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Regional support mechanism

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1 Regional support mechanism

2 R-UNDG core functions Provision of technical/programme support to RCs and UNCTs Quality assurance support and advice on common country programming (e.g. UNDAF, Delivering as One process) Performance management and oversight of RCs and the UNCTs “Trouble shooting” in complex country situations, dispute resolution, etc.

3 Provision of integrated and timely technical advisory and programmatic
Quality Support & Assurance and Programme Support (QSA/PSG) Operations Management Committee (OMC) Regional United Nations AIDS Team For Eastern and Southern Africa (RATESA) Emergency Preparedness and Humanitarian Response (EPHR) Health Working Group Food Security and Nutrition Working Group

4 Country focal agencies
Focal Point Alternate Focal Point Angola UNDP UNICEF Botswana UNEP UNFPA Burundi UNESCO Comoros WFP (Southern Africa) Eritrea WHO Ethiopia WFP (East & Central Africa) & FAO Kenya WFP (East & Central Africa) Lesotho UNAIDS Madagascar FAO Malawi Mauritius & Seychelles Mozambique OCHA Namibia Rwanda South Africa South Sudan UNWOMEN/UNDP Swaziland Tanzania Uganda Zambia Zimbabwe

5 QSA/PSG quality assurance activities

6 Roadmap & common country analysis
Organizes and facilitates regional workshops for UNDAF roll-out countries on UNDAF guidelines, lessons learned and good practices Reviews the roadmap and provide feedback to the UNCT Country Analysis Reviews the ToR and strategic direction of the CCA as a basis for the strategic prioritization framework, including the UN’s collective advantage Monitors and participates in country analysis exercises as outlined in UNDAF roadmaps Facilitates in-country workshops on the 4 core programming principles of the UNDAF Provides comments on the CCA Supports comparative advantage exercises Mandatory Available technical assistance

7 Visioning, Planning & Implementation
Facilitates and support the organization of 2030 Visioning exercises, including sharing of methodologies, and regional lessons learned and good practices Strategic Planning Provides or brokers technical expertise in undertaking prioritization exercises for the UNDAF Provides concise comments on the draft Results Matrices and UNDAFs, including a review of the application of the 4 core programming principles and the parameters for integrated programming Monitoring & Evaluation Monitor the application of the UNDAF M&E plans by inter-agency mechanisms and processes Participate in Annual Reviews and UNDAF evaluations and provide comments on UNDAF progress reports Review, support and validation The roadmap identifies support needed from the Regional UNDG (including PSG), regional offices and headquarters. Before finalization, the RC on behalf of the UNCT will share the roadmap with the PSG for review. The PSG is also available to provide support throughout the development of the roadmap. UNCTs may engage their R/UNDGs and PSGs for support at any time during the UNDAF process, such as before the roadmap or CCA are finalized and hands-on support to UNCTs in developing TORs for evaluation, CCAs, etc. Greater use of the UN system’s knowledge, information and data should also be considered during the UNDAF process, particularly the sharing of information between the humanitarian and development sectors as well as relevant normative and human rights expertise. Once finalized, the RC sends the roadmap to all national partners and to the R/UNDG, headquarters of all UN agencies and the UN Development Operations Coordination Office (DOCO). Once finalized, the roadmap serves as a means to identify support needs in the formulation and implementation of the UNDAF. This may include technical experts on specific thematic areas, training on any step in the development of the UNDAF, including the application of the core programming principles in various stages of the UNDAF process and the strategic prioritization. The RC on behalf of the UNCT will share the draft UNDAF document, including the results matrix, with the Regional PSG for review. The PSG has 15 working days to provide consolidated comments. The PSG will also use the parameters for integrated programming as the basis for a checklist to ensure qualitative UNDAFs and ensure that the three core programming principles are adequately reflected in the UNDAFs. In countries with UN peace operations, it is recommended that the DSRSG/RC shares the document with HQ through the Interagency Taskforce to receive feedback within the same timeframe. After integration of the PSG feedback, the UNCT will provide the new draft to the Government and also seek feedback on the draft from key stakeholders and other development partners. Sign and launch the UNDAF: The finalized UNDAF must be signed by a Government representative and all UNCT agencies. Ideally, and whenever possible the UNDAF should be launched following the launch of the national development plan. The RC sends the signed UNDAF to all partners and to the Chair of the UN Development Group. Completed UNDAFs are posted on the UNDG website (through the UNDG Information Management System). Develop agency programme documents: All agencies are to align their programming processes with the UNDAF. The UNDAF Strategic Priorities, UNDAF Outcomes and Joint work plans Outputs are the basis for developing agency programme documents. Agencies may begin preparation of these documents prior to the signing of the UNDAF to ensure that agency-specific submission deadlines are respected. Mandatory Available technical assistance

8 ESA QSA/PSG Resource Tool Kit for UNCTs

9 Operations Management Committee

10 Purpose and Activities of OMC
Provides support to UNCTs for design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation on harmonization of business processes/practices including but not limited to: Promoting UN reform and system-wide coherence agenda in the areas of operations including efforts to reduce transaction costs to both the UNCTs and their national partners; Serve as resource persons and or facilitators in providing technical support on DaO Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs); Coordinate and provide timely support to UNCTs in business operations and assist in the development of the Business Operations Strategies in line with DaO SOPs guided by country context; Provide technical support to UNCT Operational Management Teams on SOPs implementation, including through organizing trainings; Support preparations and review of Business Operations Strategy Documents to ensure consistency with BOS guidance and SOPs. Provide support in the implementation of Harmonized Approach for Cash Transfers.

11 2016 OMC Work Plan Activities
Facilitate experience sharing fora and exchange visits among UNCTs on harmonized business practices Technical, advisory and facilitation support to UNCTs for development and implementation of the Business Operations Strategy (BOS) Sensitization training/meetings for R-UNDG Working Groups on DaO SOPs and other emerging issues at the global and regional level

12 Linking Programme and Operations
10 min The graph reflects the steps of the UNDAF process as per UNDG guidelines in blue- start with explaining these (high level) The green bubbles are the equivalent BOS steps, linked to each step in the UNDAF process. UNDAF Roadmap --- The BOS has a roadmap as well- timelines preferably are similar (parallel) (KEY ENGAGEMENT POINT PROGRAMME AND OPS STAFF) 2. UNDAF Common Country Analysis (CCA) --- The BOS has the equivalent of the Operations Analysis (Baseline, Needs and CBA analysis) 3. UNDAF Strategic prioritization --- The BOS has also Strategic prioritization following the operations analysis 4. UNDAF Implementation with Joint AWP --- BOS implementation based on JAWP 5. Annual Monitoring for UNDAF --- BOS has annual monitoring for common operations 6. Evaluation for UNDAF (end of cycle) --- BOS evaluation (end of cycle)

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