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Presentation on theme: "QUASI-STATIC MODELING of PARTICLE –FIELD INTERACTIONS Thomas M"— Presentation transcript:

QUASI-STATIC MODELING of PARTICLE –FIELD INTERACTIONS Thomas M. Antonsen Jr, IREAP, University of Maryland College Park MD, Multiscale Processes in Fusion Plasmas IPAM 2005 Work supported by NSF, ONR, and DOE - HEP

2 Separation of Scales in Wave - Particle Interactions
Laser Wake Field Accelerator LWFA Laser pulse Plasma Wake Basic Parameters:   = 8  10-5 cm  (100 fsec) = 3  10-3 cm Propagation length = 5 cm Gyromonotron Radiation period =  sec (170GHz) Transit time =  sec Cavity Time =  10-9 sec Voltage rise time >  10-5 sec Vacuum Electronic Device (VED) Beam Drive Radiation Source Electron beam Cavity Radiation

3 Hierarchy of Time Scales
• Limited interaction time for some electrons -Transit time Laser - Plasma: - pulse duration Radiation Source: - electron transit time • Radiation period << Transit time Simplified equations of motion Laser - Plasma: - Ponderomotive Force Radiation Source: - Period averaged equations • Transit time << Radiation Evolution Time Quasi Static Approximation Pulse Shape/Field Envelope constant during transit time • Radiation period << Radiation Evolution Time Simplified equations for radiation Envelope Equations

Full EM - Laser Envelope • Plasma Particles - Fluid Full Lorenz force - Ponderomotive Dynamic response Quasi-static

5 Full EM vs. Laser Envelope
• Required Approximation for Laser envelope: wlaser tpulse >> 1, rspot >> l wp /wlaser <<1 • Advantages of envelope model: -Larger time steps Full EM stability: Dt < Dx/c Envelope accuracy: Dt < 2p Dx2/lc -Further approximations • Advantages of full EM: Includes Stimulated Raman back-scattering

6 Laser Envelope Approximation
• Laser Frame Coordinate: x = ct z • Laser + Wake field: E laser + wake • Vector Potential: A ( , ^ t ) exp i k c . • Envelope equation: Necessary for: Raman Forward Self phase modulation vg< c Drop (eliminates Raman back-scatter)

7 AXIAL GROUP VELOCITY True dispersion : Extended Paraxial : Requires :
Extended Para - Axial approximation - Correct treatment of forward and near forward scattered radiation - Does not treat backscattered radiation

8 Full Lorenz Force vs. Ponderomotive Description
dt = q E + v B c x • Full Lorenz: E = laser + wake x ( t ) • Separation of time scales × Ñ < • Requires small excursion • Ponderomotive Equations d p dt = q E wake + v B c F m 2 g Ñ A laser 1

9 Laser frame coordinate: x = ct -z collapses t and z
PLASMA WAKE • Maxwell’s Equations for Wake Fields in Laser Frame Laser frame coordinate: x = ct -z collapses t and z Time t is a parameter Solved using potentials F, A

10 Quasi - Static vs. Dynamic Wake
Laser Pulse PlasmaWake Electron transit time: t e = pulse 1 v z / c Plasma electron c Electron transit time << Pulse modification time Trapped electron c - vz d dt = t + c v z x ^ × Ñ Advantages: fewer particles, less noise (particles marched in x= ct-z) Disadvantages: particles are not trapped

11 CODE STRUCTURE Laser Particles and Wake Note: t is a parameter

12 Plasma Particle Motion and Wake Become 2D
Particles marched in x Motion in r - x plane r x = ct z j + 1 i Density

• Weak dependence on “t” in the laser frame • Introduce potentials • Algebraic equation:

14 WAKE FIELDS • Maxwell’s Equations for Potentials
• Iteration required for EM wake

15 GAUGE Lorentz QUICKPIC Transverse Coulomb WAKE Pro: Simple structure
Compatible with 2D PIC Con: A carries “electrostatic” field Pro: A = 0 in electrostatic limit Con: non-standard field equations

16 Numerical Simulation of Plasma Wave
2D WAKE Mora and Antonsen, Phys Plasmas 4, 217 (1997) Viewed in laser frame Particle trajectories Density maxima

17 Cavitation and Wave Breaking
WAKE - Particle Mode Intensity Density Trajectories Cavitation and Wave Breaking

18 QUICKPIC 3D UCLA/UMD/USC Collaboration
UCLA: Chengkun Huang, V. K. Decyk, C. Ren, M. Zhou, W. Lu, W. B. Mori UMD: J. Cooley, T. M. Antonsen Jr. USC: T. Katsouleas Beam particles equations: 3D 3D simulation - Laser pulse evolution Plasma particles - Beam particles Numerics Parallel Object Oriented Beam charge and current

19 Reduced amplitude due to effects of beam loading
UCLA Axial Electric Field x Laser Pulse 1.8 nC electron bunch 25 MeV injection energy Reduced amplitude due to effects of beam loading

20 Electron Distribution and Axial Field
UCLA Electron Distribution and Axial Field Laser Pulse Electron Bunch Distribution ~1.7x108 electrons Axial Electric Field

21 VED Modeling Interaction Circuit Types
Interaction requires: Beam Structure Synchronism Wiggler FEL S. H. Gold and G. S. Nusinovich, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 68 (11), 3945 (1997)

22 Synchronism in a Linear Beam Device
Dispersion curve w (kz) Doppler curve kz vz

23 Time Domain Simulation Standard PIC
L z Trajectories Positions interpolated to a grid in z Signal and particles injected t t+dt Fields advanced in time domain Carrier and its harmonics must be resolved System state specified

24 Frequency & Time Domain Hybrid Simulation RF phase sampled
z time L z+dz Trajectories t+dt Signal Period T=2p/w Ensemble of particles samples RF phase

25 Separate Beam Region from Structure Region
Cavities coupled through slots Electrodynamic structures Cavity fields Penetrate to Beam tunnel trough gaps e- Beam region simulation boundary Cavity fields , jth cavity: Beam tunnel fields

26 Code Verification: Comparison with MAGIC
Operating Frequency 3.23 GHz Output Power (Pout) MAGIC kW TESLA kW Input Power (Pin) kW B0=1kG rwall=1.4 cm rbeam=1.0 cm zgap = 1 cm Q= R/Q= (on axis) fres GHz GHz

27 TESLA : Sub-Cycling to Improve Performance
MAGIC: Pout=214.2 kW TESLA: Pout=214.0 kW Frequency of trajectory update with respect to field update (each nth step) CPU Time [sec] Pentium IV 2.2 GHz 10 7.4 5 11.7 2 24.6 1 46.0 MAGIC 2D ~ 2 hours MAGIC 3D ~72 hours

28 Parallelization - Multiple Beam Klystrons (MBK)
Output Power Input Power Beams surrounded by individual beam tunnel Beam Tunnels Resonators (Common)

29 Code development for multiple beam case
Code is being developed to exploit multiple processors Each beam tunnel assigned to a processor Communication through cavity fields Each processor evolves independently cavity equations

30 Technical Challenge: Simulations of Saturated Regimes
Phase Space NRL 4 cavity MBK Saturated regime of operation: Particles may stop Analogous situation in LWFA: plasma electrons accelerated Resonators: 1, , , 4 Particles with small z

31 Reflected Particles Equations of particles motion (EQM): d/dz representation d/dt representation If vz 0 right hand side of EQM   Switch to d/dt equations for selected particles with small vz,i Numerical solution of EQM lost accuracy currently these particles are removed

32 Particle Characteristics and Current Assignment
z trajectories zj zj+dz Followed in t Sum over time steps of duration dt Followed in z

33 Sample Trajectories in MBK
Direction reverses

34 Accelerated Plasma Particles
Plasma particles with E > 500 keV promoted to status of passive test particles

35 Conclusions • Reduced Models based on separation of time scales yield efficient programs • Simplifications take various forms - Envelope equations - Ponderomotive force - Resonant phase - Quasi-static fields • Breakdown of assumptions can cause models to fail - Reflected particles - Accelerated electrons - Spurious modes (VEDs) • Ad hoc fixes are being considered. Is there are more general approach?


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