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Published byΛυκάων Βλαβιανός Modified over 6 years ago
Chapter 9: Data Structures: Arrays and Structs
Problem Solving, Abstraction, and Design using C++ 6e by Frank L. Friedman and Elliot B. Koffman
9.1 The Array Data Type Array elements have a common name
The array as a whole is referenced through the common name Array elements are of the same type — the base type Individual elements of the array are referenced by sub-scripting the group name element’s relative position used, beginning with 0 Array stored in consecutive memory locations
Additional Array Details
Subscripts are denoted as expressions within brackets: [ ] Base type can be any fundamental, library-defined, or programmer -defined type The index type is integer and the index range must be n-1, for array of size n
element-type array-name [array-size];
Array Declaration element-type array-name [array-size]; Type of all the values in the array Name of the entire collection of values Integer expression indicating number of elements in the array
Example 1 element-type array-name [array-size] = {initialization-list}; float x[8] = {16.0, 12.0, 6.0, 8.0, 2.5, 12.0, 14.0, -54.5}; 16.0 12.0 6.0 8.0 2.5 14.0 -54.5
Example 1 (con’t) cout << x[0]; x[3] = 25.0; sum = x[0] + x[1];
x[2] = x[0] + x[1];
Example 2 const int NUM_EMP = 10; bool onVacation[NUM_EMP];
int vacationDays[NUM_EMP]; enum day {sunday, monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday}; day dayOff[NUM_EMP]; float plantHours[7];
Figure 9.3 Arrays onVacation, vacationDays, and dayOff
Array Initialization List of initial values enclosed in braces ({ }) following assignment operator (=) Values from initialization list are assigned in order to array elements Length of initialization list cannot exceed size of the array If too few values, value assigned is system dependent Size of array can be automatically set to number of initializing values using empty brackets ([ ])
Array Subscripts Enclosed in brackets ([ ])
Indicates which element is referenced by position Array subscript value is different than array element value Subscript can be an expression of any integral type To be valid, subscript must be a value between 0 and one less than the array size
9.2 Sequential Access to Array Elements
Random Access Access elements is any order Sequential Access Process elements in sequential order starting with the first
Example of Sequential Access
int cube[10]; for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) cube[i] = i * i * i;
Strings and Arrays of Characters
string object uses an array of char Can reference individual character of a string object in different ways name[ i ] i ) Other member functions of string class message.length( i )
9.3 Array Arguments Use <, ==, >, +, -, etc. to test and modify array elements individually Can pass array elements to functions exchange (s[3], s[5]);
Listing 9.3 Function to exchange the contents of two floating-point memory locations
Passing an Array Argument
Arrays are always passed by reference Pass entire array to a function by writing just its name (no subscripts or brackets) in the argument list of the function call In function definition and prototype, user empty brackets ([ ]) to identify array Use keyword const to indicate that array argument cannot be changed by function
Example 1 const int MAX_SIZE = 5; float x[MAX_SIZE ];
float y[MAX_SIZE ]; . . . if (sameArray(x, y, MAX_SIZE)) cout << “Arrays are identical.” << endl; else cout << “Arrays are different.” << endl;
Listing 9.4 Function sameArray
Example 2 const int MAX_SIZE = 5;
float x[MAX_SIZE ] = {1.8, 2.2, 3.4, 5.1, 6.7}; float y[MAX_SIZE ] = {2.0, 4.5, 1.3, 4.0, 5.5}; float z[MAX_SIZE]; . . . addArray(MAX_SIZE, x, y, z);
Listing 9.5 Function addArray
// File: addArray.cpp // Stores the sum of a[i] and b[i] in c[i] // Sums pairs of array elements with subscripts ranging from 0 // to size – 1 // Pre: a[i] and b[i] are defined (0 <= i <= size-1) // Post: c[i] = a[i] + b[i] (0 <= i <= size-1) void addArray (int size, // IN: the size of the arrays const float a[], // IN: the first array const float b[], // IN: the second array float c[]) // OUT: result array { // Add corresponding elements of a and b and store in c for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) c[i] = a[i] + b[i]; }
9.4 Reading Part of an Array
Sometimes it is difficult to know how many elements will be in an array 150 students in one section 200 students in another section Always allocate enough space for largest possible amount needed Remember to start reading with index [0] Must keep track of how many elements used
Listing 9.7 Function readScoresFile
Listing 9.7 Function readScoresFile (continued)
9.5 Searching and Sorting Arrays
Two common array processing problems Searching Sorting E.g. look for a particular score, highest score, etc. rearrange an array of scores in increasing order
Finding the Smallest Value
1. Assume the first element is smallest so far and save its subscript 2. For each array element after the first one 2.1 If the current element < the smallest so far 2.1.1 Save the subscript of current element
Listing 9.8 Function findIndexOfMin
Listing 9.8 Function findIndexOfMin (continued)
Array Search - Interface
Input arguments int items[ ] // array to search int size // number of items in array int target // item to find Output arguments none Returns if found, subscript of first location in array if not found, -1
Array Search - Algorithm
1. For each array element 1.1 If the current element contains the target 1.2 Return the subscript of the current element 2. Return -1.
Listing 9.9 The function linSearch
Sorting an Array in Ascending Order
Many programs execute more efficiently if data is in order before processing starts Possible to order in either ascending or descending arrangement Selection sort just one of many ways to do this reuses previous components of search and swap operations
Selection Sort Input arguments Output arguments Local variables
float items[ ] // array to sort int n // number of items to sort Output arguments int items [ ] // original array sorted Local variables int i // subscript of first element int minSub // subscript of smallest item
Selection Sort - Algorithm
1. Starting with the first item in the array (subscript 0) and ending with the next-to-last-item: 1.1 Set i equal to the subscript of the first item in the subarray to be processed in the next steps 1.2 Find the subscript (minSub) of the smallest item in the subarray with subscripts ranging from i through n-1 1.3 Exchange the smallest item found in step 1.2 with item i
Listing 9.10 Function selSort
9.6 Analyzing Algorithms: Big-O Notation
Need to estimate efficiency of algorithms in order to compare Approximate the effect on an algorithm of a change in the number of items, n, that the algorithm processes Look at how an algorithm’s execution time increases with n (i.e. its growth rate). Expressed in terms of largest contributing factor of polynomial describing processing time
Table 9.4 Table values of n and n2
Analysis of a Search Algorithm
Search an array of n elements using linear search method Target can be anywhere in the array For random data, it’s equally likely target is at end of array as at beginning On average, must search n/2 array elements Linear search is O(n) process
Analysis of Sort Algorithm
Focus on the number of array element comparisons and exchanges required For selection sort, requires n-1 comparisons for 1st pass, n-2 for 2nd, etc. Total number of comparisons is (n-2) + (n-1) which is n (n-1) = n2/2 - n/2 2 or O(n2)
9.7 Multidimensional Arrays
Allows for complex arrangement of data Can have many dimensions Syntax element-type arrayName [size1] [size2]…[sizen]; E.g. double table[NROWS] [NCOLS];
Declaring Two- Dimensional Arrays
Most common multidimensional array Represents a table E.g. char ticTacTie[3][3]; Access ticTacTie[1][2] Row Column
Figure 9.10 A tic-tac-toe board stored as array ticTacToe
Example . . . seatPlan[0][8] = “Gerry”; const int NUM_ROWS = 11;
const int SEATS_IN_ROW = 9; string seatPlan [NUM_ROWS][SEATS_IN_ROW]; . . . seatPlan[0][8] = “Gerry”;
Figure 9.11 A classroom seating plan
Initialization Each inner pair of braces contains initial values for one row of the array matrix const int NUM_ROWS = 2; const int NUM_COLS = 3; float matrix[NUM_ROWS][NUM_COLS] ={{5.0, 4.5, 3.0}, {-16.0, -5.9, 0.0}};
Nested Loops for Two-D Arrays
Row order use row subscript as outer loop control variable Column order use column subscript as outer loop control variable
Two-Dimensional Arrays as Function Arguments
Row dimension can be anonymous, but column dimension must be specified C++ must know the number of elements in each row in order to access a particular array element
Function sumMatrix float sumMatrix (float table[][NUM_COLS], int rows)
{ float sum = 0.0; // Add each array element value to sum. for (int r = 0; r < rows; r++) for (int c = 0; c < NUM_COLS; c++) sum += table[r][c]; return sum; }
Arrays with Several Dimensions
const int PEOPLE = 10; const int YEARS = 5; money sales[PEOPLE][YEARS][12];
9.8 The struct Data Type Typically declare struct as global
struct used to store related data items Individual components of the struct are called its members Each member can contain different types of data Three parts declaration of structure use of structure to define a new variable access of members of the structured variable Typically declare struct as global
struct Type Declaration
struct employee { int id; string name; char gender; int numDepend; float rate; float totWages; }; . . . employee organist, janitor; struct struct-type { type1 id-list1; type2 id-list2; . . . typen id-listn; };
Accessing Members of a struct = 1234; = “Noel Goddard”; organist.gender = ‘F’; organist.numDepend = 0; organist.rate = 12.00; organist.totWages = 480.0; . . . organist.totWages += (organist.rate * 40.0);
9.9 structs as Operands and Arguments
struct copy or assignment organist = janitor; // copy janitor to organist Copies each member from janitor struct to organist struct
Passing a struct as an Argument
Actual and formal parameters must be same type struct Using structs as arguments can shorten argument list Passing structs by value can be inefficient, since it duplicates values of all members
Passing struct by Reference
Same as other reference parameters use & to identify in parameter list Can also use constant reference precede parameter with reserved word const E.g. void printStats(const examStats& stuExams)
Listing 9.12 Function printStats
Listing 9.13 Function readEmployee
9.10 Array of Structs Declaration of an array of structs
employee company [10]; Storage for 10 employee structs Can pass to a function readEmployee (company[i]);
Figure 9.14 Sketch of array company
Function readCompany // File: readCompany.cpp
// READS 10 EMPLOYEE RECORDS INTO ARRAY company void readCompany (employee company[]) { // Read 10 employees. for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) cout << "Enter data for employee " << (i+1) << ":" << endl; readEmployee (company[i]); }
9.11 String as Arrays of Characters
Declaring and initializing char name[ ] = “Jackson”; // array size 8 or char name[8] = “Jackson”; // 7 characters Last character stored is ‘\0’ to denote the end of the string in a character array
Reading and Writing Character Arrays
Can read or write entire character array at once cin >> name; cout << name << endl; Can read or write each character of of array must account for null character at end of array
9.12 Graphics with Arrays To draw a triangle or a closed figure that has more than 4 sides, use drawpoly and fillpoly Both functions require an array argument that stores the points to be displayed. The coordinates of each point are stored in consecutive elements of the array. For drawpoly, the polygon must be closed; that is, the first point should be repeated as the last point.
Listing 9.15 #include <graphics.h> #include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime> int main() { // (x , y) int poly[12] = { 100, 200, // top-left corner 300, 100, // roof peak 500, 200, // top-right corner 500, 400, // bottom-right corner 100, 400, // bottom-left corner 100, // top-left corner }; char message[] = "Press a key to repaint house - press Q to quit"; initwindow(640, 500, "House"); outtextxy(100, 450, message);
Listing 9.15 cont’d srand(time(NULL)); char ch = '*';
while (toupper(ch) != 'Q') { int color = rand() % 16; int fill = rand() % 12; setfillstyle(fill, color); fillpoly(6, poly); ch = getch(); } closegraph(); // close the window
Figure 9.17 Painted House
Drawing a grid Listing 9.16 is a program that draws the grid shown in Fig In function main, the two-dimensional array gridArray stores the color values to be displayed in each cell, starting with row 0 which has all black cells (color value is 0). This array is passed to function drawGrid. The body of function drawGrid contains a pair of nested loops to access each element of gridArray.
Drawing a grid cont’d For element gridArray[r][c], the statements
rectangle(c*CELL_SIZE, r*CELL_SIZE, // top-left corner c*CELL_SIZE + CELL_SIZE, // bottom-right r*CELL_SIZE + CELL_SIZE); // corner draw a rectangle associated with row r, column c of the array. The statements color = gridArray[r][c] % 16; setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, color); floodfill(c*CELL_SIZE + 1, r*CELL_SIZE + 1, WHITE); fill the rectangle just drawn with the color value stored in grid[r][c]. After the grid is drawn, the main function prompts the user to select a cell by clicking in it.
Drawing a grid cont’d Method reportResult processes the mouse click and stores in (x, y) the coordinates of the pixel clicked. The statements row = y / CELL_SIZE; column = x / CELL_SIZE; convert the pixel coordinates to a row and column value which are returned to the main function. The graphics function getpixel returns an integer representing the color value of the cell that was selected. color = getpixel(x, y); // return color of pixel at (x, y)
Listing 9.16 #include <graphics.h> #include <iostream>
using namespace std; const int NUM_ROWS = 5; const int NUM_COLS = 6; const int CELL_SIZE = 50; // dimensions of a square cell void drawGrid(int[][NUM_COLS]); void reportResult(int&, int&, int&); void recolor(int, int, int, int); int main() { int gridArray[NUM_ROWS][NUM_COLS] = { {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {2, 4, 2, 4, 2, 4}, {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}, {2, 3, 4, 15, 6, 7}, {5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5} };
Listing 9.16 cont’d int width = CELL_SIZE * NUM_COLS;
int height = CELL_SIZE * NUM_ROWS + 100; int row, column; // row and column of cell clicked int color; // color of cell clicked initwindow(width, height, "Grid - Press a key to close"); drawGrid(gridArray); char message[100] = "Select a cell by clicking it"; outtextxy(100, height - 50, message); reportResult(row, column, color); cout << "You clicked the cell in row " << (row + 1) << ", column " << (column + 1) << endl; recolor(row, column, color, HATCH_FILL); getch(); closegraph(); }
Listing 9.16 cont’d // Draw the grid corresponding to the color values in gridArray void drawGrid(int gridArray[][NUM_COLS]) { int color; // color of cell // Draw a grid cell for each array element for (int r = 0; r < NUM_ROWS; r++) { for (int c = 0; c < NUM_COLS; c++) { setcolor(WHITE); // border color // Draw cell border rectangle(c*CELL_SIZE, r*CELL_SIZE, // top-left corner c*CELL_SIZE + CELL_SIZE, // bottom-right r*CELL_SIZE + CELL_SIZE); // corner // Fill the cell color = gridArray[r][c] % 16; setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, color); floodfill(c*CELL_SIZE + 1, r*CELL_SIZE + 1, WHITE); }
Listing 9.16 cont’d // Report the results of a mouse click by the user. // Pre: The grid is displayed // Post: The row, column, and color of the cell selected // are returned through row and column. void reportResult(int& row, int& column, int& color) { int x, y; // (x, y) position of mouse click clearmouseclick(WM_LBUTTONDOWN); while (!ismouseclick(WM_LBUTTONDOWN)) { delay(100); } getmouseclick(WM_LBUTTONDOWN, x, y); // Convert x (y) pixel position to row (column) row = y / CELL_SIZE; column = x / CELL_SIZE; color = getpixel(x, y); // get pixel color
Listing 9.16 cont’d // Recolors a selected grid cell with a new color and // pattern. // Pre: The cell row and column and new color // and pattern are are defined. // Post: The selected cell is refilled. void recolor(int row, int column, int newColor, int pattern) { setfillstyle(pattern, newColor); floodfill(column*CELL_SIZE + 1, row*CELL_SIZE + 1, WHITE); }
Fig D Grid
9.13 Common Programming Errors
Arrays Out-of-range subscript references Unsubscripted array references Subscripted references to nonarray variables Mixing types in passing arrays to functions structs References to a struct member with no prefix Reference to a struct member no incorrect prefix Missing semicolon following a struct declaration
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