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Indus Valley Civilization Friday 1/29

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Presentation on theme: "Indus Valley Civilization Friday 1/29"— Presentation transcript:

1 Indus Valley Civilization Friday 1/29
Objective: Describe India’s and China’s religious beliefs, social structure and technological advancements Warm-Up: Early Civilizations fill-in the blank Agenda: Read: Indus Valley Civilization, answer qts. 1-4 PPT/Notes: Indus Valley Civilization Read Shi Huangdi, answer qts. 3 & 4 PPT/Notes: Ancient China Homework: DBQ Activity: Ancient Egypt: Due Monday 2/1 Goal Sheet: Unit 1 & 2, Due Friday 2/5 TEST: Unit 1 & 2, Friday 2/5

2 Geography of the Indian Subcontinent
Natural barriers- Himalayas and deserts of the Middle East Indus and Ganges Rivers helped create fertile lands in the north Monsoons


4 Earliest Arrivals Evidence for agriculture dates to 7000 BCE
Earliest cities in the Indus Valley date to around 3200 BCE

5 Harappan Civilizations/ Cities
Started around 2500 BCE in modern day Pakistan Characteristics City planning on a grid-system used standardized bricks had intricate sewage system Largest cities were Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa


7 Think Like a Historian Activity
Look at the handouts provided with your partner(s) next to you. Write down some conclusions (try for at least 2 examples) you can make based on the artifact you have been given of what those artifacts might have been used for Be prepared to share with the class

8 Artifact A

9 Artifact B

10 Artifact C

11 Artifact D

12 Artifact E

13 Artifact F

14 Artifacts G and H

15 Culture and Trade Developed a written language but it has not been decoded Artifacts show nonessential goods (toys) and a lack of weapons Religion is believed to play a big role, government was probably a theocracy Harappan seals used as trademarks, show networks of trade that stretched to Mesopotamia

16 Decline and End Cities started to fall into decay
could have been an ancient river (Sarswati) dried up Other natural disaster Aryan invasion Alternative theory could have been another Indian civilization from the south invading

17 The Aryans Later Indian Civilizations: Social Structure, Caste system
Origin is a highly debated topic Bring the Caste System to India

18 The Caste System Today

19 Religion Polytheistic: -Sacred literature called Vedas left a picture of Aryan Life. The Vedas are four collections of prayers, magical spells, and instructions for performing rituals. The most important of the collections is the Rig Veda. It contains hymns to Aryan gods. Not written but passed on orally by elders. Shiva was seen as the main god.

20 ACHIEVEMENTS: Math/Science
Astronomy and Mathematics Used calendar based on cycles of the sun rather than the moon. Adopted a seven-day week, used modern numbers. Medicine Could perform plastic surgery and possibly inoculations Trade Used silk road to bring silk from China to Western Asia, became major trade route for India trade. Sold spices and luxury items to Europe

21 Crash Course with John Green

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