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C4I market overview Global and KSA

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1 C4I market overview Global and KSA
April 2015 Shared By Fozan Alfozan

2 Global C4iSR market size
The global C4ISR market is estimated at $102 billion in 2014 and is expected to register a CAGR of 3%-4.5% to reach between $122 and $133 billion by 2020 Global C4ISR market size and forecast ($ Billions) Key facts The continued requirement for integrated solutions and interoperability will be the driving factors for the global C4ISR market While emphasis on networked forces is spreading to all nations seeking to modernize their C4ISR systems, reduced defense budgets, force structures, tables of equipment and platforms are becoming major challenges, especially in North America and Western Europe (especially UK) Increased spending by Middle Eastern and APAC nations drive improved sensors, processing and communications Of-the-shelf products are lacking standardization, and have questionable supply chain integrity and component reliability, but still their acquisition reduces costs, speeds procurement schedules, eases integration and promotes more frequent technology refreshes The C4ISR market is a diversified and competitive, with the presence of a significant number of players, but the primary market players are from the United States and Europe. Their strategies are expanding geographic footprint towards the emerging economies such as Turkey, Indonesia, Australia and Brazil The market requires more consolidation and integration of C4ISR systems across all platforms to gain a competitive advantage 2.9%-4.5% Source: Frost & Sullivan, SDI, Web research

3 C4ISR market by geography
NA share of global C4ISR expenditure will diminish, while Europe will hold a steady growth; APAC and ME will increase their share in the total C4ISR Spend pattern changes (%) 2014 2020 Latin America Africa Latin America Africa Middle East Middle East North America Asia Pacific North America Asia Pacific Europe Europe Source: Frost & Sullivan

4 C4I represents almost 60% of the overall C4ISR market
C4ISR by segments % of total global C4ISR C4I represents almost 60% of the overall C4ISR market C4I 14.1% 25.5% 9.6% 10.1% 32.6% 8.1% Command and control (C2) Communications Computers Intelligence S&R EW/IO Antennas Cybersecurity Information assurance Networks Satellite Telecommuni-cations Antennas Battle management Components Cybersecurity Datalinks Information assurance Multipurpose Networks Radio Satellite communications Smartphones Telecommuni-cations Cloud computing Components Cybersecurity Data analytics Displays Hardware Mobile devices Multipurpose Networks Software Geospatial intelligence Human intelligence Imagery/video Language/culture Measurement and signature intelligence Multipurpose Networks Processing exploitation dissemination Signals intelligence Biometrics Chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, high- yield explosives EO/IR/MS/laser Full motion video GPS Identification friend or foe Motion detection Multipurpose Night vision Radar/Lidar Sonar/acoustic/ magnetic Targeting pods Unmanned vehicles Weather Information operations tools IR countermeasures Multipurpose Radio frequency countermeasures Rada warning recievers Source: Frost & Sullivan

5 C4ISR Market country attractiveness
Saudi Arabia is considered to be one of the most attractive C4ISR markets in terms of high spend and significant growth Country attractiveness grid (Global), Sector with most attractive market in the world over High 1 India From 2014, C4I (as a subset of C4ISR) in KSA will grow at a 2.8% CAGR in defence and HLC sector 10% 2 Saudi Arabia High 3 Brazil 7.5% 4 South Korea 5 US ($437.39bn) 4 2 1 3 6 UK Medium C4ISR Growth rate Medium 7 5% France 9 10 8 8 Germany 6 9 Australia 7 Low 2.5% 10 Turkey 5 High (>$40bn) Medium ($20bn-$40bn) Low (<$20bn) Low Low High $30bn $10bn Medium Level of C4ISR spending HLS – Homeland security Source: Frost & Sullivan analysis

6 SAUDI arabia DEFENCE & HLS market
Total Saudi Arabia C4I IT service market in 2014 was worth around $632 millions C4I IT service expenditures as a share of total defence & HLS spending (2014, $ Millions) HLS – Homeland security Source: SIPRI, CSIS, Delta Partners analysis

7 SAUDI arabia c4i DEFENCE & HLS it service spending
Saudi Arabia C4I IT service spending will grow at 2.8% CAGR; Army will be the major investor in C4I, but HLS will be the fastest growing market Total C4I defence & HLS IT service spending 2014 – 2019 ($ Millions) Defence & HLS C4I IT service market ($ Millions) CAGR '14 – '19 2.8% (%) 2.1% 0.3% Navy Air Force 0.3% Air defence 2.6% Army 9% HLS Share of total Defence 85% 84% 83% 82% 81% 80% HLS 15% 16% 17% 18% 19% 20% HLS – Homeland security Source: SIPRI, CSIS, Delta Partners analysis

8 41 KSA defence expenditures evolution Kingdom's defence spending has been increasing fueled by high Oil price KSA defence spend relative to oil price ($ Billions, $ oil price/barrel) Oil price Defence budget 51.61 Notes: 1 WTI crude oil price on Source: Forbes, SIPRI 8

9 World defence expenditures
KSA defence expenditures as share of GDP are double compared to the nearest country Military expenditures in 2013 ($ Billions, Top 10 countries) Defence expenditures as share of GDP in 2013 (%) Source: Economist

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