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Middle School Math Placement and Pathways

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1 Middle School Math Placement and Pathways

2 Objectives Discussing Implications of Middle School Math Placement
Reviewing Middle School Placement Guidelines Determining Middle School Math Pathway Placement Exploring the Middle School Math Pathways In this presentation we will be looking at the changes and shifts in the current Common Core math courses from previous years. We will explore the mathematics courses and pathways offered in middle school, including opportunities for acceleration. We will take a closer look at three sample students to see how they arrive college and career ready in mathematics upon graduation. Finally, we will address commonly asked questions as well as provide you contact information if you have questions beyond the information covered in this presentation.

3 Understanding the Pathways
As you have probably already noticed through your child’s math homework, projects and tests, math instruction has changed under Common Core.

4 LAUSD Middle School Pathways
College and Career Pathway Accelerate Pathway Highly Accelerate Pathway

5 Middle School Math Pathways
GRADE 6 GRADE 7 GRADE 8 COLLEGE AND CAREER CC Math 6 CC Math 7 CC Math 8 ACCELERATED Accelerated Math 7 Accelerated Algebra 1 HIGHLY ACCELERATED Highly Accelerated 6/7 Highly Accelerated 8/Algebra 1 CC Geometry Acceleration point: Grade 7 Acceleration point: Grade 6

6 Acceleration in the Common Core
Course 1 Accelerated Course Students may only enter accelerated pathways at designated acceleration points. Course 2 Course 2A designated acceleration points Course 2B How do the changes under the Common Core impact the requirements for and decision to accelerate students? The California Framework for mathematics describes how students may accelerate to prepare for higher math courses by compacting courses. The term “compacted” means that the content is compressed, not skipped. Therefore it requires a faster pace to complete the necessary coursework. Students have much less time to gain mastery of the content in order to keep pace with the content. You may be wondering why students are no longer allowed to skip all or part of a course. Remember, mathematics is a progression of interconnected ideas and concepts. Just as we would not build a house with missing supports in the foundation, we cannot build a student’s mathematical foundation by skipping material that is vital to success in higher level math courses. Content is compacted not skipped. compacted “Acceleration Options” (DOC)

7 Accelerated Pathway GRADE 6 GRADE 7 GRADE 8 ACCELERATED
CC Math 6 Accelerated Math 7 Accelerated Algebra 1 Acceleration point: Grade 7 CC Math 6 CC Math 7 CC Math 8 CC Math 8A CC Algebra 1 CC Math 8B

8 Placement Guidelines – Accelerated Pathway
At the end of Grade 6: A or B* in Math Class Standards Met or Exceeded on Smarter Balanced Summative Assessment Consider placement in Accelerated Pathway in Grade 7 *or 4 if Grade 6 is at an Elementary School

9 Highly Accelerated Pathway
GRADE 6 GRADE 7 GRADE 8 HIGHLY ACCELERATED Highly Accelerated 6/7 Highly Accelerated 8/Algebra 1 CC Geometry Acceleration point: Grade 6 CC Algebra 1 CC Math 6 CC Math 7 CC Math 8 CC Geometry

10 Placement Guidelines – Highly Accelerated Pathway
At the end of Grade 5: 4 in Math Class Standards Met or Exceeded on Smarter Balanced Summative Assessment Consider placement in Highly Accelerated Pathway in Grade 6 The California State Math Framework does not recommend acceleration before grade 7.

11 Placement Assessment Starting in Spring 2017, the placement test is no longer required by the district for placement in the either accelerated pathway SBAC Scores Placement Test Scores

12 Placement Guidelines

13 Placement Considerations
Parent Preference School Recommendation LAUSD Guidelines Student Interest LAUSD Policy (MEM ) provides guidelines for placement. There are multiple factors to consider when determining a student’s math pathway. Parent preference, student interest, the recommendation of the school based on various data points, and the guidelines described in LAUSD Memorandum each have their own place in the conversation. Keep these different perspectives in mind as we explore some of the high school pathway options and the implications of acceleration. DATA MEMO

14 High School Pathways You may be wondering: What if you don’t accelerate in middle school? What if you accelerated in middle school, where will you end up? How do you end up enrolling in higher math courses, such as AP Calculus and AP Statistics & Probability? What options will be available to my student when they reach high school?

15 Planning for High School
GRADE 8 GRADE 9 GRADE 10 GRADE 11 GRADE 12 CC Algebra 1 & CC Geometry CC Algebra 2 Precalculus AP Calculus CC Math 8 Acceleration point: Grade 9 CC Algebra 1 CC Geometry Honors Advanced Math AP Calculus One of the goals of our middle school mathematics pathways is to ensure every student has the same opportunity to excel in mathematics in high school. [click] A common misconception is that students will not reach AP Calculus in high school unless they accelerate in middle school. [click] Here we have each of the math classes available to students in grade 8. Starting with our most accelerated course, CC Geometry, you can see the student will clearly be on a path to AP Calculus during the high school career. [click] The same is true for students taking the CC Math 8/Algebra 1 course. But what about students that took CC Math 8 in grade 8? [click] Here is one example of an accelerated high school pathway. Students would accelerate in by taking both CC Algebra 1 and CC Geometry in grade 9. This allows the student to reach AP Calculus as a senior. [click] Another option is for students to accelerate in grade 11 by taking the Honors Advanced Math course. This course compacts CC Algebra 2 and Precalculus, preparing students for AP Calculus in grade 12. These are not the only options available to high school students. They are simply intended to show that any student can reach AP Calculus in high school, even if they choose not to accelerate in middle school. Acceleration point: Grade 11 CC Math 8/Algebra 1 CC Geometry CC Algebra 2 Precalculus AP Calculus CC Geometry CC Algebra 2 Precalculus AP Calculus Additional Math Course

16 Placement Implications
What should I consider as I discuss placement options with my student’s school?

17 Acceleration Agreement
High school numerical credit is not given for middle school courses. Courses satisfy A-G requirements and are used for placement. It is recommended students earn a “B” or better to remain on either accelerated pathway. Smarter Balanced Summative Assessment given at grade level. LAUSD Policy requires students take math in grades 9-11 regardless of the level of course completed in middle school.


19 Support for Students Meet with the teacher and/or counselor
Identify the issue Review supports available from the school Create a plan for on- going monitoring Reevaluate the situation If the student is not performing at a “B” or higher, the teacher should be able to provide more detailed information about where the issue stems from. Does the student have a gap in prior knowledge? Is there a pattern of low test scores, or was it connected to an isolated topic? Once the issue has been identified, the appropriate interventions can be discussed and agreed upon. Intervention supports will vary depending on the school. For example, some schools offer lunchtime or after school tutoring. Extra practice can be provided by the teacher in response to specific gaps in learning (for example, with tools such as Khan Academy or digital and print textbook resources). Additionally, it may be appropriate to involve the Student Success and Progress (SSPT). The types of supports suggested by the teacher should be shared with the parent and student. Together you can develop a plan for supporting the student in the course. Included in the plan should be a discussion of when and how the teacher, counselor, parent and student will monitor the student’s progress. Will the teacher an update? Will the student turn in test corrections? Will the parent sign the student’s homework to verify it was completed? When will the group meet again to review the student’s progress? These decisions should be made collaboratively with the parent, teacher and counselor. What if the student is still struggling after intervention and supports have been provided? The conversation between the parent and school is important for deciding what to do next. Did the student receive enough support or can more be done? Is the student getting too far behind? Part of this discussion should include a discussion around whether a change

20 Considerations for Acceleration
ACCELERATE YOUR STUDENT IF THEY: DO NOT TO ACCELERATE YOUR STUDENT IF THEY: Need a challenge academically Are already ahead in content knowledge Show strong performance in previous math classes and on standardized tests Have deep conceptual knowledge of mathematics Have a low interest in math Are solely interested in trying to be competitive on college applications Are only motivated by a desire to take AP Calculus Are responding to peer pressure and/or public perception Are not be interested in taking higher math in high school

21 Determining Placement
Student Placement Parent Preference School Recommendation LAUSD Guidelines Student Interest LAUSD Policy (MEM ) provides guidelines for placement. As DATA MEMO

22 Online Resources California Department of Education – Mathematics
Los Angeles County Office of Education LAUSD Common Core Curriculum Maps Smarter Balanced Assessments Common Core Conversations – Mathematics resources.html#sthash.e9diX0F9.BVLpoTKB.dpbs HIDE THIS SLIDE WHEN PRESENTING TO TEACHERS, ADMINISTRATORS AND COUNSELORS. The resources used and referenced in this presentation are listed here for your information and further reading. Focus points: List of resources

23 Questions Contact your Local District: Central – 213-241-0126
East – Northeast – Northwest – South – West – HIDE THIS SLIDE WHEN PRESENTING TO TEACHERS, ADMINISTRATORS AND COUNSELORS. If you have any questions, please contact your local district office.


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