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A National Community Care Outcomes Framework

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1 A National Community Care Outcomes Framework
April 2008 Hello Earlier this year the ISD Steering Group asked ISD to make HEAT a priority for the coming year; I will explain what has been happening

2 Key messages National performance framework
Community care outcomes framework – based on widespread research - 6 key elements Central role of high quality single shared assessment Plans for roll out

3 How can outcomes help us?
Agreeing outcomes for a service sets out what it is trying to do for the people using the service. We can measure outcomes, and supporting indicators, so we can see how well a service is doing.

4 A new National Performance Framework
During the last year the old accountability process for performance management called the Performance Assessment Framework has been replaced by a new policy and approach NHS Boards now are engaged with the HD performance management function through the development of Local Delivery Plans for health improvement and health care The new framework for performance management which is represented by the acronym HEAT Little did you know …………Concorde……………!!!! Single Outcome Agreements (LAs) Community Care Outcomes HEAT

5 ‘HEAT’ Health Improvement for the people of Scotland
Efficiency and Governance Improvements Access to Services Treatment Appropriate to Individuals

6 Community Care Outcomes Framework
4 national outcomes. 16 performance measures. 5 existing targets (more later?) Making a start in Rollout in 2008 – 09.

7 High-Level Outcomes For Community Care Services
Improved Health Improved Social Inclusion Improved Well Being Improved Independence and Responsibility

8 Six interlocking themes
User satisfaction Faster access Support for carers Quality of assessment and care planning Pro-active work with people at risk of admission to hospital Moving services closer to people who use services/patients

9 User defined outcomes Quality of life Process Change Feeling safe
Having things to do Seeing people Staying well Life as want Dealing with stigma Listened to Having a say Treated with respect Responsiveness Reliability Improved confidence and skills Improved mobility Reduced symptoms

10 Outcomes people want from community care services are embedded in the measures
Timely access to a high quality single shared assessment is crucial 10 of the measures a by-product of electronic single shared assessment All of the measures are based on research into outcomes people want

11 Overarching community care indicator (29)
Increase the proportion of people needing care or support who are able to sustain an independent quality of life as part of the community, through effective joint working

12 Community care outcomes in national performance frameworks
2 targets and one standard in HEAT One overarching indicator and 2 others available for use in SOAs Partnerships expected to agree the outcome(s) relating to community care which will be included in Single Outcome Agreements

13 Final thoughts Outcomes can really improve performance
They demand a person-centred and therefore integrated approach Single shared assessment absolutely pivotal for community care outcomes It will feel challenging We know it makes sense!

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