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Weather Instruments.

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1 Weather Instruments

2 Used to measure the 5 major parts of weather observation
Weather Instruments Used to measure the 5 major parts of weather observation 1. Atmospheric pressure 2. Humidity 3. Precipitation 4. Wind 5. Temperature

3 Tools: Atmospheric Pressure
Barometer: Measures air pressure, millibars or inches of mercury

4 Tools: Humidity Hair Hygrometer: (Sling) Psychrometer:
Uses hair to measure humidity, hair expands and contracts in response to water vapor content in the air. (Sling) Psychrometer: Difference between wet bulb and dry bulb used to determine relative humidity.

5 Tools: Precipitation Rain Gauge: Tipping Bucket:
Simple funnel with marks associated with units: cm or in. Tipping Bucket: Counts the number of times the bucket fills and tips to determine rain fall or snow fall amounts.

6 Tools: Temperature º C or º F
Bi-metal: Made of two types of metal. Each metal contracts and expands at different temperatures. Liquid: Usually uses alcohol. Some used mercury. Liquid contracts and expands in the glass tube. Electrical: The resistance in the electric current is measured Thermograph: Measures the progression of temperature over a period of time

7 Tools: Wind Anemometer – Wind Speed Wind Vane – Wind Direction
km per hour mi per hour Wind Vane – Wind Direction Cardinal units or numerical


9 Measuring Upper-Atmospheric Conditions
Radiosonde: Carried aloft by a helium balloon. Measures upper-atm. conditions: Relative humidity, air pressure, air temperature. Information sent back to scientists via radio… waves.

10 Radar Radio Dish Array: Emits and receives
“bounced back” radio waves from larger particles in the atmosphere. Doppler: Enhanced version of standard radar. Detects subtle shifts of movement in all the Can determine the size of particles allowing scientists to “see” the particles approaching. Radar

11 Not weather satellites, but still cool
Carry cameras Upper level Cloud speed, direct. Hurricane observation Infrared reading of cloud tops Not weather satellites, but still cool

12 Computers Not as good as people but helpful!
Compiles information quickly Create weather maps 100’s of times faster than people.

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