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Persuasion is… all around us!. Objective: Define & Identify the persuasive/rhetorical appeals by examining advertisements.

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Presentation on theme: "Persuasion is… all around us!. Objective: Define & Identify the persuasive/rhetorical appeals by examining advertisements."— Presentation transcript:

1 Objective: Define & Identify the persuasive/rhetorical appeals by examining advertisements

2 Persuasion is… all around us!

3 Persuasion shows up… in rhetoric. Rhetoric is the art of using words in a certain way to influence or evoke emotions, opinions, attitudes, and behaviors.

4 Aristotle named the appeals. Ethos Pathos Logos
A Greek Philosopher… Aristotle named the appeals. Ethos Pathos Logos

5 Define the Terms Definition Examples Ethos
Using ethics, credibility, integrity, authority, expertise Jane Doe, a professor with a Ph.D. in computer science, gives a speech on why the government needs stronger security systems for their databases. Pathos Using emotion (trying to make your reader/audience FEEL one way) In a speech about why the UN needs to focus attention on the refugee crisis, the speaker tells the story of a starving girl who has been separated from her family and hasn’t seen home in a year. logos Using logic or reason to support an argument Citing facts, statistics, etc. as support. Why should we raise the driving age? Drivers under 25 are more likely to get into an accident than older drivers.

6 Ethos Appeal to ethics, credibility, integrity, & authority
Term Examples Ethos Appeal to ethics, credibility, integrity, & authority

7 Pathos Appeal to emotion
Term Examples Pathos Appeal to emotion

8 Term Examples Logos Appeal to logic

9 Which Techniques are Used?

10 Which Techniques are Used?

11 Which Techniques are Used?

12 Closure Reflection Why do advertisers use persuasive appeals?
How can using persuasive appeals make writing stronger?

13 Guided Practice Commercials are full of persuasive appeals. Consider the advertisement below. Can you find them all? Hello folks! This is John down at your local Used Cars for Less lot. We are having a gigantic 20th Anniversary sale this week, and I wanted to let you in on the secret. You can get a like-new 2010 Ford Fiesta for a monthly payment of only $ If you are a struggling single mom or recently lost your job, no worries. No down payment required in this sale. We will take care of you here at Used Cars for Less. Sale ends at noon today.

14 *Note that some examples can be more than one appeal. How so?
Break it Apart Ethos Local, 20th anniversary, Pathos Struggling single mom, recently lost your job, Logos Like-new, 2010, easy monthly payment *Note that some examples can be more than one appeal. How so?

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