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NB#27 Chapter 24 India’s History and Culture

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1 NB#27 Chapter 24 India’s History and Culture

2 History Background 1. During the time of Ancient India, hundreds of towns existed in the Indus River Valley

3 History: The Aryan people
2. The Aryans moved into the Indus River Valley around 2000 B.C (about 4000 years ago) Aryans spoke and wrote Sanskrit They set up a social system based on the religion of Hinduism

4 Hinduism 3. Hinduism is the world’s oldest religion which has many gods. 4.Vedas- the holy book of Hinduism. Has rituals, philosophy, prayers and hymns (songs) within.

5 Hinduism 5. Beliefs: Dharma- the requirement that a person is to carry out their moral duty. Karma- belief that how you act will determine what happens at death. Built on good works. This is a part of your Dharma. Reincarnation- Your Karma will determine what you come back to life as in your next life. You are re-born.

6 The Caste System 6. The Caste System- this was a social class. You are born into this and stuck in this for your whole life. Your caste dictated what you could do in life and how well you lived. 7. The only way out is to be reincarnated and come back as something better in another life.

7 Why do people get tattoos? Why do people wear earrings?
*Think, Pair, Share* Why do people get tattoos? Why do people wear earrings?

8 * Bindi* A forehead decoration worn in South Asia.
The traditional color is red, but it can be any color or piece of jewelry worn on the forehead.

9 8. Caste System 1. Priests 2. Warrior/Prince 3. Merchant/Farmer
4. Laborer 5. Untouchable

10 History: Post Aryan 9. After the Aryan civilization, a number of other people occupied this region in India The Mauryan Empire ( B.C) The Gupta Empire ( A.D) The Moghul Empire (1700s A.D)- this is when Islam came to India via traders The British Empire (1800s A.D)

11 History: The British Empire
10. Over a period of about 100 years, the British Empire (from Europe) used India for its free resources. They exploited India. 11. Although, the British introduced new technology and helped India financially grow, over time, the Indian people grew tired of their oppression.

12 History: The British Empire
12. India wanted freedom from the British 13. Gandhi- Man from India who lead the fight for peace and freedom from England. He used PEACEFUL means to get freedom

13 Culture Today: Education
14. Children only have to go to school for 9 years. Due to poverty, many children have to work at an early age 15. Women and lower class citizens had few educational opportunities until recently

14 Culture Today: Language
16. There are 22 official languages of India with many different dialects Dialect- a regional difference in the same language 17. The English language is widely used for business and tourism. It is also used in many other locations by the people. **Remember, the British controlled this country for many years***

15 Culture Today: Religion
18. Although most people practice Hinduism, other religions such as Islam, Buddhism, Christianity, and Sikhism are practiced there as well

16 Culture Today: The Arts
19. Literary arts include 2 famous epic poems: The Mahabharata and the Ramayana. These show Hindu social and religious beliefs 20. Movies: India produces more movies per year than any other country (Including the U.S.A). Their movies are filled will cultural dancing and music.

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