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HHMI Assessment Workshop

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Presentation on theme: "HHMI Assessment Workshop"— Presentation transcript:

1 HHMI Assessment Workshop
Joe Chihade - Cherry Danielson Ellen Iverson

2 Welcome Why are we here? Introductions with Grant Projects

3 Learning Outcomes Goals
You will identify the student learning goals/outcomes for your grant project What do you want your students to be able to do or demonstrate when they have finished your course/module? Ellen

4 Characteristics of Learning Outcomes
What things do you want your students to gain from their learning experience? Knowledge Skills Attitudes Behaviors Also, do these outcomes make sense considering the time you have available? To what degree do you think you can affect them?

5 Review Outcomes Can you tell what the learning goals are?
Is the range of specificity appropriate? (Too broad? or too narrow?) How could it be made clearer? What would you add or subtract? Ellen

6 Learning Goals What types of things did you find helpful from your reviewer? What difficulties or confusion still exists in your mind regarding learning goals or outcomes?

7 Learning Outcomes The effect of different activities and learning environments on Learning Outcomes

8 The Learning Environment
Goals You will identify a collection of environmental Aspects that will undergird your innovative curricular project. You will identify teaching methods that you will use. You will understand the use of paired survey instruments. Cherry

9 The Learning Environment
Understanding what the environment will be like for your curricular innovation relative to student learning.

10 Aspects of the Learning Environment
What makes a strong teaching activity? Research/Literature based list 4 Groups represent the whole student Looking for gaps

11 Dot and Post-it Activity
Learning Environment List Highlight PINK – Primary aspects you intend to use YELLOW – Less frequent aspects you intend to use Cam’s Example

12 Dot and Post-it Activity
Dots – Put your initials on the dots Place dots on posters matching each highlighted area on the learning environment list Post-its – Write a brief description of what the primary aspects will look like in your course/module. Put your initials on each post-it. Cam’s example

13 The Post-its Activity Intentions
Help Faculty see where their own methods map onto the framework Help us flesh out the instrument with new items that fit into one or more of the categories.

14 The Big picture Goal You will appreciate how innovative course development sits within the learning environment of your class/course module and how it relates to the goals of the HHMI grant. Joe

15 HHMI 7 – Integrated Science and Math Education
Curricular development that builds explicit linkages between specific pairs or sets of courses Cohort programs that support the persistence of students in science and math Incorporating authentic research experiences into coursework, and enhancing student-faculty research experiences Providing opportunities for students to engage in community-based learning and community-based research, where student apply their learning in a real-world context Providing opportunities for students to review, deepen, and integrate their previous learning by teaching others at Carleton and in the community Joe

16 Joe

17 A3 A2 3 Levels of assessment A A A A Joe
A = Individual Curriculum Development Grants A2 = HHMI Grant – Assessment across all activities A3= Carleton A

18 CAT #1 To what degree did the Dot and Post-its Activity help you to see where your methods map onto the framework? What is the muddiest point of that exercise?

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