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What is the likely mechanism by which HDL-C reduces coronary heart disease?

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Presentation on theme: "What is the likely mechanism by which HDL-C reduces coronary heart disease?"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Role of CETP in Reverse Cholesterol Transport: Will Its Inhibition Reverse Atherosclerosis?

2 What is the likely mechanism by which HDL-C reduces coronary heart disease?

3 By what mechanism of action are CETP inhibitors (eg, dalcetrapib, anacetrapib) believed to change lipid levels?

4 Infusing HDL Slows Development and Promotes Regression of Atherosclerosis


6 Reverse Cholesterol Transport

7 CETP and Reverse Cholesterol Transport

8 CETP Deficiency: Geneotype and Risk

9 CETP Inhibition and the Effect on Lipoprotein Levels

10 Inhibition of CETP: Effect on HDL Function

11 ILLUMINATE: Torcetrapib in Patients With High Cardiovascular Risk

12 Differential Effects of CETP Inhibitors on HDL Subtypes

13 DEFINE: Effect of Anacetrapib on Lipoprotein(a)

14 TNT: On-Treatment HDL-C Predicts CV Event 5-Year Risk When LDL-C Is < 70 mg/dL

15 Meta-analysis of Nicotinic Acid Trials

16 CETP Inhibitors: Past and Present

17 ILLUMINATE: Protocol-Specified Secondary and Tertiary Outcomes

18 Comparison of CETP Inhibitors

19 Dalcetrapib: Effect on CV Events and Total Vessel Area

20 dal-OUTCOMES: Study Design

21 REVEAL: Randomized Evaluation of the Effects of Anacetrapib Through Lipid Modification

22 Program Summary




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