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Vladek’s pills are evidence of his age and poor health. Art wants to know more about Anja: She never had a boyfriend before Vladek Had a friend who was a COMMUNIST! From Warsaw She translated Communist messages into German for him and had to hide them with Miss Stefanska when the police came. Miss Stefanska was arrested and Vladek threatened to end their marriage, but Anja promised to stop. Vladek starts a factory in Bielsko (with money from his father-in-law) October 1937: Anja gives birth to their first son, RICHIEU (who did not survive the war) Shortly after, Anja experiences severe depression (postpartum depression). Vladek returns from Bielsko and takes Anja to a sanitarium in Czechoslovakia to receive treatment.

3 On their way to Czechoslovakia, they see the Swastika for the first time!
They hear of pogroms and other attacks on the Jewish people… Vladek understands Anja’s needs and takes great care for her at the Sanitarium. They return three months later and Anja is much better, but Vladek’s factory has been robbed. A few months later, they were well off again – two-bedroom apartment, governess and maid. Then Vladek receives a draft notice and has to go fight. Anja and Richieu to go Sosnowiec, and Vladek goes to the frontier against Germany. 1 September 1939: Nazi Germany invaded Poland – the dreaded, much-anticipated war has finally arrived.

4 Chapter 3: prisoner of war
Vladek was part of the reserve forces before the war. His father had tried to keep him and his brothers out of the army, but at age 22 he eventually joined the army. Back to 1939 – Vladek was fighting at the front and tries not to shoot. After two hours of fighting, Vladek is discovered by Nazi soldiers and taken as prisoner of war. He is taken to a place near Nuremberg with other POWs. Jews are separated and told that the war is their fault. They’re forced to clean stables for a few weeks. Then they’re taken to a bigger POW camp. Jewish prisoners are treated differently. Vladek still insists on bathing in the river even though it’s freezing. Every day they prayed – Vladek is religious – and played chess. About six weeks later there is a notice for war prisoners to volunteer to replace German workers. Vladek jumps at the opportunity to have better treatment. They are given shovels and have to “move mountains”

5 Vladek has a dream – p.57 His dead grandfather tells him that he will be free on the day of Parshas Truma (his family was religious. Artie does not know what the Parsha is – clearly he has moved away from religion) Parshas Truma will be in three months’ time – “Three months – and every day was for us a year!” (p.57) On the day of Parshas Truma, the Gestapo come and take records and release the prisoners – they are allowed to return home! But Vladek’s train passes Sosnowiec…Poland has been divided: the Reich and the Protectorate. Vladek is taken to Lublin. As a Jew of the Reich he is not safe. Jewish authorities say that a previous group of POWs were taken to a forest and shot. Vladek is later told that the Jewish authorities have bribed the Germans to release POWs to local Jews who will claim them as relatives. Vladek’s family friend, Orbach, comes to rescue him. He stays with the Orbachs, figuring out a plan to cross the border to his family. He manages to cross over to his side of Poland with the help of a train man (p.64) He goes to his parents first, and his mother is very sick (she later died of cancer ).

6 His mother takes him to Anja before the curfew (7pm)
“And I don’t need to tell you how big the joy was in our house.” (p.66) When Artie wants to leave, he finds that Vladek has thrown away his jacket – “Such an old shabby coat. It’s a shame my son would wear such a coat.” (p.69). This shows their strained relationship. Also note that whenever Vladek tries to discuss anything other than the Holocaust with Artie, he loses interest.

7 Chapter four: The Noose Tightens
The chapter begins with Vladek complaining, and Artie tries to get him back on track about the P.O.W camp. (note: whenever Vladek asks discusses anything other than the war, Artie loses interest – indicative of their bad relationship) Vladek shows how his family was still living a luxurious lifestyle. The family members catch Vladek up on what has happened while he has been in the P.O. W camp: food rations are very strict. The Jewish community organisations and black market are ways for people to get food. This is dangerous, because people can get sent to work camps, and are never seen again. Nazis have also taken over Jewish owned shops and businesses (Aryan Managers)

8 Chapter 4 continued Vladek visits Modrzejowska Street, where people trade illegally. He meets Mr. Ilzecki, and sells him cloth that he obtained from previous customers. Mr.Ilzecki gives him a note that said Vladek worked with him. The S.S began rounding up Jews off the street, and Vladek was nearly caught, but hid away. He told his father-in-law, who spoke to a friend who worked at a tin shop. His overseer could be bribed, and overlooked the friend giving Vladek a ‘priority work card’. He would pretend to work at the tin shop. The Spiegelmans lived like this for over a year.

9 Chapter 4 continued Late in 1941, Nazis were grabbing Jews, whether they had papers or not. Vladek managed to hide with Mr. Ilzecki. Mr. Ilzecki suggested Vladek hide Richieu with his Polish friend, as he was going to do for his son. Vladek discussed it with Anja and the Zylberbergs, but they refused. Izelcki and his wife perished, but his son did not. An order came at the end of 1941 that all Jews must be relocated to the Stara Sosnowiec quarter (ghetto) by January Non-Jews were to be moved into the vacated premises. Jews were moved into crowded apartments. Jews were still allowed to go into other parts of town as long as they were home by nightfall (later, this was not allowed). Vladek continued to do business on the black market. One day, the Nazis arrested 4 Jews who were dealing goods with our coupons. They were hanged in the street, and made to hang there for one week, as an example.

10 Present-day Vladek mentions to Artie that Anja kept diaries
Present-day Vladek mentions to Artie that Anja kept diaries. Her diaries during the 1940s did not survive the war, but she wrote ones after, which Artie would like. Vladek continues his story, with more explanations of dealings. Vladek took opportunities and thought on his feet – this is how he survived the war. Later they receive a notice: all Jews over 70 years will be transferred to Theresienstadt in Czechoslovakia on 10 May 1942… They make a hiding place for Anja’s grandparents – the Karmios Jewish police come to ask for them but they don’t give them up. Eventually Anja’s father is taken, and then they have to give up the grandparents or else they will take the other family members. Mr. and Mrs. Zylberberg hid their parents, the Karmios (Anja’s grandparents) in a bunker. Jewish police would look for them, but Mr. Zylberberg said they were not there. Eventually, Mr. Zylberberg was captured, and forced to give up the Karmios. They were sent to Auschwitz, not Theresienstadt. Anja’s grandparents go to Theresienstadt…but they are actually taken straight to Auschwitz.

11 Later, a notice comes from the Gemeinde that all Jews have to register at the Dienst Stadium…”to go, it was no good. But not to go – it was also no good.” (p.88) Vladek’s father decides if Fela, Vladek’s sister goes, he’ll go with her. Their cousin Mordecai will be at one of the inspection tables. People did go to the registration, as they were scared not to. The elderly, families with many children, and people with work cards were sent to the left. The Spiegelmans were sent to the right, with the exception of Fela (Vladek’s sister), and her four children. Vladek’s dad decided to sneak over to her side. All those who were sent to the left were never seen again – about people. Present day Vladek becomes tired and goes to rest. Artie chats to Mala, who explains how her mother was taken that day in the stadium. Artie decides to look for Anja’s diaries but cannot find them. He finds lots of papers and junk instead. Anja insists he put everything back as he found it, or Vladek will get upset.

12 Chapter 5: Mouse Holes Present day – Mala phones Artie: Vladek is insisting on fixing the drain pipe…Vladek takes the phone and asks Artie to come help him. Artie tells his wife that he hated helping his dad around the house as a kid – “He loved showing off how handy he was…and proving that anything I did was all wrong.” (p.97) About a week later, Artie goes to his dad and finds his dad depressed – Vladek had found Artie’s old comic strip – ‘Prisoner on Hell Planet’ – and read it. It had been published in an underground magazine. It is about Anja’s suicide – she committed suicide in 1968 and did not leave a note Artie was living with his parents having just returned home from a mental hospital Vladek found Anja in a bathtub – she had slit her wrists Vladek falls apart. Artie has to comfort his father but he can’t… Family members seem to blame Artie for his mother’s death and he is overwhelmed with guilt. He remembers the last time he saw her – she asked if he still loved her and all he said was “Sure, Ma.” He then depicts himself in a prison and crying out that his mother murdered him when she killed herself.

13 Artie apologises for upsetting Vladek, but Vladek says it was good for Artie to express himself… Vladek says he is always thinking of Anja. Back to 1943: An order came for all Jews left in Sosnowiec to go to an old village called SRODULA – a ghetto. Every day they are taken to Sosnowiec to work in German shops Anja and her sister, Tosha – work in a clothings factory Vladek and his nephew Lolek – work in a woodwork shop Wolfe gets a visit from his Uncle Persis – he is the head of the Jewish Council in Zawiercie He wants to take Wolfe, Tosha and Bibi, as well as Lonia and Richieu home with him so he can protect them Eventually the Zylberbergs agree to let Richieu go…it was the last time they saw him. In the Spring, the Germans take over 1000 people to Auschwitz – mostly children! Germans beat crying children to death in the streets. They were so grateful they had sent Richieu away

14 Artie asks what happened to Richieu –
A few months later, the Germans decided to empty the ghetto Richieu was in Nazis murdered Persis and the rest of the Jewish Council Tosha refused to let herself and the children see the gas chambers. She carried a vial of poison around her neck, and immediately killed herself and the three children (Bibi, lonia, Richieu)…  It was a long time before Vladek found out about this, but he called this the tragedy of all tragedies. Vladek then explains that they hid in bunkers to avoid capture (p.110) In June 1943, they move houses and create another bunker By July, the Nazis wanted to liquidate the ghetto – they took away Jews in one week. One night, another Jewish man discovers them. They consider shooting him but they took pity on him. Later, he returns with the Gestapo who arrest them and take them to a detention centre, to await transport to Auschwitz. Here Vladek recognises his cousin – Jakov, and asks for help – he shows he can pay. Jakov says Haskel will help him. Haskel was the head of Jewish Police in Srodula. Artie asks if they wouldn’t have helped if Vladek couldn’t pay – “At that time it wasn’t anymore families. It was everybody for himself!” (p.114)

15 Haskel says he can help Vladek and Anja and Lolek, but he says Anja’s parents are too old.
He takes Anja’s parents jewels, but doesn’t help them. They are sent to Auschwitz. “He was a millionaire, but even this didn’t save him his life” (p.115) Vladek calls Haskel a ‘kombinator’ – ‘a schemer…a crook.’ (p.116) Haskel takes Vladek and Lolek to a shoe shop where his other brother, Miloch, works. Here they repair German boots. Haskel had another brother, Pesach, who was also a kombinator, according to Vladek. End of 1943 – the Nazis are clearing out Srodula. Miloch and Pesach build a bunker in the shoe shop. They invite Vladek, Anja and Lolek to hide with them. Lolek refuses, he believes he can make himself useful…but he is later taken to Auschwitz. With Lolek gone, Anja becomes hysterical – she has recently heard of Richieu…her whole family has been torn about. She tells Vladek she doesn’t want to live, but he begs her to. “To die, it’s easy…but you have to struggle for life!” (p.122) They hide in the bunker and they are all starving…Pesach comes later and says he’s not willing to starve to death He bribes the guards a fortune to look the other way while they walk out the ghetto Miloch and Vladek don’t trust this idea, and Avram, a fellow bunker, asks Vladek for advice. They don’t go, and just as well – the guards shot the group as soon as they gave them the money and walked past.

16 Eventually only a few of them remain and the Germans leave Srodula.
They leave the ghetto and mixed with the Poles going to work. Avram went to his girlfriend’s friends who hid them until their money ran out. Vladek and Anja start walking in the direction of Sosnowiec… Present day – Vladek and Artie have arrived at the bank, and Vladek makes sure that Artie has a key for his safe. Vladek shows Artie what he has in his safe – things that he had in Srodula, and a diamond ring that Anja wanted for Artie’s wife. Vladek complains again how all Mala wants is his money…he cries Anja’s name…and Artie says they should go home.

17 Richieu Spiegelman

18 Chapter 6 - The chapter opens with Mala crying – she complains to Artie about Vladek’s stinginess… Artie wonders whether it’s the war that made Vladek so stingy, but Mala says that others who survived the war aren’t like him. Artie worries that his father is appearing to fit the stereotype of the ‘miserly old Jew’ but he is just trying to portray his father accurately. Artie then shows Mala and Vladek some of his sketches so far – Valdek says that Artie will be as famous as Walt Disney. Back to 1944 – Anja and Vladek headed back to Sosnowiec but they don’t know where they’re going… First they recognise Janina’s house – Richieu’s old governess. Janina is terrified though and tells them to go away because they will bring trouble. Anja is terrified. Then they try the Zylberberg’s old house. The janitor still lives there and he takes them in – Anja says “there are still some kind people left.” Vladek goes into town to see what’s happening; Anja is terrified he won’t come back.

19 Vladek pretends to be Polish
Vladek pretends to be Polish. He meets a fellow Jewish man who tells him where he can find food and information about where to hide – on Dekerta Street. Here he finds a woman selling food and buys some rather luxurious food to take to Anja – she is so surprised. At Dekerta Street, Vladek hears of a farmer – Mrs Kawka – who would be willing to hide them if they pay. Anja and Vladek go to Mrs Kawka’s farm and stay in her barn. Vladek thinks he needs to find a warmer place for the winter… At Dekerta Street, Vladek befriends a Polish woman – Mrs Motonowa. One day she offers to hide Vladek and Anja. The next evening, Mrs Motonowa and her son come to escort them to her house. Mrs Motonowa’s house is comfortable and Vladek has to pay her well for sheltering them and getting them food. Her little boy loves Anja and Anja teaches him German. One day, Mrs Motonowa is searched by the Gestapo and they take away her goods that she was selling on the black market. She runs home and tells the Spiegelmans that they have to leave before the Gestapo come to check her home.

20 With no where to go, they spend the night in a construction site…
The next morning they go back to Mrs Kawka’s barn. She sees that Anja is exhausted and shivering and she offers to take her into her house to warm up. Vladek tells Mrs Kawka that he is desperate to get out of Poland. She tells him that she knows some smugglers who take people to Hungary. Vladek tells her he’d like to meet them… Artie asks Vladek if Hungary was any better than Poland – Vladek says that Hungary was a lot safer for a long time. Although towards the end of the war, things became truly terrible for Hungarian Jews, thousands of them were sent to Auschwitz. Vladek looks terribly sad while telling Artie this. Soon, Vladek meets Mrs Motonowa again on Dekerta Street. She tells him that the Gestapo never came to check her house and apologises for sending them away. She asks them to come back and they return to her house in Szopienice that night. Mrs Motonowa’s husband, who works in Germany and only gets 10 days’ leave, returns home. Vladek and Anja have to hide in their cellar.

21 After her husband leaves, Mrs Motonowa allows them to come back to the house. Vladek starts to feel that they are not totally safe staying with her – there are too many ways for people to discover them. Vladek goes back to Mrs Kawka’s farm to meet the smugglers. He meets three others who are hoping to escape to Hungary – Mr Mandelbaum, his wife and nephew, Abraham. Vladek is not sure if he can trust the smugglers. Abraham agrees to go first and write to his uncle if all goes well. Anja does not want to trust the smugglers and go to Hungary. Mrs Motonowa also begs them to stay with her, but Vladek is determined – he wants to be able to walk streets freely and be treated like a human. Vladek goes to visit his cousin Miloch, who is hiding in a garbage pit. Vladek is shocked at his conditions. Vladek wants to tell Miloch that he and his family can call on Mrs Motonowa when he and Anja go to Hungary. Soon the smugglers return with a letter from Abraham that says all is well in Hungary and they should come with the smugglers. Vladek and Mandelbaum are convinced and make plans to leave in two days’ time. Anja begs him to change his mind – she is sure the smugglers are tricking them. Vladek persists, and eventually Anja agrees.

22 Vladek tells Miloch to go stay with Mrs Motonowa as they are going to Hungary.
Vladek tells Artie that Miloch and his family survived the entire war staying with Mrs Motonowa… Vladek and Anja’s future had something else in store for them… Vladek and Anja board a train with Mandelbaum and his wife, and Vladek notices one of the smugglers phoning someone just before they leave… They start their journey, and just outside Bielsko, the Gestapo board the train and arrest them… The smugglers have given them up to the Gestapo. They are marched to a prison in Bielsko, men are separated from women. Vladek helps a Polish man write a letter to his family in German, and when the Polish man receives a parcel, he gives Vladek some food. When he is reunited with Anja on a truck, he gives her some food. The truck takes them to Auschwitz. It’s now 1944 and they have all heard about the gas chambers. They know that they will not leave Auschwitz Vladek and Anja are separated.

23 Present day – Artie asks Vladek for Anja’s diaries
Vladek eventually confesses that he has remembered what happened to the diaries – when he was having a very bad day and trying to make order of everything, he burned many of Anja’s things, as well as her diaries. Artie is so upset and angry and he shouts at Vladek, calling him a murderer. Vladek says he was so depressed, he wasn’t thinking clearly. Artie leaves soon after, and mumbles ‘murderer’

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