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Religion (Christianity)

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1 Religion (Christianity)

2 Schedule Wed: Packet w/ graphics due
Thurs: Test - Religion + Language (if you’re not going to be here, take after school Wed!) Friday: Group Map Assessment; have GR 3c (Pop/Folk) completed, EXCEPT #3!

3 Christianity largest world religion Three major branches
about 2 billion adherents Many adherents in Europe, the Americas Three major branches Roman Catholicism (51% of all Christians) Protestant Christianity (24%) “denominations” include Lutheran, Baptist, Methodist, Anglican, Presbyterian, Episcopal etc. Eastern Orthodox (11%) Other (14%) Coptic (Egypt), Mormons (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints), Jehovah’s Witnesses

4 Christian Holy Places Relate to life of Christ = universalizing
Jerusalem Holy Sepulchre Church built near hill Jesus was crucified on; very central + important Bethlehem (birthplace) Nazareth (childhood) Later sites associated with saints + “miracles” Examples Lourdes, France – (1858) Mary appeared to peasant girl Fatima, Portugal (1917) – Mary appeared 6x to shepherd children Christian Holy Places Here is a map of Jerusalem You need to know why it is a contentious place. Holy Sepelcre (Church was built there); right near hill he was crucified on. It’s a very central, imp area in Christianity Other sites assoc w/ saints + miracles: Examples: Lourdes, France; Fatima, Portugal Fatima, Portugal: Virgin Mary, the Mother of God, appeared 6x to three shepherd children in 1917

5 Diffusion of Christianity
Christianity didn’t diffuse in 1 single way. To Europe (Roman Empire) follows Jewish diaspora RELOCATION (-) Holy land; (+) for Rome Relocation = not growing in #s, just moving #s “Paul’s the Apostle’s letters” Roman/Jewish citizen who taught gospel of Christ; wrote letters to leadership in various communities HIERARCHICAL (1 node of authority - Paul  leadership in cities) Out of cities  “pagans” convert “pagan” = “country dweller” CONTAGIOUS (out of cities  country-side in all directions) Diffusion of Christianity Understand what the types of diffusion are: Also understand: Christianity didn’t diffuse in 1 single away Look at map: From Jerusalem, Christianity diffused to Roman Empire, following the Jewish diaspora Where Jews moved, Christians moved with them bc Christianity was a sect of Judaism (kind of like your weird cousin who eats staeak on Thanksgiving vs. Turkey) What type of diffusion is that, if ppl went from Jerusalem into various parts of the Roman Empire? Relocation; great example! Christianity is so small, you can actually see how relocation is not expansion bc you are taking a Christian out of the holy land. Not expansion – it’s a MINUS for the holy land; PLUS for Rome Relocation = not growing in numbers, just moving numbers Paul (Saint Paul - started writing letters – says we are not an ethnic religion -- we are a universalizing religion. Our laws apply to everyone. Where it didn’t grow was in the countryside. What does that mean, if Paul was writing letters and it was diffusing to cities, but not to countryside, what type of diffusion is that? What type of diffusion is that? Hierarchical - (1 node of authority – Paul  to leadership in cities) Then it diffuses out of cities + pagans convert. What type of diffusion is that? Growing out of cities  country-side in all directions (moving out; form of expansion - contagious) Contagious!

6 Diffusion of Christianity
Outside of Europe colonization Ex.) Pilgrims/Puritans  MA Ex.) Spanish colonists bring Roman Catholicism to Mexico. RELOCATION Less Catholic Spaniards + less Christian British people in their homelands. Not necessarily converting people at that time, just moving themselves. missionaries Conversion of authorities (kings, chiefs, tribal leaders)? HIERARCHICAL 1 authority influencing another Followed by acceptance by common people? CONTAGIOUS Diffusion of Christianity Outside of Europe: What type of diffusion is demonstrated when Christians colonize other places? ex.) Pilgrims/Puritans colonizing Massachusetts ex.) Spanish colonists bringing Roman Catholicism to Latin America Relocation (less Catholic Spaniards + less Christian British people in their homelands) Not converting, just moving How about when missionaries go + convert ppl of authority? For example, a missionary will go to the Viking King + say you must convert to Christianity, what diffusion that? Form of expansion – 1 person of authority convincing another person of authority Finally – when that is accepted by the rest of the Viking king’s people, what is that? when it is accepted by the king’s people, it is contagious.


8  2 different churches (Eastern Orthodox Church + Catholic Church)
Christianity predom. European religion since Muslims take over Holy Land. Great Schism = 1st big split in medieval Christianity into 2 branches in 1054: Differences between Pope Leo in Rome + Patriarch Michael of Constantinople Charlemagne’s crowning as Holy Roman Emperor by Pope Leo III was a slap to Eastern Emperor.  2 different churches (Eastern Orthodox Church + Catholic Church) Later  Protestant Reformation (1517) Luther’s protest / 95 Theses  Protestant denominations The rest is church history + diffusion concepts; things you should just know as human beings.



11 Islam in Europe (Ottoman Empire)
What is this area of Europe called? (Balkans) You need to know that This peninsula is called the Balkans; imp. area we will come back to w/ Islamic legacy. *Be aware that Islam also influenced Europe!! The Balkans - peninsula is imp. area w/ Islamic legacy left over.

12 Christianity in Europe
South/Romance = Catholic Italy, Spain, Portugal, France North/Germanic = Protestant UK = Anglican = Protestant political not doctrinal (King Henry VII wanted divorce from wife Catherine of Aragon to have son) Anglican Church will look like a Catholic Church ( Puritans argue - too Catholic) Scandinavia Sweden, Norway, Denmark other Nordic Iceland Latvia (split) Uralic Finland Estonia Does Ireland fit this pattern? Ireland = Catholic, why? Anti-British. Ethnic identity/nationalism Christianity in Europe **If I say a country, you should tell me what branch of Christianity is practiced there Basic patterns goes along w/ linguistic divisions In south, where they speak Romance languages – heavily Roman Catholic areas (Romanians are not) What 4 countries are heavily RC? In north, Germanic areas mainly Protestant Protestant Reformation begins in Germany; there’s also a reformation in the UK Why does the UK become Protestant as opposed to why Germany became Protestant? Not very nice man Married to Catherine of Aragon England had gone through divisive civil wars; desperate to have a son Realized wife was too old to have healthy child (had miscarriages) Asked for divorce In order to get divorce, he ruined her reputation by saying their marriage was invalid (made up lie about how she was with his brother + their marriage was not valid) – smeared her reputation through mud. Problem: person he was asking (Pope) was her nephew or uncle Pope says no! Example of stimulus diffusion, bc what does King Henry VII see happening in this time? Protestant Reformation (M. Luther saying we don’t have to follow what the Pope says) Henry says, ”I like that idea too. I don’t have to follow what pope says either.” Declares himself free from control of Rome, gets divorce, marries mistress Anne Boleyn Will his churches look diff than Roman Catholic churches? (No, bc he isn’t trying to change the structure of churches –artwork, etc- like Martin Luther) Martin Luther is against RCC doctrine Henry doesn’t care about doctrine, he just wants a fertile young wife. Henry VII had 6 wives: divorced, beheaded, died. Divorced, beheaded, survived. Beheaded Anne Boleyn for treason after she gave him daughter 3rd wife died giving birth to his only son Married woman and divorced her, then killed another wife, then last wife outlived him If you go to an Anglican Church, it will look like a Catholic church + later on, that’s why you have ppl like the Puritans who said no, we want real Protestantism. Map still: Germanic, northern areas are Protestant What sticks out in northern/ western Europe as a the big exception?? Ireland – doesn’t fit pattern, why? Bc it’s Catholic Why do Irish remain so Catholic? Hate the English; part of Irish ethnicy identity is to be anti-British Religion super important bc it’s the religion the British were not. You are more Irish / anti-British if you’re Catholic Today, although much of Europe has lost it’s religious fervor, Irish are still very religious bc it’s part of their ethnic identity.

13 Diffusion of Christianity
Global Secondary hearths influence global distribution not the place of origin, but place from which there was significant change 3 secondary hearths for Christianity in Europe. Roman Catholicism = Rome/Vatican City Spanish, French colonies = Catholic “Latin” America Protestantism = Northern Europe (Germany/UK) British/Dutch colonies = Protestant North America (we will handle tomorrow) Australia, New Zealand Eastern Orthodox = Constantinople (now Istanbul) Orthodox missionaries → Eastern Europe/Russia St. Cyril and Methodius = Cyrillic Alphabet Moscow = “the Third Rome” after fall of Constantinople to Muslims relocation diffusion to Siberia Diff of Christianity on global scale. What is a secondary hearth? Write this down – a secondary hearth is not where something originates, but where something changes. 3 secondary hearths for Christianity in Europe: What is one secondary hearth in Europe, where Christianity came but was changed? (northern Germany – Christianity we know was Protestantism) Another? Italy/Rome/the Vatican (secondary hearth; Christianity we know as Catholicism comes from Rome) Catholicism is from Rome, so our Spanish + French colonies = Catholic What would be the 3rd secondary hearth? (Constantinople) Originates in Constantinople (today’s Istanbul) Everything in Eastern European/Russian area, assoc with Eastern Orthodox If I were to say I’m Christian in India, what am I?? Who was the colonial master of England (British); so you’d be Protestant IF I said Cuba, Christian there, what are you? (Roman Catholic bc Spanish colony) Argentina? (RCC); South Africa? (Protestant; British + Dutch colonialism)

14 Christianity in Europe
In the East, East/Slavic languages = Orthodox Exceptions? Poland Catholic, why? between Protestant Germany + Orthodox Russia ethnic identity/nationalism - partitioned between Protestant Germany (Prussia) + EO Russia; to show “we are diff ppl” they cling to RC. Map of Europe: In the East, East/Slavic languages  Orthodox Exception?? Poland Tell me why Poland would wanna remain RC through all of these centuries? Historically, why are the Poles so strongly Roman Catholic? bc they hate Germany + Russia; German invasions (why they didn’t wanna become Protestant) Why would they not wanna be EO? (bc they hate Russia too) hold close to Roman Catholicism bc they were partitioned between Germany + Russia in order to say hey we are different people, they cling to their Roman Catholicism

15 Cyrillic Alphabet (Eastern Europe, Slavic, Eastern Orthodox)

16 Religion in the Balkans
Islam = legacy of Ottomans Albania, Kosovo, Bosnia Ottoman Turk influence Former Yugoslavia/Balkans SHATTERBELT region caught between stronger colliding external cultural-political forces, under persistent stress, and often fragmented by aggressive rivals Leads to civil war in the 1990s Serbia, Montenegro, Macedonia Pro-Russian Eastern Orthodox Croatia, Slovenia Pro-Germany (WWII) “Western” focus Roman Catholic Bosnia/Bosnian identity as Muslim Religion in the Balkans Shatterbelt – write this down; a region caught between 2 strong colliding forces (under constant pressure; fragmetized/frangmented; always wars; constant pressure from 3 outside forces: Eastern Orthodoxy Roman Catholism Leftover legacy of Islam from Ottoman Turks: Albania, Kosovo, Bosnia There’s a fragmentation going on, For years, many of those same ppl were united in one country – Yugoslavia; Their differences/anger were suppressed by the government. When communism collapses, there was a massive civil war in early 1990s Eastern Orthodox Serbs (Montenegro) Roman Catholic Croatians + Slovenians All competing for Bosnia. Bosnians are the Muslims; (what happens to Muslims is horrible) Serbians + Croatians ethnic cleansing / geociding of Serbians and Croations; Lining ppl up and shotting them; raping women, mass raids, burnings, etc. Called ethnic cleansing, but close to a genocide Peace accords – rewarded ppl who committed atrocities w/ the territory they gained. Recent news: Croatian general killed himself w/ poison; he ethnically cleansed part of Bosnia; they found + tried him, so he drank poison to die; responsible for deaths of thousands of Bosnians This is a total shatterbelt – pro-Russian vs. pro-German To be called Bosnian is to identify as a Muslim. The ppl who identify as Bosnian are Muslim. If you are Serbian living in Bosnia, you are Seb. Croatian living in Bosnia, you are a Croatian.

17 Religion in Europe Multi-religious states Netherlands Germany
Switzerland Latvia Be aware of multi-religious states Germany (north – Protestant - vs. south - Catholic) Netherlands Switzerland Latvia

18 European “belief in God”

19 Diffusion of Christianity
Global Secondary hearths influence global distribution not the place of origin but place from which there was significant change Roman Catholicism = Rome/Vatican City Spanish, French colonies = Catholic “Latin” America Protestantism = Northern Europe (Germany/UK) British/Dutch colonies = Protestant North America (we will handle tomorrow) Australia, New Zealand Eastern Orthodox = Constantinople (now Istanbul) Orthodox missionaries → Eastern Europe/Russia St. Cyril and Methodius = Cyrillic Alphabet Moscow = “the Third Rome” after fall of Constantinople to Muslims relocation diffusion to Siberia Africa = based on colonial holdings (see later map)

20 Dark Red = Catholic Pink = Protestant Magenta = Eastern Orthodox

21 World Distribution of Religions

22 Do Now: In your notebooks, respond (in a few sentences):
To what extent should the First Amendment be protected? What types of expressions should it protect? What shouldn’t be protected? Consider: free speech at the workplace/in school?, flag burning?, athletes taking a knee during the national anthem,

23 Objective: Evaluate the possibilities + limits of the First Amendment to debate what should/shouldn’t be protected + why. Activity: #TakeAKnee articles + questions in preparation for small group discussion tmrw.

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