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The Polio Eradication and Endgame Strategic Plan

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Presentation on theme: "The Polio Eradication and Endgame Strategic Plan"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Polio Eradication and Endgame Strategic Plan

2 Part 1: Technical Rationale for IPV Introduction and OPV Withdrawal

3 GPEI Accomplishment Significant Decline in Paralysis Due to WPVs, 1988 to 2013*

4 Poliovirus Types


6 Number of Cases of cVDPV-related Polio Exceeds the Number of Cases of WPV

7 Polio Eradication and Endgame Strategic Plan 2013 to 2018

8 Polio Eradication and Endgame Strategic Plan Objectives

9 Objective 2 Strengthen Immunization Systems, Introduce IPV, and Withdraw OPV

10 SAGE Recommendations for the Planned Use of IPV

11 Introducing at Least 1 Dose of IPV Before the tOPV → bOPV Switch Rationale: Improve Global Population Immunity

12 Individual Protection Against IPV-induced Paralytic Disease Reducing the Risks

13 Individual Protection Against IPV-induced Paralytic Disease Reducing the Risks

14 Individual Protection Against IPV-induced Paralytic Disease Reducing the Risks


16 Poliovirus Shedding in IPV vs OPV After Virus Vaccine Challenge


18 IPV and Polio Eradication

19 Recommended IPV Schedule Key Points

20 Programmatic Implications of IPV Introduction

21 Global Introduction of IPV

22 Introducing IPV in 124 Countries A Coordinated, Multipartner Effort

23 IPV Vaccine Demand Forecast and Supply

24 IPV Presentations and Formulations

25 IPV Prices for Supply Through UNICEF (2014 to 2018)

26 GAVI Support for IPV GAVI Alliance Board of Director Decisions, November 2013*

27 Administration of IPV

28 Advantages of Administering Multiple Injections at Same Visit

29 IPV Is Temperature Sensitive

30 IPV Impact of 1-dose Vial on Central-level Cold Chain in DR Congo Is Limited

31 IPV Multidose Vials

32 Technical and Communication Resources for Planning and IPV Introduction

33 Considerations for Planning and Logistics Summary

34 Abbreviations

35 Abbreviations (cont)

36 References

37 References (cont)

38 References (cont)

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