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VISION Dato’ Dr. Lim Siow Jin The Vision For SIMP

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1 VISION 20-20 Dato’ Dr. Lim Siow Jin The Vision For SIMP
Very Good Eye Sight Very Good Income By The Founder and CEO Dato’ Dr. Lim Siow Jin

2 FLUCTUATION IN INCOME In any business, there is risk.
Fluctuation in profit is normal When profit goes up, keep some for rainy days. When profit goes down, work harder. Be shock proof to face the normal occurrences of ups and downs in bonus. SIMP ensures upward trend of bonus if you stick to it long enough


4 BONUS Volatile Star Group Bonus 37% ____ 37% ====
Balance between Volatile and Stable Income Stable Development Bonus 15% Leadership Bonus 15% Profit Sharing 2% Travel Seminar Incentive 2% ______ 34% ====

5 SIMP Beginning is Good Middle is Good Ending is Good

6 Beginning is Good As Qualified Star Agent and Star Ruby
Star Group Bonus of 25% to 35% Development Bonus of 15% Low Maintenance PPV 30 PGPV 100 Cellphone Incentive USD 300 Oversea Trip Cash Incentive USD 1,800 Travel Seminar Incentive %

7 Middle is Good As a Qualified Star Diamond to Gold Diamonds
Parallel Bonus: Star Group Bonus of 37% Development Bonus of 15% Profit Sharing of 2% Travel Seminar Incentive of 2% Leadership Bonus of 5%, to 8.3% Potential Bonus of USD 11,500 per month with 6-6 Diamond Structure Potential Bonus of USD 36,000 per month with Diamond Structure

8 Ending is Good As a Crown Diamond to Crown Ambassador All the above
Leadership Bonus from 8.5% to 15% Potential Bonus of USD 164,000 per month upon realizing vision 20-20

9 POTENTIAL INCOME $164,000 $144,000 $108,000 $36,000 $1, $2, $11, $36, $164,000

10 SENSE OF VALUE Intrinsic Value Classic Example
No money to invest for USD 100 but having USD 45,000 to invest in money game and got burnt Definitely willing to pay USD 100 for a good chain if it is worth USD 1,000 SIMP Is The Roadmap To Success

11 APPROACH Parallel Bonus Development Bonus Star Agent
Star Ruby 5 x 5 = USD 5,000 / month Star Diamond 10 x 10 = USD 125,000 / month Investment Scheme Invest 40PPV every month Sponsor 3 persons every month for 6 months Mentor Your Downlines To Do The Same Results By 6th Months, USD 18,000

12 APPROACH Leadership Bonus
Develop 6-6 Structure Bonus USD11,500/month Develop Structure - Bonus USD36,000/month Develop Structure - Bonus USD164,000/month

13 PARALLEL INCOME Case I 31% 4% + 5% 4% + 4% 4% + 3% 4% + 2% 4% + 1%
30 PPV 100 PGPV Case I SR YOU — 31% 31% 4% + 5% 27% QSA 27% QSA 27% QSA 27% 27% 27% 4% + 4% QSA QSA QSA 4% + 3% 27% QSA 27% QSA 27% QSA 4% + 2% 27% QSA 27% QSA 27% QSA 4% + 1% 25% QSA 25% QSA 25% QSA Assumption 1) All the downlines until fifth level are QSAs. All maintain 30 PPV and 100 PGPV.

14 BONUS COMPUTATION Personal = 30 SV x 31% = USD 9.30 1st Level = SV x 3 x (4% + 5%) = USD 27.00 2nd Level = SV x 3 x (4% + 4%) = USD 24.00 3rd Level = SV x 3 x (4% + 3%) = USD 21.00 4th Level = SV x 3 x (4% + 2%) = USD 18.00 5th Level = SV x 3 x (4% + 1%) = USD 15.00 TOTAL BONUS = USD

15 PARALLEL INCOME Case II – 33% 33% 6% + 5% 6% + 4% 6% + 3% 6% + 2%
30 PPV 100 PGPV YOU — 33% SR 33% 27% QSA 27% QSA 27% QSA 27% QSA 6% + 5% 27% 27% 27% 27% QSA QSA QSA QSA 6% + 4% 27% QSA 27% QSA 27% QSA 27% QSA 6% + 3% 27% QSA 27% QSA 27% QSA 27% QSA 6% + 2% 25% QSA 25% QSA 25% QSA 25% QSA 6% + 1% Assumption 1) All the downlines until fifth level are QSAs. 2) All maintain 30 PPV and 100 PGPV.

16 BONUS COMPUTATION Personal = SV x 33% = USD 9.90 1st Level = SV x 4 x (6% + 5%) = USD 44.00 2nd Level = SV x 4 x (6% + 4%) = USD 40.00 3rd Level = SV x 4 x (6% + 3%) = USD 36.00 4th Level = SV x 4 x (6% + 2%) = USD 32.00 5th Level = SV x 4 x (6% + 1%) = USD 28.00 TOTAL BONUS = USD

17 PARALLEL INCOME Case III – 35% 35% 8% + 5% 8% + 4% 8% + 3% 8% + 2%
30 PPV 100 PGPV YOU — 35% SR 35% 27% QSA 27% QSA 27% QSA 27% QSA 27% QSA 8% + 5% 27% 27% 27% 27% 27% QSA QSA QSA QSA QSA 8% + 4% 27% QSA 27% 27% 8% + 3% QSA QSA 27% QSA 27% QSA 8% + 2% 27% QSA 27% QSA 27% QSA 27% QSA 27% QSA 25% QSA 25% QSA 25% QSA 25% QSA 25% QSA 8% + 1% Assumption 1) All the downlines until fifth level are QSAs. 2) All maintain 30 PPV and 100 PGPV.

18 BONUS COMPUTATION Personal = 30 SV x 35% = USD 10.50 1st Level = SV x 5 x (8% + 5%) = USD 65.00 2nd Level = SV x 5 x (8% + 4%) = USD 60.00 3rd Level = SV x 5 x (8% + 3%) = USD 55.00 4th Level = SV x 5 x (8% + 2%) = USD 50.00 5th Level = SV x 5 x (8% + 1%) = USD 45.00 TOTAL BONUS = USD

PARALLEL INCOME 30 PPV 100 PGPV YOU — 37% SD 35% DGPV – 25,000 PV 10% + 5% 27% QSA 27% QSA 27% QSA 27% QSA 27% QSA 27% QSA 27% 27% 27% 27% 27% 27% QSA QSA QSA QSA QSA QSA 10% + 4% 27% QSA 27% QSA 27% QSA 27% QSA 27% QSA 27% QSA 10% + 3% 10% + 2% 27% QSA 27% QSA 27% QSA 27% QSA 27% QSA 27% QSA 25% QSA 10% + 1% 25% QSA 25% QSA 25% QSA 25% QSA 25% QSA Assumption 1) You are a QSD. 2) You have six QSA lines. All downlines until fifth level are QSAs and maintain 30 PPV and 100 PGPV.

20 BONUS COMPUTATION Personal = SV x 37% = USD 11.10 1st Level = SV x 6 x (10% + 5%) = USD 90.00 2nd Level = SV x 6 x (10% + 4%) = USD 84.00 3rd Level = SV x 6 x (10% + 3%) = USD 78.00 4th Level = SV x 6 x (10% + 2%) = USD 72.00 5th Level = SV x 6 x (10% + 1%) = USD 66.00 TOTAL BONUS = USD

21 For Personal-maintenance 100 PV
DEVELOPMENT BONUS For Personal-maintenance 100 PV YOU PPV – 30 PV PGPV – 100 PV Your Personal Investment USD 54 QSA QSA PPV – 30 PV PGPV – 100 PV QSA PPV – 30 PV PGPV – 100 PV QSA PPV – 30 PV PGPV – 100 PV QSA PPV – 30 PV PGPV – 100 PV QSA PPV – 30 PV PGPV – 100 PV Assuming: 1) You have 5 Level QSA and all maintain PPV – 30 & PGPV – 100 per month continuously for next twelve months 2) First month personal investment is USD 54 to buy Lingzhi Coffee 3-in-1 in order to maintain PPV of 30 3) Do retail sales for Lingzhi Coffee 3-in-1.

1st Level PV x 5% = USD 5.00 2nd Level PV x 4% = USD 4.00 3rd Level PV x 3% = USD 3.00 4th Level PV x 2% = USD 2.00 5th Level PV x 1% = USD 1.00 TOTAL DEVELOPMENT BONUS = USD 150 USD 54 RETAIL PROFIT = (USD 9.80 – USD 8.20) x = USD 10.54 USD 8.20 TOTAL INCOME = DEVELOPMENT BONUS + RETAIL PROFIT = USD USD 10.54 = USD 25.54

5 100 PGPV X 5 QSAs 2nd Level QSA QSA PGPV X 5 QSAs PGPV 3rd Level QSA QSA X 5 QSAs 4th Level QSA QSA PGPV 5th Level QSA X 5 QSAs QSA 3, PGPV Assumption 1) You have five QSAs and each QSA has 5 QSAs until fifth level. 2) Each maintains 30 PPV and 100 PGPV.

24 BONUS COMPUTATION 1st Level = QSAs x 100 SV x 5% = USD 25 2nd Level = QSAs x 100 SV x 4% = USD 100 3rd Level = QSAs x 100 SV x 3% = USD 375 4th Level = QSAs x 100 SV x 2% = USD 1,250 5th Level = 3,125 QSAs x 100 SV x 1% = USD 3,125 TOTAL DEVELOPMENT BONUS = USD 4,875

1st Level SV X 10 QSAs = 100 QSAs QSA QSA 2nd Level SV X 10 QSAs = 1,000 QSAs QSA QSA 3rd Level 1, SV X 10 QSAs = 10,000 QSAs QSA QSA 10, SV 4th Level QSA X 10 QSAs = 100,000 QSAs QSA 5th Level 100, SV Assumption: 1) You have ten QSAs and each QSA has 10 QSAs until fifth level. 2) Each QSA maintains 30 PPV and 100 PGPV.

26 BONUS COMPUTATION 1st Level = QSAs x 100 SV x 5% = USD 50 2nd Level = QSAs x 100 SV x 4% = USD 400 3rd Level = 1,000 QSAs x 100 SV x 3% = USD 3,000 4th Level = 10,000 QSAs x 100 SV x 2% = USD 20,000 5th Level = 100,000 QSAs x 100 SV x 1% = USD 100,000 TOTAL DEVELOPMENT BONUS = USD 123,450

27 How To Earn USD 18,000 / Month Step 1 : Each distributor buys products of 40 PPV per month Step 2 : Each distributor sponsors new distributors each month Outcome 1st Month Bonus = USD 2nd Month Bonus = USD 3rd Month Bonus = USD 4th Month Bonus = USD 1,600.00 5th Month Bonus = USD 5,390.88 6th Month Bonus = USD18,024.80

28 6th month ANSWER SD break QSD a) PGPV 2,560 DGPV 40,960 M6
TRAINING MATERIALS QSD a) PGPV 2,560 DGPV 40,960 M6 ANSWER b) Senior Star Diamond SD break M5 M5 M5 M4 M4 M4 M3 M3 M3 M2 M2 M2 M1 M1 M1 M0 M0 M0 Star Group Bonus = (diagram go back month 5) = 3,373.60 Development Bonus 1st level = (3 SD + 3 SR + 3 SA) = 9 x 2,560 x 5% = 1,152.00 2nd level = (9 SR + 9 SA) = 18 x 2,560 x 4% = 1,843.20 3rd level = (27SA) = 27 x 2,560 x 3% = 2,073.60 e) International Profit Sharing (IPS) Assumption IPS fund = USD16,000 Total IPS pts = 2,000,000 Your IPS pts. = Personal DGSV x 100% pts. (40,960 x 100%) = ,960 (1st level DGSV x 50%) (3 SD x 40,960 x 50%) = ,440 102,400 IPS = 16,000 x 102,400 pts =1,638.40 2,000,000 pts. f) Leadership Bonus (no guarantee required) 1st level = 3 SD x 40,960 x 5% (DGSV) PPV = 30 PV PSV = 30 SV PGPV = 2,560 PV PGSV = 2,560 SV DGPV = 40,960 SV h) TSI fund QSA QSD Not take into calculation = 6,144.00 g) Oversea Trip Cash Incentive (he got 6 hp) = 1,800.00 18,024.80

29 (--------------DGSV 3,000 each ----------------------)
LEADERSHIP BONUS For 3 - 3 SSD DGSV – 3,000 1st level SSD1 SSD2 SSD3 DGSV - 3,000 (each) 2nd level D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 ( DGSV 3,000 each ) Leadership Bonus Calculation 1st Level QSDs 3,000 DGSV x x 5% = USD 450 2nd Level QSDs 3,000 DGSV x x 4.8% = USD 1,296 TOTAL LEADERSHIP BONUS USD 1,746

30 (--------------DGSV 4,000 each ----------------------)
LEADERSHIP BONUS For 6 - 6 TD DGSV ,000 1st level 4,000 DGSV (each) TD1 TD2 TD3 TD4 TD5 TD6 2nd level D1 D6 D7 D12 D13 D18 D19 D24 D25 D30 D31 D36 ( DGSV 4,000 each ) Leadership Bonus Calculation 1st Level QSDs 4,000 DGSV x x 5% = USD 1,200 2nd Level QSDs 4,000 DGSV x 36 x 7.1% = USD 10,224 TOTAL LEADERSHIP BONUS USD 11,424

31 CD CD CD D D LEADERSHIP BONUS 10 1 1 100 Leadership Bonus Calculation
For CD DGSV ,000 CD CD 1st level DGSV ,000 (each) 10 1 D D DGSV ,000 (each) 2nd level 1 100 Leadership Bonus Calculation 1st Level QSDs 4,000 DGSV x 10 x 5% = USD 2,000 2nd Level QSDs 4,000 DGSV x 100 x 8.5% = USD 34,000 TOTAL LEADERSHIP BONUS USD 36,000

32 CA CA CA D D1 LEADERSHIP BONUS 20 1 400 Leadership Bonus Calculation
For CA DGSV ,000 CA CA DGSV ,000 (each) 1st level 20 1 D1 D DGSV ,000 (each) 2nd level 400 Leadership Bonus Calculation 1st Level QSDs 4,000 DGSV x 20 x 5% = USD 4,000 2nd Level QSDs 4,000 DGSV x 400 x 10% = USD 160,000 TOTAL LEADERSHIP BONUS = USD 164,000


34 MARATHON RUNNER Set The Destination Fast Runner Will Reach
The Destination Earlier Committed Runner Will Reach The Destination Eventually

35 MISSION Distributors have one and the only one problem
To Achieve 20-20 Company has one and the only one problem To Go Into 150 Countries By 2010

36 DXN LEADER Always Start Small Must Think Big Be Focus Be Committed
Be Shock Proof Be The Role Model Be A World Class Professional DXN Networker Set The Trend Into The Future Make Your Life Worth Following By Others

37 POWER OF SIMP Millionaire - Rich - Super Rich Pension - Young - Healthy

38 POWER OF SIMP Leader - To Become A World Class Leader Freedom
- Freedom of Money - Freedom of Time - Freedom to Travel

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