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Ministry of Education and Science Fast Track Initiative Catalytic Fund Grant for Education Development in the Kyrgyz Republic Ms. Clara Niyazalieva, FTI.

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Presentation on theme: "Ministry of Education and Science Fast Track Initiative Catalytic Fund Grant for Education Development in the Kyrgyz Republic Ms. Clara Niyazalieva, FTI."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ministry of Education and Science Fast Track Initiative Catalytic Fund Grant for Education Development in the Kyrgyz Republic Ms. Clara Niyazalieva, FTI Project Coordinator, Bucharest, 2009

2 Children are willingly occupied with any kind of pastime. This is quite useful, therefore, they should not be prevented and, moreover, there should be measures undertaken to make sure that they always have something to do. Yan Amos Kamensky

3 A few historical facts Since the collapse of Soviet Union there was a decline in pre- school education because of dramatic decrease in number of kindergartens (from 1,406 to 465) during 1992-1995. Since the year 2002 the quantity of pre-schoolers entering any form of pre-school institute was gradually extended. As of the data the quantity of preschool made 448 by the end 2005. According to the available statistical data, in 2005 existing 448 preschool organizations could contain only 54 365 children that makes only 6, 8 % of all children in the Kyrgyz Republic.

4 Major issues for Early Childhood Development in the Kyrgyz Republic Access and enrollment issues Around 79 % of children aged 3 – 6 are without any form of organized early childhood education service Learning readiness issues Students in grade 1: only 20 % graduated from preschools; 38% graduated from preparatory classes. (National Statistics, Kyrgyzstan 2008) Thus, at least 40% of children enrolled in grade 1, are not prepared for the first year of school. Non prepared children are mostly from rural areas and poor families.

5 What is the government doing for improving preschool education? Political awareness and political will (Government, Parliament) Country development strategy (2007-11) Educational sector development strategy 2008-11, Educational sector development strategy 2011- 2020 New state standards for pre-school education New Law on pre-school education

6 What is the government doing for improving preschool education? Various programs exist on developing alternative preschool programs in order to address the urgent needs of rural communities: The Asian Development Bank, the Aga Khan Foundation and UNICEF are currently supporting preschools in rural areas at various scale (total around 300 CbCs and preparatory classes) Need to harmonize the above ECD programs

7 What is the government doing for improving preschool education? In November 2006, a decision was made by the FTI Catalytic Fund Strategy Committee (CF SC) to provide Kyrgyzstan with a grant of 9 million US $ for 2007-2008 to ensure access to good quality school education and achievement of EFA goals as set in the Education Development Strategy

8 How and why the Education For All Fast Track Initiative (EFA-FTI) supports the preschool education? Good quality of preschool services, strongly contributes on reaching the EFA goals because young children well prepared will have more chances to : - enter at appropriate age at grade 1; - complete primary education (UPC); - to experience less repetition and drop out.

9 Achievement within FTI Tranche- I. Material and technical base of 300 schools and 99 kindergartens was significantly improved through rehabilitation works. There were replicated and developed the following titles Reading books for pre-schools. Quantity - 260 000 books; 100 items of children's books published; Teachers manuals reprinted and delivered; 7 titles of methodological manuals developed; Reading books for 1 - 4 grades (2 books per each school year) developed and replicated. 22 145 14 000 As a result of rehabilitation work that were carried out at 49 schools, there were established favorable conditions for training of 22 145 students. Short-term pre-school preparation classes were established. 14 000 children received useful skills before entering school.

10 Before After

11 Before After



14 The FTI-CF Year II project should place emphasis on: 1.Increase country wide access and enrolment of children 3 to 7 in preschool programs, through community driven mechanisms 2.Improve the quality of ECD by improving the quality of ECD human resources 3.Improve Human resources capacity to achieve systemic and sustainable changes in preschool education in Kyrgyzstan

15 What are the innovations within functioning of various types of children centers, a complex and a comprehensive approach to ECDE, at a community, regional and national level? Establish alternative models of pre-school at already existing school buildings through a community driven mechanism; Increase country wide access and enrolment of children 3 to 7 in preschool programs, with a target to children 6 to 7 and inclusion of poorest and vulnerable; Improve the quality of ECD by improving the quality of ECD human resources, ECD teachers, methodologists, teacher trainers and MoE administrators.

16 Speaking with a child, and entertaining him is much harder than winning the elections. But, the reward we get is much greater. - -Colett

17 References: Ms. Aigly Zafeirakou, Consultant / Education Specialist, Washington D.C

18 How to contact us? Ms. Clara Niyazalieva, Project coordinator /presenter, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic) Tel: +996312662967 E-mail: __________________________________ Thank you for your attention!!!

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