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College Night 2017 February 6, 2017.

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1 College Night 2017 February 6, 2017

2 Athletics NCAA NAIA
Mr. Craig Lee, BCHS Athletic Director Mrs. Celia Miller, Director of Academic Affairs

3 Berean Graduation Requirements
Bible 40 units Science Life (10) Phys Education 20 units[1] Physical (10) Technology 10 units LOTE 0 units[3] Social Studies 30 units VPA 10 units [3] English 40 units Elective 50 units Math 20 units [2] [1] Must include health. 10 units may be fulfilled by sports participation. 5 units are credited for each completed season of a Berean sport. [2] Must include Algebra I. [3] It is acceptable to take 10 units of LOTE in place of VPA or 10 units of VPA in place of LOTE.

4 UC/CSU admission requirements
“d” Science “a” Social Studies years 1 year – World History years recommended 1 year – US History “e” LOTE ½ year – Gov (Civics) years[2] “b” English years recommended 4 years “f” VPA “c” Math year 3 years[1] “g” Elective 4 years recommended year from a-f courses [1] Must include Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra II. [2] Must include two years of the same language

5 Bible 4 years (Berean) Freshman Bible Sophomore Bible Junior Bible
Senior Bible electives Understanding the Times Stepping Up (Guys Only) Walking Worthy (Girls Only)

6 Physical Education 2 years (Berean) 1 year must include health
1 year may be fulfilled by two seasons of a Berean Sport Girls PE I (Health included) Girls PE II Boys PE I (Health included) Boys PE II Weights and Conditioning Football/Basketball Conditioning Cheerleading Athletic Training

7 Technology 1 year (Berean) Intro to Digital Media
Advanced Digital Media Digital Photography Intro to Computer Programming AP Computer Science Yearbook (teacher approval) NOTE: Beginning with the class of 2020, technology will no longer be required for graduation.

8 Social Science 3 years (Berean)
“a” 1 year World History, 1 year U.S. History, ½ year Civics/Econ (CSU/UC) World History (9th) AP European History (“A” in English, “B” in World History, teacher approval) U.S. History (11th) AP U.S. History (11th) Civics/Econ (12th) AP Psychology (11th, 12th) (“B” in English)

9 English 4 years Berean “b” 4 years CSU/UC English I (9th)
English II (10th) American Literature (11th) British Literature (12th) AP English Lang.(11th) AP English Lit. (12th) Shakespearean Lit (12th)

10 Math 2 years (Berean) “c” 3 years, 4 years recommended (CSU/UC must include Alg II) Algebra I A and Algebra I B Algebra I Geometry (“C” Algebra I or Algebra I B) Algebra II (“C” in Geometry) Algebra II/Trig (“B” in Algebra I and Geometry) Pre-Calculus (“C” in Alg II/Trig, “B” in Alg II) AP Calc AB (“B” in Pre-Calculus) AP Statistics (“B” in Alg II/Trig)

11 Science 1 year Life Science, 1year Physical Science (Berean)
“d” 2 years, 3 years recommended (CSU/UC) Life Science Biology (10th, 11th, 12th) Human Anatomy and Physiology (“B” in Biology, teacher approval) Physical Science Chemistry (Biology, Algebra II may be taken concurrently) Astronomy (10th, 11th, 12th) Honors Astronomy Physics (“C” in Algebra I, Geometry must be completed or taken concurrently) AP Physics I & II (“B” in Geometry and Alg II/Trig, may be taken concurrently)

12 LOTE (Language Other Than English)
LOTE is not required for Berean graduation if a VPA is taken. “e” 2 years, 3 years recommended (CSU/UC) ASL is recognized by all California public colleges and a majority of private colleges across the nation for admission. Three years of ASL may not fulfill college graduation language requirements, however, ASL does satisfy language requirements for admission purposes.

13 LOTE (Cont.) Spanish I Spanish II, III, IV Honors (B in previous year)
American Sign Language I American Sign Language II, III (B in previous year)

0 or 1 year, 10 units may be taken in LOTE in place of the VPA requirement (Berean) “f” 1 year (CSU/UC)

15 VPA (cont.) Beginning Drama
Advanced Drama (Beg drama, audition, teacher approval) Music Appreciation Beginning Guitar Concert Choir Advanced Chorale (Audition) Abundant Life Singers (Audition) Art I, II, III and AP Studio Art (Satisfactory completion of previous year)

16 College Preparatory Elective
“g” 1 year (CSU/UC) Must be a college preparatory class “P” from the “a-f” list Examples: May be 4th year of Math, 3rd year of Science, 3rd year of LOTE, 2nd year Fine Arts, or 4th year of Social Studies.

17 Elective 5 courses (Berean)
Any of the previously mentioned disciplines Student Government (2.75 GPA) Teacher Aid (Teacher approval) Office Aide (Office approval) On Your Own with Christ (11th and 12th)

18 College Timeline 9th Grade 10th Grade 11th Grade 12th Grade
Timeline Key B: Berean graduation requirements P: Satisfies UC/CSU a-g requirement list Bible (B) PE (B)[1] Technology (B) World History (B, P) English (B, P) Math (B, P)[2] Visual Performing Arts (P)[3] Bible (B, P) PE (B) Math (B, P) Biology (B, P) LOTE (B, P) Elective US History (B, P) Math (P) Physical Science (B, P) LOTE (P) Civics/Econ (B, P) Math (P)-recommended Science (P)-recommended LOTE (P)-recommended College Prep elective (P)[4] Tests ACT – Four subjects, optional writing section. SAT - Math, CR, Writing SAT Subject exams PLAN (October) This practice test indicates ACT performance, taken at BCHS Composite: _________ PSAT (October) This practice test indicates SAT performance, taken at BCHS M: __________ CR: __________ W: __________ National Merit Qualifying Test, taken at Berean ACT with Writing or SAT (spring)[5] ACT/SAT: sign up online, tests taken off-site SAT or ACT with writing All tests must be taken by Dec. 31st of senior year Financial Maintain GPA for merit based and sports scholarships Available scholarships Scholarships FAFSA (March 2nd submission deadline) Additional Information Career Direct The fee for this optional test is $20. Ms. Grieb to obtain information. Students may begin applying for California Scholarship Federation second semester of 10th grade and continue through senior year to qualify for membership. Research Occupational Outlook Handbook College Applications Personal Statements Letters of Recommendation [1] Student must take one year of PE. The other 10 units may be fulfilled with sports participation. [2] CSU/UC math requirements: 3 years including Algebra I, Geometry and Algebra II. [3] Refer to Course Catalog for Berean graduation requirements and CSU/UC admission requirements. [4] One year of an elective chosen from any area on approved “a-f” course list (which can be found in BCHS Course Catalog). [5] ACT has an optional writing section which is required by the UCs.

19 Career choices Career Direct PSAT Test Results
Assessment test: connecting personality, values, and skills with suitable careers See Mrs. Luttrell to obtain log-in key ($20 fee) PSAT Test Results English II Research Paper Naviance Interest Profile Assessment Career Research Tools

20 Naviance College Research Program
Register at Freshman appointment with Ms. Grieb Research and organize colleges and applications Search for scholarships

21 Post-secondary options
Missions Military Employment Apprenticeship programs Business, Technical, or Trade School Community Colleges Four-year Colleges

22 Overview of Colleges Private Colleges & Universities
Christian private schools Secular private schools California’s Public Colleges & Universities University of California (10) California State University (23) California Community College (109)

23 Christian Private Schools
Biblical worldview Christian professors Good friendships, role models, and mentors Nurturing environment 4 years of private college may cost less than 5-6 years of public school More institutional aid than public schools Resources in the College & Career Center

24 Secular Private Schools
Academic reputation Smaller class size Relationship with professors More institutional aid than public schools 4 years at a private school may cost less than 5-6 years of public school Opportunities to share faith Research Christian organizations

25 California Public Schools University of California, California State University, and Community College May be less expensive May be closer to home May have more resources available Greater selection of majors Opportunities to share faith Research Christian organizations

26 University of California
10 campuses serve top 9% of high school graduates Rigorous high school course load meeting or, in reality, exceeding the A-G list 11 of the 15 required courses must be completed by junior year 3.0 minimum GPA Entrance Exams: SAT Reasoning Test or ACT plus Writing Senior Year Application period: Opens August 1; Submit Nov. 1 – 30

27 California State University
23 campuses serve top 33% of high school graduates Grade of C or better in all required A-G courses Entrance exam: SAT Reasoning Test or ACT (writing component not required) Senior Year Application period: October 1 – November 30

28 Community College DVC, LMC, and CCC serve our geographic area
Non-competitive admissions: admits all high school graduates No entrance exam required Apply spring of senior year

29 Choosing A College Research: - Attend college fairs - View websites
- Visit with campus representatives - Resource books: 1. Peterson’s Guide to Four Year Colleges 2. Peterson’s Christian Colleges and Universities 3. Fisk Guide to College 4. The Insider’s Guide to the Colleges Princeton Review’s The Best Colleges

30 Choosing A College College Visits Make Final Selections:
“According to a survey by Student Poll, visits are the #1 influence on final decisions.” Compare student’s credentials to the schools’ freshman profile Make Final Selections: 1-2 “reach” schools 3-5 “probable” schools 1-2 “safety” schools

31 Entrance Exams 1.SAT Reasoning Test:
Critical Reading, Math, and Writing (Optional) Register online: 2. ACT Test: Reading, English, Math, Science, and Writing (optional) Register online:

32 Entrance Exams Take SAT or ACT in the spring of your junior year
Preparation: PSAT test: mandatory practice SAT taken the fall of 9th, 10th and 11th grades PSAT junior year: may qualify students for the National Merit Scholarship Books, CD’s, classes Many students repeat the tests Check websites for needed test materials Berean school code

33 Entrance Exams Use appropriate email address for student
Fee Waivers available Services for Students with Disabilities Must qualify for accommodations through diagnosis and IEP Must have requested accommodations in current classes Berean school code

34 The Application Process California State University (CSU)
Application: Application Period: Oct. 1-Nov. 30 Required A-G courses: C or above SAT Reasoning or ACT (no writing) Use appropriate address for student Currently 18 impacted campuses (including Cal Poly - SLO, San Diego, Cal Poly – Pomona, Fullerton, Long Beach, Sonoma, Monterey Bay and nursing programs at all campuses)

35 The Application Process University of California (UC)
Application: Application Period: November Required 3.0 min GPA Eligibility Index: check UC Website SAT or ACT plus writing SAT Subject Exams (Math II and Physics) strongly recommended for engineering majors Personal Statement (Essays) Use appropriate address for student

36 The Application Process Private Colleges
Application: check website Application Period: varies GPA requirements vary SAT Reasoning and/or ACT (ACT writing component may or may not be required) SAT Subject Exams? Sample of requirements: Essays, Letters of Recommendation, Transcripts Facebook

37 The Application Process
Organize schools’ requirements using a tool such as Excel Keep calendar of deadlines Meet deadlines well in advance Read & follow directions Make copies of all documents you submit to colleges Obtain proof of mailing

38 Admission Factors High School Record Competitive Entrance Exam Score
Competitive G.P.A. Rigorous course selection Patterns of improvement Competitive Entrance Exam Score Recommendations Essays Interviews at some private schools Leadership Experience Community Service

39 The Application Essay Required: U.C.’s & private colleges
Provides information that augments the application Expect several re-writes Readers want organization and clarity, shown through a persuasive thesis, analytical topic sentences, and well-chosen examples

40 Letters of Recommendation
Personal Data Sheet (in CCC) Ask the teacher Give at least 3 weeks notice Provide materials in a manila envelope or colorful folder: - Personal Data form or résumé - Self-Addressed Stamped Envelope (SASE) - letter of recommendation form - postmark deadline

41 What is Financial Aid? Money given, paid, or loaned for college expenses
Gift Aid (free money) Grants (CalGrant requires 3.0 GPA) Scholarships Self-Help Aid Work/Study (job opportunities on campus) Loans

42 Financial Aid Categories
Merit-based aid FAFSA Grades, test scores Institutional aid Scholarships Need-based aid 1. FAFSA 2. Federal monies 3. State monies (CalGrant requires 3.0 GPA for entitlement grant) 4. Institutional aid

43 Financial Aid Cost of Attendance (COA)
Expected Family Contribution (EFC) = Financial Need

44 Applying for Financial Aid
FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) Required for federal and state aid Submit FAFSA online – Opens October 1st (Senior Year) Submit by March 2nd Institutional Aid Application

45 Beware of … Financial Aid Consultants Scholarship Scams
Free assistance is available Don’t pay someone to appeal your award offer Scholarship Scams Free search engines are available Don’t pay money for an opportunity to get money

46 Financial Aid Scholarship Database in Naviance
Scholarship search engine: “No Cost” websites: NOT

47 Financial Aid Online calculators: Berean’s Financial Aid Night
(4caster) Berean’s Financial Aid Night Fall 2017

48 Tips & Resources Summer Programs:
Some universities offer summer learning programs: UC’s, USC, Taylor, Georgetown, Cambridge, Harvard, etc. UC Berkeley: Academic Talent Development Lawrence Lab camps Chabot’s Space & Science Center Teen Internship

49 Tips & Resources AP Tests College Level Examination Program (CLEP)
Enter college with credit AP Tests College Level Examination Program (CLEP) Proves college level achievement 34 subject areas Approximately $80 Accepted by many private schools Community College courses

50 Action Plan Freshmen Sophomores Juniors Seniors Earn best grades
Investigate careers Meet with counselor Explore websites Earn best grades Visit colleges Investigate financial aid Meet with counselor Entrance Exams Earn best grades Meet with counselor Explore websites Earn best grades Retake exams Apply early Submit FAFSA in January

51 College & Career Center
Kayla Luttrell College & Career Counselor (Juniors & Seniors) Katie Grieb College & Career Counselor (Freshmen & Sophomores)


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