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Journal #7: What was the biggest lie you have ever told

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1 Journal #7: What was the biggest lie you have ever told
Journal #7: What was the biggest lie you have ever told? What happened because of it? Were there consequences?

2 Standards/Target CCRR1 Read closely to determine what the text says explicitly and make logical inferences from it; cite specific textual evidence when writing or speaking to support conclusions drawn from the text. CCRR3 Analyze how and why individuals, events, and ideas develop and interact over the course of a text You will see how the characters start to unfold.

3 Re-cap What happened yesterday?
1. Why is Reverend Parris praying at the beginning of Act One? Might he have more than one reason? 2. What did Reverend Parris do before coming to Salem? 3. Who is Tituba? 4. What is the relationship between Abigail and Reverend Parris? Why does she live with him? 5. What rumors are circulating in the village? 6. Describe what Reverend Parris encountered in the woods. Why would this be an especially upsetting sight for a Puritan minister?

4 Reading Pages

5 TOTD 1. What happened to Abigail seven months before Act One?
2. What reason does Abigail give for being dismissed from the Proctor residence? 3. What tragedy occurred in Mrs. Putnam’s life? 4. Why did Mrs. Putnam contact Tituba? 5. In what way does Abigail’s behavior change when she is alone with the girls? What does this reveal about her character? 6. In what way does Abigail’s behavior change when she is alone with Proctor? What do we learn about Abigail and Proctor in this scene?

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