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General Observations…

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Presentation on theme: "General Observations…"— Presentation transcript:

1 General Observations…
Consensus: Men have been left out of ‘gender’ Male norms must be examined and redefined Lack of Consensus: Address men as gatekeepers? Address men as clients/recipients? Address men as agents of change?

2 Challenges for Implementation– overall…
Lack of consensus Lack of awareness Biases & stereotypes Insufficient skilled professionals Limited models

3 Challenges for Programmatic Implication
What do programs “look like”? What do programs try to achieve? How to motivate communities on the ground? What works? How to evaluate? How to share information? How to replicate & scale up?

4 Programmatic Recommendations
Increase dialogue on men & development Focus our thinking on “relational” aspects of gender Examine our own biases Ensure professional training Carry out gender analyses

5 Programmatic Recommendations (continued)
Incorporate men into existing initiatives Apply tested mass media & BCC methods Support policy processes that enable men to expand their roles & participation Invest in evaluation Collect and share data on best practices

6 From Bannon & Correia… “Addressing gender issues ultimately will require liberating men and women from the straightjackets of gender norms, constructs, and pressures. Although this process has begun for women, efforts for men are incipient.” I leave you with these parting words, which I think sum up the issue beautifully…

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