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1 18/10/2016

2 The brain C/W /02/2017 Describe the location and main function of the medulla oblongata, the cerebellum, the cerebrum and the hypothalamus Describe the structure of the spinal cord Engage – Look at the objectives – Write a question that could appear on a flash card at the end of todays lesson?

3 Specification 9.4 Structure and function of the mammalian nervous system i Know that the mammalian nervous system is composed of the central and peripheral nervous systems. ii Know the structure of the spinal cord. iii Know the location and main functions of: ● the medulla oblongata – controls breathing and heart rate ● cerebellum – controls balance and coordination of movement ● cerebrum – initiates movement ● hypothalamus – temperature regulation and osmoregulation. 18/10/2016

4 Central Nervous System – DO NOT COPY
A nervous system made up of receptors, nerves and effectors allows an animal to respond to basic stimuli from environment, but large, complex animals need more than this. Brain Spinal cord Brain is made up of a combination of grey matter, made of neurone cell bodies and white matter consisting of nerve fibres. 100,000,000,000 neurones working together and each neuron synapses with up to 10,00 other neurones. Gray matter = Neurone cell bodies White matter = Axons and dendrites 18/10/2016

5 The formation of the brain
The mammalian brain forms as a swelling in the hollow neural tube at the front or anterior end of a vertebrate embryo that folds back on itself. See short video clip. 18/10/2016

6 Parts of the Brain Specification Link: Key Words
Describe the location and main functions of the medulla oblongata, the cerebellum, the cerebrum and the hypothalamus Key Words Cerebrum Medulla Hypothalamus Pituitary gland


8 Phineas Gage 18/10/2016

9 Parts of the brain Hypothalamus – Coordinates the autonomic nervous system. It plays a major part in thermoregulation and osmoregulation. Cerebellum coordinates smooth movements. It uses information from muscles and the ears to control balance and maintain posture Medulla oblongata – Contains reflex centres that control functions such as the breathing rate, heart rate, blood pressure, coughing, sneezing. Cerebrum – (two cerebral hemispheres), movement, intelligence, learning, memory, personality. 18/10/2016

10 The structure and function of the spinal cord
Spinal cord is a tube made up of a core of grey matter surrounded by white matter which out from the base of the brain through the vertebra. Unconditioned reflexes in the body are controlled by reflex arc Some simple responses only involve sensory and motor neurones but often involve a relay neurone in the CNS Spinal reflexes – hand and sharp object Cranial reflexes – blinking, pupil responses 18/10/2016

11 18/10/2016

12 Free recall and Flash card completion
Free recall: On the white boards, recall how an action potential is generated – don’t look in books. Spend 10 minutes recalling everything you can. Then check exercise books and revision guide. Now… Write a question that relates to the above with 5-6 key points you should aim to memorise. 18/10/2016


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