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Summaries and Characters

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1 Summaries and Characters
Hamlet Summaries and Characters

2 Preview “So shall you hear of carnal, bloody, and unnatural acts, of accidental judgments, casual slaughters, of deaths put on my cunning and forced cause, and in this upshot, purposes mistook fall’n on the inventors heads. All this can I truly deliver.” Horatio, Act V scene ii

3 Major Characters Hamlet- The Prince of Denmark, son of the late King Hamlet Claudius- The King of Denmark, antagonist and uncle to Hamlet, married Hamlet’s mother after Hamlet’s father died Gertrude- Hamlet’s mother, Queen, Polonius- Lord in the court, father of Laertes and Ophelia Horatio- Hamlet’s best friend, loyal and supportive Ophelia- Hamlet’s love interest Laertes- Polonius’ son, passionate and impulsive

4 Minor Characters Fortinbras- Prince of Norway, wants to attack Denmark for revenge because Hamlet’s father killed his father in battle before the events of the play begin The Ghost- looks and speaks like the dead King Hamlet Sr Rosencrantz and Guildenstern- Hamlet’s friends from school Marcellus and Bernardo- Guards who first see the ghost with Horatio

5 Act I Scene i: The Ramparts
Bernardo and Marcellus are on guard duty and summon Horatio, Hamlet’s friend, to witness something strange They see The Ghost appear and believe that it is Hamlet’s dead father because of his helmet and frown They try to talk to it, but it stays silent They think that it will talk to Hamlet so they plan to tell him about it

6 Act I Scene ii: The Wedding
King Claudius talks about how he mourns his brother’s death but that there is joy because he has married his brother’s widow, Gertrude Claudius also says that Fortinbras wants to attack Denmark to avenge his slain father, killed by the late King Hamlet, Hamlet’s father Laertes wants to go to France, his father Polonius and Claudius give their permission

7 Act I Scene ii: The Wedding
Hamlet is still mourning his father, even though his mother urges him to find peace and stop wearing black Claudius and Gertrude want Hamlet to stay home Hamlet wishes suicide wasn’t a sin because he wants to die Horatio, Bernardo and Marcellus come in and tell him about The Ghost and they plan to watch for it at night

8 Act I Scene iii: Polonius’ House
Laertes talks with Ophelia in Polonius’ house, urging her to not fall in love with Hamlet because of his station and his emotional feelings Polonius tells Laertes to be a good person in France, and wishes him off Polonius asks Ophelia what Laertes told her before he left, she says it was about Hamlet and Polonius tell her to stay away from him and that Hamlet does not love her- she obeys

9 Act I Scene iv: The Ramparts
Hamlet, Horatio and Marcellus wait for The Ghost while Claudius celebrates with trumpets and gunfire, Hamlet mocks him and says he is making Denmark look bad The Ghost appears and calls out to Hamlet, asking Hamlet to follow him Hamlet is unsure whether The Ghost is his father or a demon, but doesn’t care if he lives or dies anyway so he follows it His friends worry that it is a bad omen for Denmark but follow at a distance to protect Hamlet

10 Act I Scene v: With The Ghost
The Ghost tells Hamlet that he was murdered, that Claudius had poured poison in his ear Hamlet feels like his feelings about Claudius are vindicated The Ghost tells Hamlet to avenge his death and kill Claudius but leave his mother alone with her conscience and disappears as dawn comes Hamlet is very moved and promises to obey The Ghost Hamlet doesn’t tell his friends about his plan, but has them promise to not reveal what they have seen and that he might act like a madman to achieve a goal- they all swear on Hamlet’s sword

11 Act II Scene i: Polonius’ House
Polonius dispatches a man named Reynaldo to spy on his son Laertes in France Ophelia comes in, visibly upset and says that Hamlet grabbed her and sighed, but didn’t say anything Polonius thinks that Hamlet is mad with love sickness because Ophelia has distanced herself from him He says he will go to Claudius to tell him about Hamlet’s crazy behavior and his love sickness

12 Act II Scene ii: The Castle
Claudius and Gertrude have called upon Hamlet’s school friends, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, to spy on Hamlet to find out why he is acting so strangely Polonius comes in and says that Fortinbras will no longer attack Denmark on order from the King of Norway and instead will attack the Poles- he wants safe passage through Denmark and Claudius agrees, glad to have avoided war Polonius says that he thinks Hamlet is mad with love for Ophelia and he has a plan to see if its true

13 Act II Scene ii: The Castle
Polonius says that he will hide behind an arras (curtain) and have Ophelia confront Hamlet and listen to what they say to decide if Hamlet is truly mad with love Polonius sees Hamlet coming and starts talking to him, Hamlet responds crazily and irrationally Polonius tells Hamlet he is obviously mad but that he realizes Hamlet’s crazy responses are actually insults Polonius goes to set up the meeting with Hamlet and Ophelia

14 Act II Scene ii: The Castle
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern see Hamlet and come over to visit with him- Hamlet asks why they have come and realized that his “aunt-mother” and “uncle-father” have put them up to it Hamlet says that he is depressed and melancholy, but he is only mad some of the time and is perfectly sane at other times They introduce him to a group of actors who have come and Hamlet comes up with a plan Hamlet decides to set a trap for Claudius- he will have the actors act out a play that is very similar to the murder of his father, if the king acts guilty, Hamlet will know the truth and then can kill him

15 Act III Scene i: The Castle
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern meet with Claudius and Gertrude and tell them that they don’t know what makes Hamlet so crazy and depressed- but he was very excited for a play tonight and they all decide to go Claudius and Polonius tell the rest to go out because they are preparing to spy on Ophelia’s confrontation with Hamlet They hear Hamlet coming so they both hide Hamlet comes in talking about suicide- whether or not to commit the act and end the pain of living and experiencing things Ophelia approaches and tells Hamlet that she has come to return the things he gave her, the love tokens

16 Act III Scene i: The Castle
Hamlet says, bitterly, that he never gave her anything- that he loved her once and never loved her at all He says that beauty and love shouldn’t be trusted, that she should go to be a nun He also says that women are dishonest because they paint their faces and make men act like monsters

17 Act III Scene i: The Castle
He storms out and Ophelia says she feels sorry for the “noble mind” that has gone completely crazy Polonius says he will set up a meeting between Hamlet and Gertrude to see what is making Hamlet crazy and eavesdrop on them Claudius says if it doesn’t work he will send Hamlet to England because he is a threat

18 Act III Scene ii: The Play
Hamlet is instructing the actors how to deliver the lines he wrote for them when Horatio appears Hamlet tells Horatio he is a good man, and tells him the secret that Claudius killed his father- he asks Horatio to watch Claudius for signs of guilt during the play Hamlet sees Claudius and slips into his madness routine, spouting some crazy lines and sends some erotic puns Ophelia’s way

19 Act III Scene ii: The Play
The play starts and when the events unfold, Claudius gets up and shouts for lights when the nephew in the play kills his murderous uncle Hamlet and Horatio agree that Claudius is guilty and Hamlet starts to act even madder- spouting little poems and strange responses Gertrude calls Hamlet to her chamber and Hamlet says he will “speak daggers to her, but use none.”

20 Act III Scene iii: The Castle
Polonius comes in and hides to listen to Gertrude and Hamlet’s conversation Claudius tells Rosencrantz and Guildenstern to take Hamlet to England because he is afraid for his life After everyone leaves, Claudius starts to pray and confesses that he did, in fact, kill his brother but doesn’t want to give up the crown or the queen Hamlet enters and is ready to kill him, but realizes he can’t kill Claudius in the middle of asking for forgiveness- he will wait until Claudius is in the middle of sinning again Claudius says that he wasn’t able to pray sincerely

21 Act III Scene iv: With Gertrude
Polonius tells Gertrude to be harsh with Hamlet and hides behind a curtain to hear their conversation Gertrude tells Hamlet that she has offended his stepfather with the play and Hamlet tells her that she has offended his real father by marrying his murderer Hamlet gets violent with Gertrude and Polonius cries out for help from behind the curtain Thinking it was Claudius, Hamlet stabs through the curtain and kills Polonius

22 Act III Scene iv: With Gertrude
Hamlet holds a dying Polonius and says he was an intruding fool He shows Gertrude a picture of his father and his uncle and demands to know why she took part in this horrible arrangement The Queen says she is looking at herself and doesn’t like what she sees The Ghost appears and talks to Hamlet but Gertrude cannot see it so she thinks Hamlet is super crazy The Ghost reminds Hamlet of his goal, to kill Claudius The Queen still can’t see it and Hamlet assures her that he has been faking madness all along to catch Claudius and asks her to keep his secret, she agrees

23 Act IV Scene i: The Castle
Gertrude runs to Claudius and tells him that Hamlet is mad as the sea during a storm and that he has killed Polonius Claudius says that they have to ship Hamlet to England and wrap up this scandal so they don’t lose power Claudius sends Rosencrantz and Guildenstern to find Hamlet

24 Act IV Scene ii: The Castle
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern find Hamlet and ask where Polonius’ body is and Hamlet brushes them off He says that they are only loyal to Claudius and that he does not trust them Hamlet agrees to go with them to see Claudius

25 Act IV Scene iii: The Castle
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern bring Hamlet to Claudius Claudius tells Hamlet that he must be sent to England and Hamlet agrees Claudius sends a sealed envelope with orders in it for England to kill Hamlet Rosencrantz and Guildenstern take the envelope and escort Hamlet to the ship for England

26 Act IV Scene iv: Denmark
On the way to the ship for England, Hamlet runs into Fortinbras, who is coming to ask the King of Denmark for passage through his lands on the way to fight the Poles Fortinbras tells Hamlet that the war is just for a small patch of land and Hamlet is shocked that people are willing to get bloody and violent over seemingly nothing He vows to have bloody and violent thoughts after realizing how his inaction has led him to not achieving his revenge

27 Act IV Scene v: The Castle
Gertrude and Horatio talk about Ophelia and Ophelia enters, acting crazy with flowers on her head, singing strange songs Horatio says that Ophelia is sad over her father’s death, which itself was a very suspicious event that has people talking Laertes has returned from France and storms the castle, furious about his father’s death Laertes sees a mad Ophelia and gets even angrier and wants revenge Claudius says that Laertes must punish the right person, Hamlet, and he and Gertrude had nothing to do with Polonius’ death

28 Act IV Scene vi: Hamlet Returns
Horatio receives a message from Hamlet saying that Hamlet is back in Denmark because his ship was attacked by pirates Horatio meets Hamlet in the castle grounds to hear news of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern

29 Act IV Scene vii: The Castle
Claudius meets with Laertes and explains that he buried Polonius in secret to protect Hamlet because the people and the queen love him Claudius tells Laertes that he deserves to get revenge on Hamlet and get rid of the risk of having him around as well Claudius tells Laertes that they need to come up with a way that will allow him to kill Hamlet fairly- a duel to show off his sword skills would be a good cover

30 ACT IV Scene vii: The Castle
Laertes says he will poison the tip of his sword Claudius says that, for insurance, they will have a cup of poison for Hamlet to drink if he wins the “duel” Gertrude enters and tells Laertes that his sister, Ophelia, has drowned

31 Ophelia’s Death

32 Ophelia’s Death

33 Ophelia’s Death

34 Act V Scene i: The Graveyard
Two grave-diggers are preparing Ophelia’s grave Hamlet watches and wonders about all of the skulls being unearthed for the new grave Hamlet talks to the gravediggers and asks about a particular skull and the man says that it was young Prince Hamlet’s jester, Yorick Hamlet talks to Horatio about knowing Yorick and that all men must become dust at some point

35 Act V Scene i: The Graveyard
The funeral procession comes in and Hamlet realizes Ophelia is the one being buried, he jumps out and tells Laertes that he loves her more than Laertes ever could Claudius reminds Laertes to wait for their revenge plan

36 Act V Scene ii: The Duel Hamlet tells Horatio that he replaced Claudius’ envelope of orders to kill him with an envelope with orders to kill Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, who betrayed him Hamlet also says he feels connected to Laertes and wants to get back in his good favor

37 Act V Scene ii: The Duel A courtier names Osric comes in and tells Hamlet of duel in a contradictory and strange manner Hamlet heads to the duel and sees Laertes, he tells Laertes he is sorry that his “madness” killed Polonius and asks for love and forgiveness Laertes offers love but not forgiveness yet

38 Act V Scene ii: The Duel They get their fencing swords (foils) and Claudius tells Hamlet if he wins, he will give him a cup with wine and a valuable gem (actually the poison) Hamlet gets a hit but doesn’t drink from the cup- instead Gertrude does Laertes gets a hit on Hamlet with his poison-tipped blade and Hamlet comes back to him with Laertes’ own sword The Queen dies, crying for Hamlet Laertes tells Hamlet the whole thing was Claudius’ idea and Hamlet runs him through with the poison sword and makes him drink the rest of the poison

39 Act V Scene ii: The Duel Continued
Hamlet calls to Horatio and tells him he is dying Fortinbras comes through looking for English ambassadors to fight Hamlet and Laertes forgive each other Hamlet tells Horatio to live on and tell their story and to make Fortinbras King of Denmark SparkNotes Summary video

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