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Life as we knew it Miranda Her family

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1 Life as we knew it Miranda Her family
Although there is some buzz in the news about a meteor striking the moon, Miranda is too busy worrying about her stepmother’s new baby and final exams to really pay attention. But when the moon is struck so hard that it moved off its orbit, changing its gravitational pull, Miranda has no choice but to sit up and take notice. Because suddenly the tides are turning into tsunamis, earthquakes are leveling entire cities and volcanoes are spouting deadly ash that is robbing the earth of it’s precious sunlight. In Miranda’s small town in Pennsylvania, the effects aren’t as immediate, but they are just as deadly. Grocery stores are emptied and not re-stocked, gas prices soar, and friendly neighbors turn hostile as each family stpckpiles supplies to get them through the winter. Things Miranda has always taken for granted, like clean laundry, chocolate, and prom, have suddenly become things of the past.

2 The Dead and the Gone Alex A parallel story to Life as we knew it
In a companion story Seventeen year old Alex Morales deals with the day to day drudgery of the apocalypse in New York City. An asteroid has struck the moon, nudging it closer to earth and upsetting the balance of the tides. This causes tsunamis, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions bringing civilization to a standstill worldwide. Alex, who lives on the upper West side of Manhattan, is trying to take care of his two younger sisters on his own, as his mother is stuck in Queens and his father is in Puerto Rico. Like Miranda in Life as we knew it, Alex must make some tough choices as the new head of the family in order to make sure that he and his sisters survive, Including breaking into other apartments in his building to forage for food and “Body Shopping” with his friend Kevin. Body Shopping is picking over the growing number of corpses looking for things to trade for food. Even as his life grows more and more surreal, Alex and his sisters cling to their Catholic faith and school to provide structure in a world gone completely mad.

3 This world we live in Miranda Alex Ties the other two books together
This book ties together the stories in both of the previous books. It has been nearly a year since Miranda Evan’s life changed forever. Miranda and her family persevered and now await a bleak future. Alex has managed to leave New York City with his sister Julie in tow, Now Alex has one focus: find a safe place for Julie and enter the ministry as a monk. Alex and Miranda’s paths meet up in a most unexpected way in this the final book. When we left Miranda in Life as we knew it, the family was getting regular food deliveries and as summer approaches the Evans are attempting to rebuild what normalcy they can but two unexpected events throw a wrench in the plan. First Miranda’s older brother Matt, comes back from a fishing trip with a new wife. Second, Miranda’s father returns from his trip out west with his new wife, their baby and good friend named Charlie, and Alex and Julie Morales. With all these new people, the food supply becomes a problem. Relationships intensify as a large group of people cram into one tiny place. Miranda’s younger brother, Jon, becomes fast friends with Julie. Miranda’s mother has to navigate between being a Mother-in-law to Matt’s new wife, and an ex-wife to her children’s father. Miranda starts falling for Alex and this is complicated by Alex’s desire to go into the ministry. Everyone’s hope for the future is wrapped up in the little baby Gabriel.

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