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Conflict Resolution Using DiSC®

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1 Conflict Resolution Using DiSC®
EANE’s 14th Annual Management Conference April 5, 2018 Celeste W. Barros, Principal CWB Resource Group

2 Conflict Resolution Using DiSC
$359 billion in paid hours or the equivalent of 385 million working days are lost each year to workplace conflict. Workplace Conflict and How Businesses Can Harness it to Thrive

3 Conflict Resolution Using DiSC
Conflict is not a confrontation to overcome, it is a problem to be solved. con·flict When two or more people’s differences escalate to a level that negatively affects (or might affect) productivity, quality, service, morale, or working relationships.

4 Behaviors in Conflict – DiSC®
Productive Tendencies straight forward with opinions, acknowledges tough issues, willingness to have objective debates communicates empathy, encourages open dialogue, provides reassurance, verbalizes emotions finds the root cause of the problems, sorts out all the issues, gives people space, focuses on the facts shows flexibility, looks out for people’s feelings, communicates tactfully, listens to others, finds compromises Dominance Influence Conscientiousness Steadiness insensitivity, impatience, creates win-lose situations, refuses to bend, overpowers others Destructive Tendencies defensiveness, uses passive-aggressive tactics, becomes over critical, isolates self, overanalyzes the situation becomes overly emotional, talks over others, impulsiveness, glosses over tension, makes personal attacks withdraws, gives in to please others, ignores problems, lets issues simmer beneath the surface, avoids tension

5 Summary of DiSC® in Conflict

6 What are some common destructive responses?

7 Destructive Responses
Arguing Belittling Caving in Defensiveness Dismissing others’ opinions Becoming overly dramatic Exaggerating the problem Exclusion/leaving out people Finger-pointing/ blaming scapegoating Gossiping/complaining Becoming hypercritical Overpowering Passive-aggression Revenge/looking to even the score Sabotage Sarcasm Stonewalling Withdrawing

8 Destructive Responses

9 Changing Your Response

10 Reframe – change the way you think about the situation
Changing Your Response Reframe – change the way you think about the situation Am I overreacting or exaggerating the problem? Is this thought actually valid/true? Is there another way I could look at the situation?

11 Changing Your Response
They have no idea what they’re talking about. Automatic Thought: Reframed Thought: They’re coming at it from a completely different angle than me.

12 Changing Your Response
Automatic Thought: I don’t want to start trouble or hurt anyone’s feelings Reframed Thought: It’s okay…disagreeing is part of figuring things out I can confront an issue without being confrontational

13 Activity: Changing Your Response
Automatic Thought: If they push me, I’ll push back harder. Reframed Thought: Maybe they don’t realize how aggressive they’re coming across.

14 Choosing Productive Responses
Listening Apologizing Finding compromise Showing flexibility Introspecting/being aware of own feelings Communicating openly and honestly Giving reassurance Asking questions Acknowledging others’ feelings Seeking active resolution Revisiting unresolved issues Stepping back to reflect Demonstrating empathy Giving people time and space Determining the root of the problem Taking ownership of your part


16 Conflict Resolution Using DiSC®
EANE’s 14th Annual Management Conference April 5, 2018

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