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St Lawrence Primary School Parent Survey 2016

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1 St Lawrence Primary School Parent Survey 2016

2 Survey was available for answering for 4 weeks; including 2 weeks of the school holidays
Total number of replies - 73 Most replies were submitted on the last day! Reply numbers spiked when reminders were given

3 Q1. What do you like about St Lawrence Primary School?
68 respondents Variety of answers Common theme of liking the small community feel of the school

4 Q2. What would you change about St Lawrence Primary School?
57 respondents Variety of answers, generally positive Common theme of kindy/PP requiring some type of basic uniform (polo shirt) Car park was also common complaint

5 Q3. Would you be interested in having your child participate in extra-curricular activities that may incur additional cost? 69 respondents; 137 total suggestions Yes – 83% No – 17% (In the following table, activities marked with * were included in the question)

6 Activity Number Responses Athletics * 20 Coding * 16 Lego * 14
Robotics * 13 Science * Sport * 11 Music 8 Chess 7 Reading/Writing/Spelling 3 Self Defence Dance Art/Craft 2 Drama Electronics 1

7 Q4. I am satisfied with the quality of teaching my child is receiving?
71 respondents 94% Agree or Strongly Agree 6% Disagree

8 Q5. I feel my child is developing the necessary attributes to be accountable for their own learning?
71 respondents 100% Agree or Strongly Agree

9 Q6. I feel confident participating in learning activities within my child’s classroom?
71 respondents 99% Agree or Strongly Agree 1% Disagree

10 Q7. There are good communication channels available for discussions with staff?
71 respondents 96 Agree or Strongly Agree 4% Disagree or Strongly Disagree

11 93% Agree or Strongly Agree 7% Disagree
Q8. I am happy with how the school is investing in its resources and infrastructure to improve educational outcomes for all students? 71 respondents 93% Agree or Strongly Agree 7% Disagree

12 Q9. The school has good facilities for students to use during recess and lunch times?
71 respondents 69% Agree or Strongly Disagree 31% Disagree or Strongly Disagree

13 Q10. The School gives students an understanding of catholic faith and social justice issues?
71 respondents 97% Agree or Strongly Agree 3% Strongly Disagree

14 Q11. Making Jesus Real has been a positive force for change within our school?
71 respondents 94% Agree or Strongly Agree 6% Disagree or Strongly Disagree

15 Q12. How often would you like to answer surveys?
67 respondents 75% Yearly 25% Every 2 Years

16 Q13. Do you have any other comments, questions or concerns?
25 respondents (34% of total number) Variety of answers - lunch time equipment - PP uniform - positivity towards the school

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