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Lesson 7 Magnetic Fields Magnetic Force on moving charge

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1 Lesson 7 Magnetic Fields Magnetic Force on moving charge
Motion of charge in Magnetic Field Magnetic Force on current carrying conductor Torque on current carrying loop Hall Effect Magnetic Devices 1

2 Magnetic Force Some metallic objects cause other metallic objects to accelerate Thus must be producing a force This force is different to Gravitational Force and Electric Force Can plot the directions of lines field By alignment of magnetic dipoles MAGNETIC FORCE 2

3 Magnetic Field Lines 3

4 Properties of Magnetic Fields
Moving charge (current) is effected Force proportional Q and v FB = 0 if v parallel to Magnetic Field B FB perpendicular to v and B FB on positive charge opposite to that on negative charge FB proportional to Sin of the angle v makes with B Properties of Magnetic Fields 4

5 Mathematical Expression

6 Vector Product I ( ) ( ) ( ) Vector Product A = A i + A j + A k B = B
x y z B = B i + B j + B k x y z i j k A A A A A A A B = y z A A A = i - x z j + x y k x y z B B B B B B y z x z x y B B B x y z ( ) ( ) ( ) = A B - A B i - A B - A B j + A B - A B k y z z y x z z x x y y x 6

7 Vector Product II A ´ B = - Þ parallel to ( AB ) Sin q if
Þ parallel to ( AB ) Sin q if is perpendicular to and 7

8 Unit vector products 8

9 Work done by Magnetic Field
Work Done by Magnetic Force on charge dW B = F d s Q v ( ) As is perpendicular to and is parallel to 9

10 Work done by Electric Field
Compare to Electric Force Work done by Electric Field 10

11 - Implications DK 1 1 = m = vf m vi 2 2 Þ vi = vf i . e .
Thus Kinetic Energy of charge is not changed by FB Potential Energy is not changed 1 1 - = DK m 2 2 = vf m vi 2 2 Þ vi = vf i . e . speed is constant under influence of B but v can change direction 11

12 SI units 12

13 ò Magnetic Flux [ ] Magnetic Flux F
B For constant magnetic field over flat area B with area vector A F = B A=ABcosq B in general ò F = B d A B surface [ ] F = Tm 2 = Wb ( Weber ) B 13

14 Right Hand Rule for Magnetic Force

15 Magnetic Force on Moving Charge
B FB v Q k j i F = Q v B = - Q v j B k B y z i j k = - Qv B j k = - Qv B 1 = - Qv B i y z y z y z 1 15

16 Mathematical expression

17 Uniform Circular Motion of Charge

18 Mathematical analysis
v 2 F QvB a = = = Mathematical analysis c r m m mv 2 Þ = QvB r mv r = radius of motion QB v = r w BQ \ w rad = angular speed = angular freqency ( ) s m w BQ f = = frequency ( cps = Hz ) 2 p 2 p m 1 2 p m T = = period of the motion . f BQ 18

19 Magnetic Bottles magnetic bottles 19

20 Magnetic Force on Current
Force on current carrying conductor in a uniform constant magnetic field : ò b F = I d s = I l B B B a ( ) where l = r - r b a é æ ö ù ds dQ v = = = ( ) = ê dQ dQ s ˆ ç ds ÷ s ˆ I ds s ˆ I d s ú ë è ø û dt dt 25

21 Want to find total force on charge as it flows from a to b
Vector Integral I ds b rb B is constant ra vector integral a Current I Want to find total force on charge as it flows from a to b 22

22 Vector Integral II ds b rb B rb- ra ra a I 23

23 Vector Integral III Sum ds 24

24 Magnetic Force on Current Loop I
B k j i 26

25 Magnetic Force on Current Loop II
Total Force on Loop Magnetic Force on Current Loop II 27

26 Torque on Current Loop I
 B I  k z  j i  y 28

27 Torque on Current Loop II

28 Torque on Current Loop III

29 Magnetic Moment t = IAB k t = M ´ B M = I A , where A
Torque on Current Loop in yz plane in a uniform magnetic field in positive y direction t = IAB k In general the torque on a current loop in magnetic field is t = M B M = I A , where A is the area vector of the loop , with the orientation given by the current flow . 31

30 A=Ai: Area vector with orientation
Oriented Area Vector I k A j i 32

31 I Hall Effect Hall Effect A t vd d FE FB B V - E + 33

32 Mathematical analysis
At Equilibrium Mathematical analysis F = F E B V E = d F = eE = F = v eB E B d E \ v = d B J I Remember v = = d ne neA I E BI BI BI \ = Þ n = = = neA B EAe V Vte dte d 34

33 can measure vd by measuring the PD V.
Measurement can measure vd by measuring the PD V. 35

34 Lorentz Force 36

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