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FOUO “Our Army at War – Relevant and Ready”.

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Presentation on theme: "FOUO “Our Army at War – Relevant and Ready”."— Presentation transcript:

1 FOUO “Our Army at War – Relevant and Ready”

2 Section 1 The COPS Portal HRC Upfront Portal PowerPlay Quick Tour Help
Return to Source

3 HRC HOME Page To Access COPS click on:

4 COPS Home Page Enter COPS portal by: COPS tab
Common Operating Picture Synchronizer (COPS) Enter COPS push button. Note the new tabs: NEW USER: useful for first time users FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions Document. The COPS Home Page is the initial entry page for all users. This a generic information page to provide Functional descriptive comments. The HRC COPS portal can be accessed by: The COPS tab located near the top. The Common Operating Picture Synchronizer (COPS) title which acts as a URL. The Enter Cops push button. Note the new tabs: NEW USER: useful for first time users. This tab will open a new browser for First time users. It explains the login process as well as identifying other key elements. FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions is a Document that opens in a new browser. The FAQ is an online guide that address the most frequently asked questions for COPS. Does not run on Adobe (new update); runs on 7.0.3 DEMO tab does not require COPs Login. It is for training

5 PowerPlay Cube Logon Screen
Login with your AKO User ID. NOTE: First time users please refer to the NEW USER tab on the COPS home page. NOTE: For FIRST TIME Login’s: Leave Password Blank. Click Log On.

6 PowerPlay Cube Logon Screen (2)
Leave Current password blank. Create a password and enter it in New password. Re-enter this password in Verify password. Click OK.

7 HRC Portal To view the Available COPS Cubes:
The HRC COPS web portal is the user interface. This site will be the starting point to view, find, organize, and share your HRC Cognos reports. The HRC portal will always contain a personal NewsBox which is the first listed item from the left panel. The second listed item from the left panel is the NewsIndex folder and its subfolders. The personal NewsBox is your newsbox where customized and prefabricated reports can be saved and easily located for quick access. COPs by Month View – one month at a time out to six months COPS Tri Month- 3 month view on one screen To view the Available COPS Cubes: Always expand to COPS – FOUO. From here you select a specific data cube to view or reports in your NewsBox as they become available.

8 Help Click on a cube and to open the COPS cube.
1. 2. Click on a cube and to open the COPS cube. Click on the Help, this is a quick assistance to most of the basic application related question.

9 Online Help Click on any topic to view the step by step instructions as well as the descriptive information. Click on Take the Quick Tour to view an interactive explanation of the related topic.

10 PowerPlay Quick Tour 1. 2. 3. 1. Moving the Mouse pointer over the available topics on the left side will change the display and provide a brief description of the related topic. 2. Clicking on the topic will navigate the user to a “Hands-on” interactive demonstration. 3. To return to the Quick Tour main menu click on Welcome link, located in the upper right corner of the window.

11 Return to Source After opening a cube to return to the original menu click on the Return to Source icon.

12 Section 2 The Data Cube The Explain Utility
The Drill-Down, Drill-up & Filtering actions Suppress Zero Resetting Dimension(s) Wrapping On and Off Find

13 Opening COPS cubes 1. 2. Click on any available report or cube to begin analysis. The PowerPlay Cube of data is a consolidated summarized view of data based on an X – Y intersection of data. This display is the common starting point for most cube analysis. Typical of PowerPlay the Last row will be the roll-up summary of data. The row displays a breakdown of the Active Military as displayed above.

14 COPS Cube – Terminology
1. Dimension Line 2. Dimension Viewer 3. Measures 4. Dimension Categories The Cube is a multidimensional data source, which contains measures and dimensions, organized to provide faster retrieval and drill-down analysis. The Dimension Line, Dimension Viewer, Measures and Dimension Categories are all fundamental Cognos Cube terminology. We will be using these words most frequently to help identify the data we are viewing. A Dimension is a broad grouping of descriptive data about a major aspect of a business, such as products, dates, or markets. Each dimension includes different levels of categories in one or more drill-down paths, and an optional set of special categories. 1. The Dimension Line appears above the display in the Web Browser. The Dimension Line is the top row that displays the dimension categories and changes according to the filters applied. 2. The Dimension Viewer is an organized view of all dimensions, levels, and categories in the selected cube. One can use the dimension viewer to add categories as rows or columns and to filter information. One can also use the dimension viewer in Windows to add the category values as layers, create subset definitions, format measures, and define sets of categories. The Dimension Viewer will also contain the same information as the Dimension Line, but can be displayed and navigated without the data being filtered. 3. The Measures are the performance indicators that is quantifiable and used to determine how well a division or branch is operating. For example, measures can display enlisted counts, assigned counts, and projections. The Dimension Categories are the actual values that are available for each dimension value and its descendant values. Box on left is dimension viewer

15 COPS TRI MONTH 1 2 3 The default view can be described as follows:
1. Current Assigned Column - Displays the current count of the Current Assigned for all Enlisted and Commissioned Officers and Warrant Officers and for Active Military dimension. 2. CM Gains Column - Displays the current count of the CM Gains (Current Month Gains) for all Enlisted and Commissioned Officers and Warrant Officers and for Active Military dimension. 3. CM Loss Column - Displays the current count of the CM Loss (Current Month Loss) for all Enlisted and Commissioned Officers and Warrant Officers and for All Active Military.

16 Explain Explain can be activated by: Selecting a specific cell.
Right-clicking or Clicking on the To DEACTIVATE the Explain display click on the Small X to close The Explain feature is an excellent method of identifying the data cell in question. This feature is activated by first selecting the cell in question. After selecting a specific cell, the explain feature can be activated by either right clicking on the cell or clicking on the Explain Icon. The Right-Click option from the mouse will produce a small window with two options Agent and Explain. Selecting the Explain option will open the Explain split screen. The Explain Icon will also open the Explain split screen view. The Explain Icon will simply identify to the user which column and row the user is focused on. It will also display any other actions performed. To deactivate the Explain split screen, simply click on the Explain Icon.

17 COPS – Drill Down 1. 2. When Drill Down is applied, the data expands to the next lower level of detail. Click on a category to focus. View results specific to category drilled down upon. The drill-down concept is the process of opening data to view a lower level of detail, when available. For example when you want to see the pay grades for the Enlisted Active Military, simply click on Enlisted, and it will expand to display all pay grades for enlisted. Where the mouse becomes a finger is where the data can be drilled down into detail. The drill down and the filter function are almost alike. Notice how the data category when selected reflects at the top of the dimension line. When the drill-down is no longer available, the lowest level of detail information has been reached.

18 COPS – Drill Up The Drill Up is the reverse process of drill down. Drill up removes the child categories of data and resets the data up to the parent level. The Drill Up category is typically the summary row or column common in the data cube display. Drill up process rolls the data back to the higher level of display or parent level.

19 Filtering 1. 2. Filtering is focusing the data to specific categories and values. This is the process of funneling the data into a more refined and specific value of the data. For example, the data can be restricted to a specific ARQODA and/or SQI. The filter capability can be activated either from the Dimension Line or the Dimension Viewer. Applying Filters: 1. From the Dimension Line, click on the down arrow for a specific dimension and select the desired category. 2. From the Dimension Viewer, you open the appropriate Dimension folder and locate the desired data category. Right click on the chosen category and select Filter. Removing Filters: To remove all filters, click on the reset icon. To remove a single filter, from the dimension viewer or dimension line, filter on the parent level. When you filter a report, you change its focus by limiting the level of information.

20 Suppress Zero & Reset Dimension
1. Zero Suppression 2. Reset 3. Wrapping On 4. Wrapping Off Zero Suppression is the action of suppressing a row or column when the all the values for the complete row or column is zero. Note: When Zero Suppression is applied the words “Zero suppression” will appear near the bottom. Reset Dimension is the action of removing all applied filters and moving all the data to the highest level category value. Wrapping On is the action of wrapping the Dimension Line labels into the available space near the top. Wrapping Off is the action of removing the wrapping from the Dimension Line.

21 Find 1. 2. You can search the current report or cube to find specific dimensions or measures in your data. Finding specific items in highly complex and large dimensions can significantly speed up your analysis time. 1. When you search the current report, PowerPlay Web searches the data in the current display. When you search the cube, PowerPlay Web searches all the data in the cube. You can search for text in a category or measure based on the following criteria without concern case sensitivity: contains begins with ends with 2. The search results provides the category name and full path.

22 Section 3 Replacing the Row or Column Swap Rows and Columns
Perform Disconnected Operations Drill Through to Impromptu

23 Replace Dimensions Row values and Column Values can be replaced with another dimension data or lower level detail. Right-click from the desired dimension folder or category. Select an action to replace either the rows or columns.

24 Swap Rows and Columns Swap Rows and Columns is the action of changing the row values with the column values and vice versa. This allows the user to view the data from a different perspective and can sometimes reveal more meaningful information.

25 Disconnected Operations
1. 2. 3. 4. To perform disconnected operations, the ability to save a file as a PDF or a CSV file is available. The user has the ability to save any display and save the date to a file for future reference. For example: After preparing the report, click on the file icon. Click on Export CSV. Click Save Provide a file name and location and save. Reset – Returns the display from a graph to a more detailed display without graphs. Get Data Later – The display is adjusted to only display the column and row labels and no intersecting measure data. Export PDF… – The option is used to change the display as a PDF file where the file will then act exactly like a pdf file. This action also impacts the report and using the back button will take the user back to the original view. Export CSV – The option used to save the display as a Comma Separated Values file.

26 Drill Thru to Impromptu 1. Prepare Report
1. Replace Macom’s as row categories 2. Drill down on your Macom. Choose the cube you want to work with and open your cube. For this example I will use COPS By Month View. Replace the Macom’s (ARQODA) dimension as row categories. Drill down on your desired Macom. For this exercise, I will use FC – US. ARMY FORCES COMMAND. Continued on next page…

27 Drill Thru to Impromptu 2. Drill down to detail Report
3. Drill down on desired DML. 5. ALWAYS select the a number by clicking on it. 4. Drill down on desired Measure to isolate a single measure to focus on. After drilling on the Macom, I am now able to see my available DMLs. Drill down on your desired DML. After drilling on a DML, I am now able to see my available DMSLs. Drill down (click) on my desired Measure to focus my report. Now I should have a functional total where the report is ready for drill through. The name of the single measure must be in the top left corner to perform a drill through. Continued on next page…

28 Drill Through to Impromptu
6. AFTER total is highlighted in Orange click Drill through. 7. The resulting Impromptu report. Click on Return to navigate back to the PowerPlay cube. Prior to clicking on the Drill through Icon, always insure the bottom total is selected and highlighted in Orange. (NOTE: Bottom total should always be 500 or less for quicker returns.) The resulting Impromptu Web application. Click Return to exit at any point. Drill Through is the ability to open another report in another software application. This creates an added ability to provide even more data to display for the user. For our purposes, a more detail level report has been created in Impromptu to supplement the COPS cube data. The Impromptu reports show an even further level of detail for a specific group of data. This feature was only made available in the COPS Tri Month View and was created with the express intent of showing a minimal amount of records of 50 to 100. This feature is also on available at the Macom (ARQODA) to DML to DMSL to UIC level with Cur Assigned. The data can also be drilled on the measures for all gains, all losses, and all projections.

29 Section 4 Split View & Charts Hide – Unhide Calculate Save As

30 Split Screen and Graphs
Display Options Controls the Split Screen option as well as other options. The split screen view is an excellent way to display a graph and detail data together. Please refer to workshop 4-2 for an example. When selecting a display, PowerPlay web gives the flexibility to change the graph and the split screen area for maximum visual effect. The available graphs are listed as follows: Simple Bar – Each Bar represents a column value and the focus is per row. Pie – Each pie slice represents a column value and the whole pie focus is per row. Cluster Bar – Each cluster is specific to a column with each row value represented by a different color bar within the cluster. Stacked Bar – Each Bar represents a column value with each row value represented by a different color within the stack of the bar. Multiline – Each Point represents a column value with each line represented by a row value. 3D Bar – Each interesecting column and row value is represented by a bar with a specific color.

31 Hide – Unhide Data can be Hidden and revealed (Unhidden) at any time within the report. This action is available to create custom views of a report. Row Values or Column values can be hidden or revealed. You can selectively show or hide any category in a report, including precalculated categories that were inserted when the cube was created. When you hide categories, the summaries in the report are not affected. Steps to Hide a Single Category In the PowerPlay Web display, right-click the category you want to hide, and then click Hide Selection. Hide Multiple Categories To hide multiple categories, click on the row or column space and click on the hide/show icon. Select from the list of categories to hide. After highlighting the categories to hide, click on the arrow pointing right to add them to the list of hidden categories. Click Ok to complete the action.

32 Calculate 1. 2. 3. You can combine rows or columns to obtain a new item based on a custom calculation. For example, your report shows quarters for the year. You can add new items showing the cumulative percentage each quarter contributes. After a new calculated category is added, you can add other calculations using an existing one. You can perform the following calculations in PowerPlay Web: add cumulative percent subtract rollup multiply exponentiate divide accumulate percent forecast percent of base Select the desired category to calculate and click on the Calculation Icon. Select the type of calculation desired and select the second category to calculate with the first selection. Click ok to view results.

33 Personal Newsbox 1. Save As 2. 3.
The Save As action in PowerPlay web saves the current display to the user’s personal newsbox. This is the place to save a specific display for quick review. The Return to Source icon will always take you back to the NewsBox or NewsIndex that the browsing started from. After creating a report, click on Save As Provide a name for the report and click OK Click on the Personal NewsBox to view the saved report.

34 Section 5 Nesting Rank Subsets

35 Nesting A nested report includes summary information for nested categories. In the dimension viewer, locate the category you want to nest in the display. Right-click the category, and then click either Nest Rows or Nest Columns. The nested category appears in the display as sublevels within the row or column category. To delete the nested category, click on the the level select area and click on the X for delete. 1. 2. A nested report includes summary information for nested categories. For example, the summary for military grouping, i.e. a summary for all the enlisted, a summary for all the officers, and a summary for all the warrant officers. Steps to Nest Categories In the dimension viewer, locate the category you want to nest in the display. Right-click the category, and then click either Nest Rows or Nest Columns. The nested category appears in the display as sublevels within the row or column category. Tips You can also click the category you want to nest in the dimension viewer, and then drag it to the row nest level area or the column nest level area. As you drag the category over the nest level area, the area becomes highlighted. Note: The row nest level area is located in the far right of the row heading area. The column nest level area is located at the bottom of the column heading area. To nest a category from the dimension line, click the dimension, locate the category you want to nest, and then drag it to the row nest level area or the column nest level area. Steps to Remove Nested Categories In the PowerPlay Web display, right-click the level selector area for the nested category, and then click Delete. Note For nested categories, the level selector area is located to the immediate left of nested column categories and immediately above nested row categories. Tip To use the level selector toolbar to remove a nested category, click the level selector area for the nested category. On the level selector toolbar, click the Delete button. 3.

36 Rank Rank results to quickly identify various counts against one another. To rank a column or row, click on the desired row or column and click on the rank icon. A rank Window option appears, specify what type of rank desired and at what level and assign a name. Click Ok for results. Note: To rank ROWS select a column to rank downwards against. To rank Columns select a row to rank across against. 1. 3. Ranking adds ordinals to a report so you can compare your categories to one another. For example, you have a report that outlines PMADs for all MACOMS. You can add a rank category to this report to see which MACOMS had the highest PMAD. Categories are ranked by their value in a specific row or column. The rank ordinals appear in a new row or column. The labels and values of the rank category are italicized. The rank results can be unsorted, meaning that they are not in numerical order, or they can be sorted in ascending or descending order. For example, when you rank products by their value in the Revenue category, PowerPlay Web adds a rank column to the report that shows what place each product came in. If you want to see the top ten revenue-generating products, you sort the rank category to arrange the ordinals in numerical order. Rank categories and sort orders are automatically regenerated whenever there is a change to the report data. PowerPlay Web reports with rank categories can be exported to PDF, CSV, or Excel format. You cannot rank FORECAST calculation or TOTAL SUMMARY values. You can add rank categories only if your PowerPlay Web administrator enabled the settings in PowerPlay Enterprise - Server Administration. Steps In the PowerPlay Web Explorer report, right-click the column or row on which you want to base the rank category, and then click Insert Rank. You can rank on more than one column or row. Verify the category on which you want to base the rank category. In the Show Ordinals list box, click Top, Bottom or All, and type the number of ordinals you want to show. Type Top to show the highest values, Bottom to show the lowest values, or All to show all the values. In the Start the Ordinals From list box, click Highest or Lowest to identify which ordinal is ranked as ordinal 1. In the Sorting Order list box, click Descending, Ascending, or None to set the sorting order. In the Rank Name box, specify a name for the rank category. The rank category name appears at the top of the column or beginning of the row in italicized text. Click OK. Tip: You can also use the Rank button on the PowerPlay Web toolbar to add, delete, edit, or rename a rank category. The new rank category appears in the PowerPlay Web Explorer report, to the right of the selected column or under the selected row. 2.

37 Subsets Subsets is the ability to create specialized category:
By Search Criteria By MEASURE values (Cur Assigned, CM Proj, CM PMAD) By Category Selection 2. 1. 3. You can define subsets of categories in PowerPlay Web Explorer based on specified criteria. When you create custom subsets of your data, you can isolate, explore, and analyze specific elements of your data. Subsets can be dynamic, meaning that they can be updated whenever a change in the cube data affects the categories in the subset. For example, you are a division commander and you want to analyze the troop allocation in your region for the airborne only. You create a category subset defined by search criteria that all FORSCOMS contain the text “airborne". As more airborne categories are added to the cube that meet the search criteria, they are added to the subset dynamically. You can create subsets of categories by search criteria, by measure value, or by individual category selection. You can also create a category subset for a dimension directly from the crosstab in a PowerPlay Web Explorer displayed report. When you create a category subset by search criteria, PowerPlay Web searches the cube for all categories that meet the search criteria and returns that information. When you create a category subset by measure value, PowerPlay Web compares measure values and returns the categories within the defined range. When you create a category subset by individual category selection, PowerPlay Web returns the categories you selected. The custom subset of categories must contain only categories in the same dimension. You cannot nest a subset within the dimension from which it was derived. Also, you cannot nest a subset within a subset if they are both from the same dimension. When you create a new category subset, the subset appears in the dimension viewer. You can create, edit, and delete category subsets only in PowerPlay Web Explorer. In PowerPlay Web Viewer, PowerPlay for Windows, and PowerPlay for Excel, you can open, but not edit, PowerPlay Web Explorer reports that include category subsets. Steps Using Category Selection On the PowerPlay Web toolbar, click the Custom Subsets button In the Custom Subset Name box, enter a name for the category subset. This name will appear as a new report category in the dimension viewer. In the Dimension list, select the dimension on which you want to create the category subset. Click Select Categories, and click Next. In the Available Categories list, expand the categories, and then select the categories you want to appear in the subset. Click the Add to Custom Subset button to move the selected categories to the Result Set list. When you create a category subset by selecting individual categories, the categories are static and remain in the subset until you delete them. Tip: To remove a category from the Result Set list, select the category and click the Remove from Custom Subset button. Click Finish. The PowerPlay Web Explorer report shows the category subset. In the dimension viewer, the subset appears as a new category.

38 Appendix I – Icons Explained
Drill Through Explain File Find Help Hide/Show 80/20 Suppression Calculation Chart Crosstab Custom Exception Display Options 80/20 Suppression - 80/20 suppression removes rows or columns whose absolute values do not contribute to the top 80% of results. It then summarizes the removed rows or columns into a single row or column called "Other." Calculation - You can combine rows or columns to obtain a new item based on a custom calculation. Chart – changes the crosstab display into a graph. Crosstab – Changes a graph back to the default crosstab. Custom Exception – You can highlight value ranges with different font and/or background color to signify importance or its differences. Display Option – You can control the number rows or columns are viewable in the display. Drill Through – You can view all available reports that drill through to them. Explain – You can view a category definition for a column or row category. File – Icon to activate the file export options. Find – Icon used to locate specific category values within the cube if unsure of location. Help – Icon used to activate the online Help resource. Hide/Show – Icon used to manage which rows or columns are hidden or not hidden.

39 Appendix I – Icons Explained (2)
Rank Reset Return to source Save As Subsets Swap Wrapping ON/Off Zero Suppression Prepare Bookmark – The complete URL for the report appears in either the Location or the Address box of your Web browser. Use your Web browser features to add the bookmark to the list of Web browser bookmarks or favorites. Reset – Icon used to restore the categories back to the highest parent dimension. Return to source – Icon used to navigate back to the COPS portal web page. Save As – Icon used to save a report to the login ID’s newsbox. Split View – Icon used to activate the split view. Swap – Icon used to swap the row categories with the column categories. Wrapping On/Off – Icon used to turn on or off the dimension line wrap. Zero Suppression – Hides all zero values within the report display when a single row or column is all zeros.

40 Contact Info Ron Drew ; DSN 221 Anthony Roh ; DSN 221

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