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Mr. Kinton Honors Chemistry

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1 Mr. Kinton Honors Chemistry
Thermochemistry Mr. Kinton Honors Chemistry

2 Thermochemistry Study of chemical reactions and energy changes involving heat Major concepts include: Energy Work Heat

3 Energy Kinetic Potential Electrostatic Chemical Thermal

4 Energy Kinetic Potential Energy of motion Ek=(1/2)mv2 A moving car
Energy based on position relative to other objects Gravity is a great example Ep=mgh

5 Units of Energy SI unit is the joule
We will often use the kilojoule in chemical reactions Calorie: amount of energy required to raise the temperature of 1g of water from 14.5 to 15.5 degrees celsius 1 cal=4.184 J (exactly) Nutritional Calorie: 1 Cal=1000 cal= 1kcal

6 How energy moves System Surroundings
The portion we single out for study Closed system: readily studied Can exchange heat but not matter Everything else outside of the system Allows for the transfer of heat, matter, and energy Possible due to work and heat

7 Transfer of Energy Motion of an object against a force
Force: push or pull exerted on an object Work: energy used to cause an object to move against a force W= F x d Anything that causes a temperature change Heat: energy transferred from a hotter object to a colder one Energy: the capacity to do work or to transfer heat

8 First Law of Thermodynamics
Energy can neither be created or destroyed Energy is conserved Energy that is lost by the system is gained by the surroundings

9 Types of Heat Transfer Endothermic Exothermic
Occurs when the system absorbs heat Heat flows from the surroundings to the system Feels cold to us Occurs when the system gives off heat Heat flows out of the system to the surroundings Feels warm to us

10 Enthalpy Thermodynamic function that accounts for heat flow in chemical changes When delta H is positive= endothermic When delta H is negative= exothermic It’s an extensive property (dependent on amounts) Enthalpy changes are equal in magnitude but opposite in sign for reverse reactions Enthalpy depends on state of matter

11 Calorimetry Experimentally we can determine enthalpy
Measurement of heat flow (calorimeter) Heat Capacity: the temperature change experienced by an object when it absorbs energy Specific Heat: Heat capacity of 1g of a substance q/ m x delta T Quantity of Heat: specific heat x g of substance x delta T

12 Example How much heat is needed to warm 250g of water from 22 degrees Celsius to near its boiling point, 98 degrees Celsius?

13 Constant-Pressure Calorimetry
qrxn= qsoln=-qrxn This is a general guideline and we will be using it for other calorimetry problems

14 Bomb Calorimetry Calorimetry studies chemical potential energy
Studies combustion reactions under constant volume conditions

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