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HiEd & INT’L Monthly Meeting CMS Digital Delivery

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1 HiEd & INT’L Monthly Meeting CMS Digital Delivery
December 2011 Janet Marhefka Product Manager CMS Digital Delivery

2 Today’s Agenda eText v4.5 Release eText for Campus iPad app
new features/functionality release date screenshots of new functionality eText for Campus iPad app Android v1.0 Release Screenshots of new app!

3 eText v4.5 Release scheduled for Jan/Feb depends on black-out dates
New features include: New Flex framework Support for Pearson branding with UI enhancements New bookshelf design with show/hide expired SMS titles New hotspot options (transparent and underline) Data logging for analytics S7 integration enhancements S16 Bookshelf support CM/AT services to disable Android publishing Authoring features for Business Units Hex color selector iPad options (forced landscape and prevent 2-page view) New UI for PDF comparisons Auto Scaling of oversized PDFs for iPad Dropping support for PowerPC and Flash 10.1

4 Let’s take a look!




8 Transparent Hotspots in Viewer

9 Underline Hotspots in Viewer

10 Authoring Options

11 Authoring Options (cont’d)

12 NEW! eText for Campus v1.1 eText for iPad app for eCollege users now available from the App Store Same features as HiEd and School app Provides authentication model needed for eCollege users

13 eText for Android Release now likely in January
Feature complete and in QA testing System requirements: Honeycomb (Android OS v3.0 or higher) 10” tablet screens e.g. Xoom and Galaxy

14 eText for Android Features
Similar features to eText for iPad Bookshelf Page swipe navigation; pinch and zoom TOC and baskets Notes, bookmarks, highlights Search and search history Chapter download No Flash assets No study groups

15 eText for Android App and Title Access
To be available from Android Market Free download Three versions of App: RUMBA, SMS, and eCollege All eText for iPad titles will be available for Android unless BU specifies otherwise Using S14 integration scenario; BU option to un-publish Android view (in eText v4.5) BUs will follow iPad production guidelines QA testing with HiEd, INT’L & School titles underway

16 Let’s take a look!

17 bookshelf

18 Zoomable text

19 Crisp images

20 Notes

21 search


23 Questions? PPT will be posted on eText wiki
Next meeting: Mon. Jan 18h at 10:00am EST Janet Marhefka


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