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Welcome to Kinard Middle School!!

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Kinard Middle School!!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Kinard Middle School!!
7th Grade – Science with Mr. Blank August 18, 2010 Day 1 of Science 

2 Seating Guide – Science – August 2010 - Period 4
Mr. Blank’s Desk Seating Guide – Science – August Period 4 Table 4 Phillip Russ Table 1 Table 3 Table 2 Dustin Stauffer Ethan Stanczyk Alyssa Gombos Reagan Kissel James Souverein Joshua Hisgen Madison Penfold Anthony Johannsen John Petersen Margret Petterson Conner Elkin Samantha Shuweihat Sydney Wuerker Table 5 Gwendolin Cass Table 7 Table 6 Bailey coker Table 8 Cade Hairgrove Cole Schilling Estee Lanturnus Cody Currier Wyatt Gaulke Alec Quintana Matthew Crane Jenna Ketchum Trevor Lamperes

3 Seating Guide – Science – August 2010 - Period 6
Mr. Blank’s Desk Seating Guide – Science – August Period 6 Table 4 Ryan Wilke-Braun Table 1 Table 3 Table 2 Kyle Gorges Francesco Vassalli Sam Ruff Rylie Lang Calvin Baer Cassidy McCarthy Ethan Lachman Noah Brownell Elizabeth Mecseji Jenica Felix Asmita Idate Benjamin Seest Jackson Arnold Riley Witt Table 5 Allison Careswell Table 7 Table 6 Rebekah Engel Table 8 Saleen Hubbert Keaton Schelir Brett Fisher Nicholas Girardi Matthew Dowdy Tiana Noble Eric Hastings Brittany east Brandon Andrews Spencer Koelsch Allison Murray Trey Roupp Jacob Stewart

4 Seating Guide – Science – August 2010 - Period 8
Mr. Blank’s Desk Seating Guide – Science – August Period 8 Table 4 Emiley Larson Table 1 Table 3 Table 2 Johnathan Mullins Matthew Dooley Megan Deitchler Erin Kastein Howard Wang Andrew Wineinger Kevin Heckman Jack Bryant Joseph Krafsur Jacob Howsher Paige Ross Andrea Supe Alexander Yu Abigail Burns Gharet Starke Jenna Biedscheid Table 5 Sophie Gwilliam Table 7 Table 6 Table 8 Cole Harger Christopher Alleman Dillon Osthoff Ben Martella Evan Wullink Hannah Hertz Rebecca Hamner Jillian Gallegos Collin Schultz Joshua Grove Conner Diaz Joshua Fermit Micah Haase Pramit Maskey Cole glasser Jordan Clack Kristine Johnson

5 7th Grade Schedule 8:15 – 9:50 9:55 – 11:25 11:45 – 12:20 1:40 – 3:10
Odd Day Even Day 7th Grade Schedule Period 1 Period 2 8:15 – 9:50 Period 3 Period 4 9:55 – 11:25 Period 5 Period 6 11:30 -11:45 lunch 11:45 – 12:20 12:25 – 1:35 Period 7 Period 8 1:40 – 3:10

6 Agenda for the Day Attendance – Burning Questions/routines
Make name tent Distribute Science Journals add name, science teachers name and period to front Decorate as you wish Set up Table of Contents Journal Entry (H) – Why do scientists use journals? Discuss Journal Entry -- Teamwork Importance of Teamwork Group Activity – Strawperson Work to be Done for Friday  Reflection questions (add assignment to your planner)

7 Name Tent Be Creative with Name Tent Add Color, Pictures, etc that tell things that you like to do You will bring this to class for the next week or so and use when we have guest teachers

8 ARTISTIC PERSONALITY Science Journals Pick a color Make it your own
Don’t forget to let your notebook reflect your… ARTISTIC PERSONALITY

9 Do Now – Get your Journal Set TABLE OF CONTENTS
Use the first 3 full pages for the Table of Contents… use a ruler to help keep it neat. Number 40 or so pages in top corner DATE ACTIVITY PAGE # The Table of Contents, IF YOU AS A TEACHER DECIDE TO USE ONE, can appear in a number of forms from teacher generated to student generated… Teacher generated: Teacher types the entire Table of Contents and students add only the page number and the date. (Caution – if you don’t get to each lesson in the entire unit or decide to do things in a different order – real world – your table of contents doesn’t work very well. Teacher copies a blank template and students fill in all parts. Teacher uses a transparency on the overhead projector of a blank Table of Contents. At the end of the unit, the table of contents gets copied for each student and is pasted in BUT TWO PAGES MUST BE SAVED AT THE BEGINNING! Students see how a table of contents is prepared, they don’t physically create one. It is neat and tidy in the end but are you missing some opportunities for student learning of text features such as Tables of Contents? What grade levels might this be appropriate? (primary) What time of year? (first unit at beginning of the year) Student generated: Student takes a ruler and creates a simple table in which the data will be housed. Three columns with a ruler width on the left and right with the center section left for the activity. NOTE: The Table of Contents should be the first thing done before moving to the daily page.

10 Why do scientists use journals?
Popcorn Activity (H) Why do scientists use journals?

11 Why use journals? 4th Period
Keep track of previous work, new ideas, future projects, possible answers Recording observations or data Place to record thought Organizational tool Helps with thinking  Record what they used and how they did it

12 “Do Now - Teamwork” How/Why is teamwork an important life skill?
Give Examples What do you see as your strengths as a member of a team? (How would you contribute best?) Use Complete Sentences

13 Make Teams Exchange information at your table – names and contact numbers – Team Support Buddies Write information in planner or journal

14 “Straw Person” Activity
Random Groups of 4+ people Goal: make the best Straw Person as a team. Think about its best features. Challenges will face your team. Be ready …

15 Team Roles Write these in your journal
Facilitator Timer Recorder/ Reporter Materials Manager Encourager Each group member will be assigned a role. Put names and job description in your journal.

16 Supplies for Straw Person
3 colors of construction paper 3 straws 2 popsicle sticks 3 markers 1 glue stick 2 pipe cleaners 1 meter of masking tape 2 paper clips 1 scissors

17 Open discussion – 3 minutes Challenge # 1 -- 3 have lost voices
Teacher Page – Framework Tap on shoulder and share their challenge – based on group dynamic Open discussion – 3 minutes Challenge # have lost voices Can’t use left hand Add a voice back into the circle No handicapping conditions  3-5 minutes to finish and prepare presentation

18 Work to Be Done – Write In Planner – Due on Thursday
Reflect on Strawperson Activity. Put in journal Use a heading Use Proper Heading on Pages (see next slide for details)

19 Expectation for all Work/ All Classes
First and Last Name Heading on Paper Period 1 Science Title of Assignment Due Date: ______ Answers should be in complete sentences or have the question repeated. Question to answer? If I picked up this paper a week from now, would I know what it was, what the questions were that I answered, and does it make sense?

20 Reflection Questions Heading on Paper Troy Tulowitzki Period 4 Science
Reflection on Straw Person Activity Due Date: 8/17/10 1. The most important thing I learned about working as a team is……………………….. 2. During this activity I experienced a great number of different emotions. I first felt ……………… and as the activity progressed I felt …………. 3. If I were to do this activity again, I can improve by ……. The team could improve by …….

21 Reflection Questions Heading on Paper Troy Tulowitzki Period 4 Science
Reflection on Straw Person Activity Due Date: 8/17/10 1. The most important thing I learned about working as a team is……………………….. 2. During this activity I experienced a great number of different emotions. I first felt ……………… and as the activity progressed I felt …………. 3. If I were to do this activity again, I can improve by ……. The team could improve by …….

22 Work to Be Done Decorate Science Journal
Bring a Picture showing you doing something you enjoy/from this summer Reflection Questions about Strawman in your Journal Wikipage – Check it out and complete survey Due Friday 8/20/2010

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