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13. History of London Autor: Mgr. Kateřina Řeřichová

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2 13. History of London Autor: Mgr. Kateřina Řeřichová
Škola: Gymnázium J. V. Jirsíka, Fr. Šrámka 23, České Budějovice Předmět: anglický jazyk Datum vytvoření: Cílová skupina: 3. ročník čtyřletého typu studia a odpovídající ročníky víceletých typů studia Typ hodiny: výklad s procvičením Popis: prezentace o historii Londýna ( Keltové, Římané, „Great fire of London“, morová rána, Londýn v současnosti ), procvičení učiva

3 London in Roman times People used to live along the river Thames during the Stone Age In Bronze and Iron Age Celtic tribes settled there 43 A.D. – Romans invaded Britain and settled on the northern coast of the Thames Old English word “Llyndum” probably comes from that time Autor: Mariordo(Mario Roberto Durán Ortiz), BY-SA, Autor: Mariordo(Mario Roberto Durán Ortiz), BY-SA,

4 Basic information about London
Capital city of the UK – situated in the south-east Population of about 8 million people Greater London is divided into 32 boroughs Centre of politics, commerce, finance and culture Multicultural city (a lot of minorities) The Mayor of Central London is Boris Johnson Autor: Kadellar, BY-SA, Autor: David Iliff, CC BY-SA,

5 London in Roman times The Romans built the first permanent wooden bridge over the Thames – attracted settlers Permanent settlement – Londinium 60 A.D. – attacked by Queen Boadicea and her tribe – burnt down The city was rebuilt again – built Forum and the temple of Mithras ( still remains near the Guildhall ) Autor: Oxyman, BY-SA,

6 London during the Anlo-Saxons and the Normans
In 8th century – London became the royal residence for the first time Damaged by the Vikings Flourished during King Alfred the Great 10th century – London became the richest and the biggest city in England 11th century – William the Conqueror – built the White Tower Autor: Rod Allday, BY-SA,

7 The plague and the Great Fire of London
1665 – epidemic of plague – people died Sunday 2nd September 1666 – bakery in Pudding Lane near London Bridge caught fire The fire spread very quickly ( hot summer, wooden houses ) – burnt for 4 days Only one fifth of the City survived PD,

8 Renovation of the City Sir Christopher Wren – the main architect of the new City Changed the character of London forever Houses were built from stone and brick Streets were wide and straight New St Paul`s Cathedral was built (completed in 1712) The City became more or less commercial centre ( not many people lived there any more) PD,

9 Victorian London Great construction boom
Great influence of building the railway Many suburbs built in Victorian style Buckingham Palace became the seat of the royal family Crystal Palace built to host the Great Exhibition in 1851 1863 – first tube station built Autor: Nigel Mykura, BY-SA, Autor: Nigel Chadwick, BY-SA,

10 Victorian East End Was always behind the rich West End
Industrial area – especially dirty industries In Victorian times – things got worse – many immigrants from France, Poland etc. - overcrowded High criminality rate, prostitution, drunkenness, violence Jack the Ripper`s murders of prostitutes in this area PD-US, Part of Charles Booth's poverty map showing Commercial Road in Whitechapel The red areas are "well-to-do" and black areas are the "lowest class...occasional labourers, street sellers, loafers, criminals and semi-criminals".

11 London in 20th century World War II – London City badly damaged by bombing Elizabeth II crowned in Westminster Abbey 60s – decline of London Docklands 1981 – wedding of Prince Charles with Lady Diana in St Paul`s 80s – the controversial reconstruction of the Docklands started Autor: Pilgab, BY-SA, Autor: Nuty 350, BY-SA,

12 London in 20th century 2012 – celebrations of the Diamond Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II – 60 years on throne Summer 2012 – the Summer Olympic Games London has hosted the Olympics three times – 1908, 1948 and 2012 Great involvement of the public – volunteering The team of GB – 65 total medals – the best result since 1908 PD,

13 True or false? The name “London” probably comes from Roman times
Ken Livingstone is the present Mayor of London London has never been damaged by enemies The Tower of London was built in 11th century The Great Fire damaged half of the City in 1665 Christopher Wren designed the new City and cathedral West End had the same standard of living as East End in Victorian times Summer Olympics were held in London for the first time

14 Thank you for your attention.

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