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Marathon Battery Cold Spring, NY CERCLA Cleanup

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1 Marathon Battery Cold Spring, NY CERCLA Cleanup
Marathon Site Site Description Federal Court Actions ‘70s Project History 1st Dredging Operation Contaminants of Concern CERCLA Actions Total Cd Load to Marsh 9/20/2018 W. Fish, Portland State University

2 W. Fish, Portland State University
Site Description Instructions: Delete sample document icon and replace with working document icons as follows: Create document in Word. Return to PowerPoint. From Insert Menu, select Object… Click “Create from File” Locate File name in “File” box Make sure “Display as Icon” is checked. Click OK Select icon From Slide Show Menu, Select Action Settings. Click “Object Action” and select “Edit” On the Hudson River in NY; Two components: East Foundry Cove Marsh (EFCM) Constitution Marsh Click for Synoptic Site Map Click for Aerial Photo 9/20/2018 W. Fish, Portland State University

3 W. Fish, Portland State University
History: US Army Instructions: Delete sample document icon and replace with working document icons as follows: Create document in Word. Return to PowerPoint. From Insert Menu, select Object… Click “Create from File” Locate File name in “File” box Make sure “Display as Icon” is checked. Click OK Select icon From Slide Show Menu, Select Action Settings. Click “Object Action” and select “Edit” 1952: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Constructed 1953, under Contract with the Army Signal Corps, Sonotone Corporation operated plant to produce nickel-cadmium batteries for use in the Nike missile program Run under Army ownership ; declared “excess property” in 1962. 9/20/2018 W. Fish, Portland State University

4 W. Fish, Portland State University
Private Owners Instructions: Delete sample document icon and replace with working document icons as follows: Create document in Word. Return to PowerPoint. From Insert Menu, select Object… Click “Create from File” Locate File name in “File” box Make sure “Display as Icon” is checked. Click OK Select icon From Slide Show Menu, Select Action Settings. Click “Object Action” and select “Edit” 1962: U.S. sold it to Sonotone Corporation. 1967: Sonotone Corporation became a wholly-owned subsidiary of Clevite Corporation 9/20/2018 W. Fish, Portland State University

5 W. Fish, Portland State University
Marathon Instructions: Delete sample document icon and replace with working document icons as follows: Create document in Word. Return to PowerPoint. From Insert Menu, select Object… Click “Create from File” Locate File name in “File” box Make sure “Display as Icon” is checked. Click OK Select icon From Slide Show Menu, Select Action Settings. Click “Object Action” and select “Edit” 1969, Clevite Corporation Merged with Gould, Inc. 1969, Gould, Inc. sold the Plant to Business Fund, Inc.; later changed its name to Marathon Battery Company (MBC) MBC operated the plant until March 1979. 9/20/2018 W. Fish, Portland State University

6 W. Fish, Portland State University
After the Battery Era Instructions: Delete sample document icon and replace with working document icons as follows: Create document in Word. Return to PowerPoint. From Insert Menu, select Object… Click “Create from File” Locate File name in “File” box Make sure “Display as Icon” is checked. Click OK Select icon From Slide Show Menu, Select Action Settings. Click “Object Action” and select “Edit” Plant inactive from 3/79 until 11/80 Battery manufacturing equipment removed and shipped to an MBC plant in Waco, Texas Sold to the current owner, Merchandise Dynamics, incorporated, for use as a book storage facility 9/20/2018 W. Fish, Portland State University

7 Contaminants of Concern
Instructions: Delete sample document icon and replace with working document icons as follows: Create document in Word. Return to PowerPoint. From Insert Menu, select Object… Click “Create from File” Locate File name in “File” box Make sure “Display as Icon” is checked. Click OK Select icon From Slide Show Menu, Select Action Settings. Click “Object Action” and select “Edit” Cadmium: Cd Toxic to humans, animals and plants Carcinogenic Waste stream had large amounts of Cd, mostly as Cd hydroxide; also caustic wastes 9/20/2018 W. Fish, Portland State University

8 Original Wastewater Treatment System
Instructions: Delete sample document icon and replace with working document icons as follows: Create document in Word. Return to PowerPoint. From Insert Menu, select Object… Click “Create from File” Locate File name in “File” box Make sure “Display as Icon” is checked. Click OK Select icon From Slide Show Menu, Select Action Settings. Click “Object Action” and select “Edit” A lift station and piping for transfer of all process wastewater into the Cold Spring sewer: Discharged directly into the Hudson River Bypass Valve Was Installed When the Lift Station Was Shut down or Overloaded, direct Gravity Discharge Could Be Made into a Storm Sewer 9/20/2018 W. Fish, Portland State University

9 W. Fish, Portland State University
Discharges to EFCM High dissolved solids and pH of the Effluent Resulted in Extreme Fouling Within the Pump and Piping Pumps Required Shut down and Maintenance Bypass Valve Was Opened and the Flow Diverted to EFCM: 2x per week 9/20/2018 W. Fish, Portland State University

10 Cadmium Load: Approximately 50,000 kg of Cadmium May Have Been Discharged to the Cove During the Life of the Plant 9/20/2018

11 New Sewage Plant 1965: New York State Department of Health said Cold Spring must build seage treatment plant Battery Plant effluent could not be handled, too toxic Sonotone ordered to disconnect from sewer Entire waste flow diverted to storm sewer 9/20/2018

12 Attempts at Treatment Sonotone installed treatment equipment
precipitate Cd(OH)2 and neutralize discharge Never really worked, Cd kept on flowing NY found lots of Cd in marsh, river Plant given Jan 1, 1970 deadline to comply with state discharge regulation 9/20/2018

13 70 Civ. 4110 Judgement of Federal Court
Suit brought under Federal Water Pollution Control Administration against Marathon Enforcement then shifted to new EPA 9/20/2018

14 Relief Sought by US Permanent injunction against further discharge of Cd and other metals into Foundry Cove Demanded removal of Cd in sediments Sept. 1971: Complaint amended, named Sonotone, Clevite and Gould as additional defendants 9/20/2018

15 Final Judgment June 1972: Remove all sediment with Cd >900 ppm (mg/kg) 1971: Discharge was stopped; routed back to sewer after treatment : Hydraulic dredging by GOULD 9/20/2018

16 1st Dredging Operation Hydraulic dredging of “hot” areas
Spoils dewatered in parking lot inside a temporary dike dewatering leaked all over the place Effluent settle overnight, discharge to marsh Solids mixed with limestone, scored in underground vault on site 9/20/2018

17 Areas Dredged Outfall area Channel leading to the marsh
About 9 hectares = 22 acres About 4000 cu.m. stored in vault 9/20/2018

18 “Satisfaction” April 24, 1974: US Attorney issues “satisfaction of judgment” Site is off the hook…or isi it? Agreement included monitoring by NYS Dept. of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) Studies by NYSDEC, EPA, NYU 9/20/2018

19 Whoops, There it Is Studies showed much of area was still > 900 mg/kg Channel area was recontaminated Only about 10% of Cd had been removed 9/20/2018

20 CERCLA 1980: CERCLA Passed 1981: First NPL Prepared
Guess what was one of the first sites proposed for the interim NPL? 1983 went on Final NPL Also OSHA found high Cd dust inside book warehouse 9/20/2018

21 CERCLA Units 1986 ROD: Three “operating Units”
Area I: EFCM & Constitution Marsh Area II: Plant, grounds, vault Area III: Cove itself and Hudson 9/20/2018

22 RI/FS Findings ~8% of EFCM had >1000 mg/kg Cd
Dust up to 120,000 mg/kg in plant 9/20/2018

23 ROD Plan: 1986 Dredge EFCM, dewater, haul offsite
Leave Constitution Marsh alone Monitored Natural Attenuation (MNA) 2 other RODS issued ‘88, ‘89 9/20/2018

24 Final Consent Decrees Marathon, Gould, USACOE are RPs
Total cost $109 million Gould $57M ACOE $43 M Marathon $9M 9/20/2018

25 Dredging Began 1993 Dredging removed 55,000 cu. Yd sediment to depth of 1 ft. Assumed to get about 95% of Cd this way Did not shoot for a specific target conc. Dredging completed in 1994 9/20/2018

26 Marsh Cleanup 1800’ dike, 6-7 ft high
31,000 cu.yd soil excavated, treated, shipped of site reconstructed the marsh 9/20/2018

27 DELISTING Declared finished and delisted from NPL, October 1996

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