heat is the amount of thermal energy an object has based on the motion of the molecules in the object. Fast Molecules = Hot Slow Molecules ="— Presentation transcript:

1 Remember Heat is the amount of thermal energy an object has based on the motion of the molecules in the object. Fast Molecules = Hot Slow Molecules = Cold

2 How does heat move? Heat is a form of energy that can move from one place , object or system to another Heat transfer (movement of thermal energy) between matter is because of a difference in their temperature. In most situations more than one method of heat transfer takes place. conduction radiation convection

3 In what way does heat move?
Conduction: Heat moves from hot to cold by DIRECT CONTACT. Example: Warming your hands by holding a nice warm mug of hot chocolate. Example: Cooking pancakes on the griddle.

4 How does heat move? Convection: Transfer of heat by the actual movement of the warmed matter (liquid or gas) Example: Warming your hands by blowing your warm breath on them. Example: Cooking fruit with steam.

5 How does heat move? Radiation: Heat moves by electromagnetic waves. Can happen through matter (air) and empty space. Example: Warming your hands by holding them near the fire. Example: Toasting marshmallows over a fire. Example: Baking a pie with an Easy-Bake Oven.

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